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Guardians Rising #122

Decklists that include this card

Deck Tournament Place
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Robin MacMoffat Regional Stockholm 71st
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Diego Castillo Regional Fortaleza 21st
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Ian Anderson Fukuda Regional Fortaleza 23rd
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Samer Krayem EUIC 2025, London 193rd
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Toby Clark EUIC 2025, London 241st
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Harry Jobson EUIC 2025, London 294th
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Adam Lawson EUIC 2025, London 310th
klawf Klawf by Junseo Woo Korean League Season 3 24th
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Minhwan Oh Korean League Season 3 25th
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Jose Merced Regional Mérida 14th
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Abraham Lomeli Regional Mérida 89th
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Luciano R. Regional Mérida (JR) 5th
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Scott DeGraw Regional San Antonio, TX 34th
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Gilbert Vazquez Regional San Antonio, TX 38th
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Thomas Veazie Regional San Antonio, TX 40th
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Wyatt Palguta Regional San Antonio, TX 49th
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Connor Barrios Regional San Antonio, TX 82nd
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Roan Hannagan Regional San Antonio, TX 97th
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Demarco Jordan Regional San Antonio, TX 133rd
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Cameron Herring Regional San Antonio, TX 206th
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Jason Stirling Regional San Antonio, TX 241st
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Fernando Alonso Jimenez Regional San Antonio, TX 248th
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Evanbir Dhesi Regional San Antonio, TX 250th
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Oliver Shrigley Regional Birmingham 19th
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Dhilan Patel Regional Birmingham 31st
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Weixi Yu Regional Birmingham 62nd
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Jai Tuckett Regional Birmingham 76th
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Ryan Pang Regional Birmingham 119th
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Ryan Mauger Regional Birmingham 121st
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Karl Blake Regional Birmingham 125th
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Luke Parkes Regional Birmingham 126th
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Harry Gray Regional Birmingham 130th
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Jari Honraedt Regional Birmingham 171st
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Timothy Cox Regional Birmingham 205th
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Adam Shutz Regional Birmingham 217th
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Alix Barwick Regional Birmingham 234th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Freya Pearce Regional Birmingham 236th
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Benjamin Martinsen Regional Birmingham 244th
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Nathan Jay Regional Birmingham 262nd
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Sean Marley Regional Birmingham 281st
klawf Klawf by Simone Veronese Regional Birmingham 287th
