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Totals: 18,500$ | 551 Points
Regional Top 8: 7, including 1 win
International Top 8: 2, including 1 win

Most successful players

# Name Country Points
1 Noah Peltier US 31
2 Polaris A. US 30
3 Alex Krekeler US 29
4 Gibson Archer-Tang US 27
5 Cameron Shenoy US 25
6 Neo Erlandsson US 22
7 Tim Bartels DE 20
8 Vitor Lugon BR 18
8 US 18
10 AU 16
11 Alex Cole US 15
11 Spencer Perez-Dormitzer US 15
11 Marshall Makowski US 15
11 Ethan Perez-Dormitzer US 15
15 Shane Quinn AU 12
16 NO 10
16 Christian Moreno US 10
16 DE 10
16 Jac Carter US 10
16 Anton Piccio AU 10
21 Jay Tyrrell AU 9
22 Corentin Metge FR 8
22 Luiz Guilherme de Carvalho BR 8
24 Jordy Vanhaelst BE 7
24 Trevor Tran CA 7
24 Kyle Lesniewicz US 7
24 Adrian Mejia Galvez MX 7
24 AU 7
24 William Heffernan US 7
24 Brenden Martin US 7
31 BR 6
31 Chen Junhan AU 6
33 John Wanggaard US 5
33 Daniele Arosio IT 5
33 Tenchi Starr US 5
33 Thomas Brown US 5
33 Loc Nguyen US 5
33 Matěj Pikola CZ 5
33 Vaughn O'Brien US 5
33 DK 5
33 DJ Swanson US 5
33 Mike Morton US 5
33 Joshua Reedy US 5
33 Stephan Nørregård DK 5
33 Cameron Johnson US 5
33 Nathan Darch GB 5
33 Jake Riggs US 5
33 Connor Bird GB 5
33 Travis Beckwith US 5
33 Drew Allen CA 5
33 Carlos Castro US 5
33 Patrick Birleffi US 5
53 Fabricio Valdivia PE 3
54 Vianney Leroy FR 2
54 Simone Fiorito IT 2
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