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Alexis Grogan Regional Birmingham 317th
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Hung Phan Le Regional Birmingham 327th
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Ben Sharp Regional Birmingham 338th
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Peter Hughes Regional Birmingham 339th
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Kiera Brady Regional Birmingham 341st
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Alp Ehliz Regional Birmingham 360th
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Rafael Yuiti Regional Rio de Janeiro 2nd
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Paulo Gouveia de Freitas Regional Rio de Janeiro 5th
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Raissa Arruda Regional Rio de Janeiro 6th
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Daniel Furucho Regional Rio de Janeiro 13th
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Renato Christian Regional Rio de Janeiro 23rd
klawf Klawf by Miguel Felipe Marques Regional Rio de Janeiro 38th
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Gabriel Veloso Regional Rio de Janeiro 47th
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Santiago Blanco Gonzalez Regional Rio de Janeiro 75th
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Samuel Vinicius Ramos Regional Rio de Janeiro 117th
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Gustavo Henrique Santos Silva Regional Rio de Janeiro 166th
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Lucas Pedrosa Regional Rio de Janeiro 168th
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Diego Andrade Regional Rio de Janeiro 177th
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Alan Doyle Regional Rio de Janeiro 195th
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Bo S. Regional Birmingham (SR) 1st
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Peter S. Regional Birmingham (JR) 6th
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Cristian V. Regional Rio de Janeiro (JR) 1st
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by David Lucca T. Regional Rio de Janeiro (JR) 5th
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by YouTae Woo Korean League Season 2 23rd
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Donghee Yun Korean League Season 2 28th
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Woojin Cho Korean League Season 2 31st
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Gabe Shumway Regional Toronto 13th
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Elliot Miller Regional Toronto 14th
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Hunter Butler Regional Toronto 67th
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Taylor Whalen Regional Toronto 96th
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Kamal Crooks-Valdez Regional Toronto 97th
klawf Klawf Terapagos by Dominic Price Regional Toronto 133rd
Iron Thorns by Jay Cristiano Regional Toronto 141st
Klawf Terapagos by Jan Michael Ortiz Regional Toronto 160th
Klawf Terapagos by Luke Levy Regional Toronto 211th
Klawf Terapagos by Hiro Yaoka Regional Perth 2nd
Iron Thorns by Reiji Nishiguchi Regional Perth 3rd
Iron Thorns by Daichi Shimada Regional Perth 13th
Klawf Terapagos by Sameer Sangwan Regional Perth 30th
Klawf by Hector Adrian Pio Robles Sánchez Special Event Bogotá 11th
Klawf Terapagos by Abraham Lomeli Special Event Bogotá 24th
Klawf Terapagos by Dallas White Special Event Bogotá 32nd
Klawf Terapagos by Robin Schulz Regional Stuttgart 7th
Klawf Terapagos by Jari Honraedt Regional Stuttgart 12th
Klawf Terapagos by Tapio Ikonen Regional Stuttgart 21st
Klawf Terapagos by Juho Kallama Regional Stuttgart 30th
Klawf Terapagos by Carlo Antonio Del Vescovo Regional Stuttgart 33rd
Klawf Terapagos by Jesper Eriksen Regional Stuttgart 56th
Terapagos Noctowl by Elias Haremsa Regional Stuttgart 60th
Klawf Terapagos by Oscar Madsen Regional Stuttgart 69th
Klawf Terapagos by Uffe Axelsen Regional Stuttgart 93rd
Klawf Terapagos by Andrea Stranieri Regional Stuttgart 101st
Klawf Terapagos by Christian Fontenot Regional Stuttgart 103rd
Klawf Terapagos by Hermanni Hietalahti Regional Stuttgart 113th
Klawf Terapagos by Pascal Benesch Regional Stuttgart 132nd
Terapagos Noctowl by Dawid Andrzejewski Regional Stuttgart 136th
Klawf Terapagos by Ky Vong Nguyen Regional Stuttgart 148th
Klawf by Rastislav Turcan Regional Stuttgart 149th
Iron Thorns by Sabrina Cugnier Regional Stuttgart 174th
Klawf by Guillaume Flament Regional Stuttgart 176th
Iron Thorns by Franck Mêlé Regional Stuttgart 184th
Terapagos Noctowl by Ye Wang Chen Regional Stuttgart 185th
Klawf by Alexandre Dubourg Regional Stuttgart 186th
Iron Thorns by William Huteau Regional Stuttgart 219th
Klawf Terapagos by Vincenzo Seva Regional Stuttgart 235th
Klawf by Lennert De Clercq Regional Stuttgart 236th
Klawf by Luigi Conte Regional Stuttgart 264th
ogerpon-cornerstonenoivern Ogerpon Noivern by Pepijn Langeraert Regional Stuttgart 296th
Iron Thorns by Christian Lehaci Regional Stuttgart 305th
Klawf by Edward C. Regional Stuttgart (JR) 4th
Klawf Terapagos by Patrik Räty Regional Sacramento, CA 26th
Klawf by Kolton Munson Regional Sacramento, CA 147th
Klawf by Christopher Silver Regional Sacramento, CA 159th
Klawf by Abidan Escobar Regional Sacramento, CA 171st
Terapagos Noctowl by Pranav Shankar Regional Sacramento, CA 178th
Iron Thorns by Roan Hannagan Regional Sacramento, CA 181st
Klawf by Nick Nitti Regional Sacramento, CA 191st
Klawf by Jie Ran Regional Sacramento, CA 208th
Klawf by Douglas Pool Regional Sacramento, CA 210th
Klawf by Michael Natto Regional Sacramento, CA 271st
Klawf by Charles R. Regional Sacramento, CA (JR) 5th
Terapagos Noctowl by Austin Ellis LAIC 2024–25, São Paulo 7th
Klawf by Giovanny Sasso LAIC 2024–25, São Paulo 39th
Iron Thorns by Aaron Walker LAIC 2024–25, São Paulo 50th
Klawf by João Requena LAIC 2024–25, São Paulo 74th
Ogerpon Noivern by Jay Cristiano LAIC 2024–25, São Paulo 77th
palkia-origin Palkia Noctowl by Owyn Kamerman LAIC 2024–25, São Paulo 87th
Klawf by Hector Adrian Pio Robles Sánchez LAIC 2024–25, São Paulo 108th
Klawf by Theo Thadeu Vita Calegari LAIC 2024–25, São Paulo 140th
Iron Thorns by Hiroshi Takeda LAIC 2024–25, São Paulo 152nd
Iron Thorns by Joaquín Orrego LAIC 2024–25, São Paulo 157th
Klawf by Cristian V. LAIC 2024–25, São Paulo (JR) 12th
Terapagos Noctowl by Giovanny Sasso Special Event Buenos Aires 2nd
Palkia Noctowl by Nicolas Galaz Special Event Buenos Aires 11th
Iron Thorns by Steve Lawson Regional Gdańsk 7th
Palkia Noctowl by Oscar Madsen Regional Gdańsk 12th
Palkia Noctowl by Uffe Axelsen Regional Gdańsk 36th
Terapagos Noctowl by Dawid Andrzejewski Regional Gdańsk 38th
Iron Thorns by Toby Clark Regional Gdańsk 46th
Iron Thorns by Oliver Newson Regional Gdańsk 72nd
Palkia Noctowl by Rasmus Wagner Regional Gdańsk 74th
Iron Thorns by Gracjan Lampka Regional Gdańsk 98th
Iron Thorns by Oliver Brice Regional Gdańsk 100th
Iron Thorns by Dominic Lo Singapore Premier Ball League 3rd
Iron Thorns by Ng Kai Ren Ron Singapore Premier Ball League 7th
Klawf by Jasper Li Singapore Premier Ball League 17th
Iron Thorns by Alex Yee Thiam Koon Singapore Premier Ball League 22nd
Klawf by Nolan T. Regional Gdańsk (JR) 4th
Terapagos Noctowl by Carlo Neria Philippines Premier Ball League 6th
Iron Thorns by Kenneth Navarro Philippines Premier Ball League 15th
Iron Thorns by Stephen Kent Regional Lille 34th
Iron Thorns by Julien Charnet Regional Lille 37th
Terapagos Noctowl by Gilles Garré Regional Lille 57th
Iron Thorns by Toby Clark Regional Lille 59th
Terapagos Noctowl by Ethan Chew Regional Lille 99th
Iron Thorns by Oliver Newson Regional Lille 105th
Iron Thorns by Thannarpat Thailand Premier Ball League 31st
Iron Thorns by Maria Amira P. Regional Lille (JR) 6th
Terapagos Noctowl by Julian Gort-Barry Regional Louisville, KY 16th
Terapagos Noctowl by Owen Dalgard Regional Louisville, KY 27th
Iron Thorns by Jordan Childers Regional Louisville, KY 76th
Iron Thorns by Scott DeGraw Regional Louisville, KY 77th
Terapagos Noctowl by Brennon Conner Regional Louisville, KY 94th
Terapagos Noctowl by Austin Ellis Regional Louisville, KY 107th
Terapagos Noctowl by Alex LeBlanc Regional Louisville, KY 125th
Iron Thorns by James Bratton Regional Louisville, KY 143rd
Ogerpon Noivern by Giancarlo Bortolon Regional Louisville, KY 144th
Iron Thorns by Griffin Norvell Regional Louisville, KY 163rd
Terapagos Noctowl by Jeff Heimann Regional Louisville, KY 167th
Iron Thorns by Will Jenkins Regional Louisville, KY 172nd
Iron Thorns by Christopher Butler Regional Louisville, KY 173rd
Iron Thorns by Josh Himstedt Regional Louisville, KY 186th
Klawf by Joshua L. Regional Louisville, KY (SR) 6th
Terapagos Noctowl by Elijah L. Regional Louisville, KY (SR) 14th
Ogerpon Noivern by William L. Regional Louisville, KY (JR) 7th
Terapagos Noctowl by Giovanny Sasso Special Event Lima 1st
Iron Thorns by Carlos García Ávila Sosa Special Event Lima 9th
Iron Thorns by Alex Bortolini Regional Dortmund 42nd
Iron Thorns by Toby Clark Regional Dortmund 50th
Iron Thorns by Frank Donald Dewald Regional Dortmund 86th
Ogerpon Noivern by Fabrizio Cremascoli Regional Dortmund 98th
iron-crown Future Thorns by Tim Schauder Regional Dortmund 116th
Iron Thorns by Lukas Dellenbach Regional Dortmund 126th
Terapagos Noctowl by Aimé Ducret Regional Dortmund 159th
Terapagos Noctowl by Giovanny Sasso Regional Joinville 2nd
Klawf by Alejandro Luciano Eijo Regional Joinville 3rd
Terapagos Noctowl by João Requena Regional Joinville 4th
Iron Thorns by Matias Matricardi Regional Joinville 5th
Iron Thorns by Augusto Cesar Beringuer Regional Joinville 15th
Iron Thorns by Caio Pires Regional Joinville 23rd
Iron Thorns by Guilherme Bonow Oliveira Regional Joinville 27th
Iron Thorns by Marcelo Almeida Regional Joinville 29th
Terapagos Noctowl by Victor Hugo Sampa Hamaguti Regional Joinville 35th
Klawf by Edward C. Regional Dortmund (JR) 3rd
Iron Thorns by Léo B. Regional Dortmund (JR) 6th
Iron Thorns by Layla B. Regional Joinville (JR) 5th
Iron Thorns by Akatoki Sakamoto Champions League Tokyo 14th
Iron Thorns by Hibiki Masumoto Champions League Tokyo 16th
Ogerpon Noivern by Nolan Randall Regional Baltimore, MD 6th
Ogerpon Noivern by Dennis Peroff Regional Baltimore, MD 21st
Ogerpon Noivern by Kevin Krueger Regional Baltimore, MD 30th
Ogerpon Noivern by Bradley Lippert Regional Baltimore, MD 42nd
Ogerpon Noivern by Eric Aubertin Regional Baltimore, MD 49th
Ogerpon Noivern by Jay Cristiano Regional Baltimore, MD 58th
Iron Thorns by Aaron Walker Regional Baltimore, MD 97th
Iron Thorns by Zachary Trybus Regional Baltimore, MD 103rd
Iron Thorns by Fernando Cifuentes World Championships 2024 1st
Iron Thorns by Facundo Facio World Championships 2024 29th
Iron Thorns by Tymoteusz Dziedzic World Championships 2024 30th
Iron Thorns by Michael Natto World Championships 2024 84th
Iron Thorns by Patryk Brzezinski World Championships 2024 109th
Iron Thorns by Aaron Walker World Championships 2024 126th
Iron Thorns by Lucas K. World Championships 2024 (SR) 43rd
Iron Thorns by Logan B. World Championships 2024 (JR) 2nd
Iron Thorns by William B. World Championships 2024 (JR) 21st
Iron Thorns by Joshua D. World Championships 2024 (JR) 22nd
Iron Thorns by Lucas Ruizhe J. World Championships 2024 (JR) 27th
Iron Thorns by Ross Cawthon NAIC 2024, New Orleans 73rd
Iron Thorns by Sky DelaCruz NAIC 2024, New Orleans 162nd
Iron Thorns by Callie Moore NAIC 2024, New Orleans 166th
iron-hands Future Iron Hands by Goncalo Pereira EUIC 2024, London 54th
zoroark Zoroark Box by Bryan Villa Regional Dortmund 85th
Klawf by Mike Davies Regional Dortmund 100th
Klawf by Cassie Joison Regional Melbourne 55th
arceusvulpix-alola Arceus Vulpix by Colin Müller-Kersting Regional Liverpool 101st
Klawf by Bernie Wright Regional San Antonio, TX 186th
Klawf by Arnaud Bonn Regional Stuttgart 45th
Klawf by Cédric Paporello Regional Gdańsk 68th
goodra-hisui Arceus Goodra by Nathan Stratford World Championships 2023 151st
duraludon-gmax Arceus Duraludon by Zaki B. World Championships 2023 (JR) 79th
regigigas Regis by JW Kriewall Regional Fort Wayne, IN 47th
Regis by Cyrus McCane Regional Fort Wayne, IN 64th
Regis by Charlie Kerr Regional Fort Wayne, IN 76th
Regis by Hunter Berry Regional Fort Wayne, IN 81st
Regis by Kenneth Albin Regional Fort Wayne, IN 84th
Regis by Jack Merten Regional Fort Wayne, IN 89th
Regis by Christian Fontenot Regional Fort Wayne, IN 109th
Regis by Tanner Caplinger Regional Fort Wayne, IN 110th
Regis by Sebastian Verrill Regional Fort Wayne, IN 122nd
Regis by Tom Bourke Regional Sydney 12th
Regis by Max McInnis Regional Sydney 31st
Regis by Charlie Kerr Regional Charlotte, NC 2nd
kyurem Kyurem Palkia by Jonathan Soto Regional Charlotte, NC 29th
Regis by Carlos Medina Astete Regional Charlotte, NC 40th
Regis by Matthew Hammond Regional Charlotte, NC 49th
Arceus Duraludon by Bradley Wantz Regional Charlotte, NC 61st
Regis by Nathan Stratford Regional Charlotte, NC 80th
Regis by Siming Qian Regional Charlotte, NC 84th
Regis by Russell Monteiro Regional Charlotte, NC 87th
Regis by Tanner Caplinger Regional Charlotte, NC 90th
Regis by Christian Fontenot Regional Charlotte, NC 100th
Regis by Rowan Willeke Regional Charlotte, NC 107th
Regis by Tony Hoang Regional Charlotte, NC 109th
Regis by Bradley Erickson Regional Charlotte, NC 110th
Regis by Ethan Chow Special Event Utrecht 10th
Regis by Joshua Vanoverschelde Special Event Utrecht 16th
Regis by Öjvind Svinhufvud Special Event Utrecht 18th
Regis by Mathias Jakobsen Special Event Utrecht 26th
Regis by Brent Degens Special Event Utrecht 27th
Regis by Sen Caubergh Special Event Utrecht 37th
Regis by Ross Warren Special Event Utrecht 46th
Regis by Lucas Xing Regional Vancouver, BC 19th
Regis by Jack Saunders Regional Vancouver, BC 31st
Regis by Andrew Kennett Regional Vancouver, BC 37th
Regis by Jack Moore Regional Vancouver, BC 39th
Regis by Nathan Stratford Regional Vancouver, BC 42nd
Regis by Carlos Medina Astete Regional Natal 19th
Regis by Luiz Claudio Rios Pecoraro Junior Regional Natal 21st
Regis by Dalton Acchetta Regional Natal 25th
Regis by Rahul Reddy Regional Knoxville, TN 3rd
Regis by Justin Bokhari Regional Knoxville, TN 18th
Regis by Charlie Kerr Regional Knoxville, TN 45th
Regis by Kristopher Kemp Regional Knoxville, TN 67th
Regis by Christian Fontenot Regional Knoxville, TN 72nd
Regis by Nathan Bishop Regional Knoxville, TN 80th
Regis by Tanner Simpson Regional Knoxville, TN 92nd
Regis by Gregory Fortier Regional Knoxville, TN 93rd
Regis by Bradley Erickson Regional Knoxville, TN 124th
Regis by Mathew Boat Regional Knoxville, TN 125th
Regis by Joshua Vanoverschelde Regional Bochum 38th
Regis by Rahul Reddy OCIC 2023, Melbourne 4th
Regis by Sam Chen OCIC 2023, Melbourne 9th
Regis by Peter Ghionis OCIC 2023, Melbourne 45th
Regis by Bartholomew Musser Regional Orlando, FL 27th
Regis by Christian Fontenot Regional Orlando, FL 72nd
Regis by Grant Shen Regional Orlando, FL 119th
Regis by Isaiah Bradner Regional San Diego, CA 21st
weezing-galaraerodactyl Weezing Aerodactyl by Rafli Attar Ricco Indonesia Regional League #2 6th
durant Durant by Anthony Furney Regional Brisbane 3rd
Regis by Vinicius Souza LAIC 2022–23, São Paulo 39th
zoroark-hisui Hisuian Zoroark by Luke Fisher Regional Lille 36th
Regis by Jaxson Piwek Regional Salt Lake City, UT 18th
Regis by Abijah Jongsma Regional Peoria, IL 11th
Regis by Andrew Zavala Regional Peoria, IL 17th
Regis by Andrew Kennett Regional Peoria, IL 42nd
Regis by Nicholas Bronk Regional Peoria, IL 89th
Regis by Calvin Davis Regional Peoria, IL 99th
Regis by Bao Pham Regional Peoria, IL 100th
Regis by Zach Zamora Regional Peoria, IL 103rd
Regis by Andrew Kennett Regional Baltimore, MD 3rd
Regis by Isaiah Rufus Regional Baltimore, MD 19th
salazzlebutterfree Salazzle Butterfree by Bryson Cliggett Regional Baltimore, MD 89th
Regis by Joshua Vanoverschelde Special Event Bilbao 5th
Regis by Lucas Calzà Special Event Bilbao 9th
stonjourner Stonjourner by Ithiel Arki Special Event Bilbao 17th
Regis by Pedro Mallet Regional Porto Alegre 20th
Regis by Pablo Meza World Championships 2022 17th
Regis by Hatsuto K. World Championships 2022 (JR) 7th
Regis by Joshua Sanchez NAIC 2022, Columbus 96th
Regis by Henrique G. NAIC 2022, Columbus (JR) 8th
Regis by Christian Fontenot Regional Milwaukee, WI 27th
Regis by Zach Zamora Regional Milwaukee, WI 34th
Regis by Takeru Yamano Japan Championships 2022 1st
Regis by Tomoya Tanaka Japan Championships 2022 11th
regirocksableye Regirock Sableye by Alex Schemanske Regional Dallas, TX 6th
necrozma-ultragarbodor Ultra Necrozma Garbodor by Juan Flores Regional Dallas, TX 9th
Ultra Necrozma by Ryan Harris Regional Dallas, TX 10th
Ultra Necrozma by Ryan Mefford Regional Dallas, TX 57th
spiritomb Spiritomb by Noel Totomoch Regional Richmond, VA 28th
stunfisk Spiritomb Stunfisk by Hunter Butler NAIC 2019, Columbus 8th
zapdos Zapdos by Dennis Peroff NAIC 2019, Columbus 49th
Zapdos by Gregory Playter NAIC 2019, Columbus 99th
Zapdos by Nico Alabas Regional Jonkoping 16th
weezing Weezing by Jimmy Pendarvis Origins Open 5th
Weezing by Michael Pramawat Origins Open 8th
slowking Aerodactyl Slowking by Eduardo Alfaro Espinoza Regional Santiago 24th
Weezing by Jihun Choi Korean League Final Season 3rd
Weezing by Trisha Gilbert Regional Madison, WI 62nd
Weezing by Joshua Parks Regional Madison, WI 64th
Weezing by Paulo Gouveia de Freitas Regional Sao Paulo 12th
Zapdos by Mike Morton Regional Santa Clara, CA 4th
Zapdos by Danny Prather Regional Santa Clara, CA 14th
Zapdos by Kenyon Fisher Regional Santa Clara, CA 16th
Zapdos by Nico Alabas Regional Bristol 2nd
Zapdos by Magnus Pedersen Regional Bristol 9th
Zapdos by Oscar Rivas Perez EUIC 2019, Berlin 58th
Zapdos by Sergi Morillas Capella EUIC 2019, Berlin 74th
lycanroc-midnight Zoroark Lycanroc by Noah Donen EUIC 2019, Berlin (JR) 3rd
Zapdos by Lucas Miller EUIC 2019, Berlin (JR) 7th
exeggutor-alola Alolan Exeggutor by Nick Robinson Regional Daytona Beach, FL 16th
buzzwole Buzzwole by Clayton Fagan Regional Daytona Beach, FL 36th
Zapdos by Nico Alabas Regional Denver, CO 20th
Zapdos by Kyle Kleissle Regional Denver, CO 49th
Zapdos by Tristan Macek Regional Denver, CO 59th
Zapdos by Nico Alabas Special Event Bolzano 3rd
Zapdos by Kim Pobega Special Event Bolzano 4th
hitmonchanwobbuffet Hitmonchan Wobbuffet by Benjamin Branch Regional Greensboro, NC 18th
Buzzwole by Will Gay Regional Greensboro, NC 32nd
Hitmonchan Wobbuffet by Zach Lesage Regional Toronto 17th
Zapdos by Andrew Mahone Regional Collinsville, IL 21st
Zoroark Lycanroc by Andrew Estrada Regional Collinsville, IL 32nd
Zapdos by Will Mantho Regional Collinsville, IL 99th
Zapdos by Andressa Nakahata Medrado Special Event Cannes 10th
vileplume Vileplume by Shintaro Ito Champions League Chiba 3rd
tapu-koko Tapu Koko Buzzwole by Tae Hun Kim Korean League Season 2 6th
passimian Passimian Tapu Koko by Jeonghun Gong Korean League Season 2 12th
Zapdos by Isaiah Williams OCIC 2019, Melbourne 1st
Zapdos by Daniel Altavilla OCIC 2019, Melbourne 8th
Zapdos by Azul Garcia Griego OCIC 2019, Melbourne 11th
Zapdos by Joshua Sparks OCIC 2019, Melbourne 28th
Zapdos by Michael Pramawat OCIC 2019, Melbourne 37th
Zapdos by Joe Ruettiger OCIC 2019, Melbourne 40th
Passimian Tapu Koko by Benjamin Branch OCIC 2019, Melbourne 46th
Zapdos by Tanner Hurley OCIC 2019, Melbourne (SR) 5th
Zapdos by Benny Billinger OCIC 2019, Melbourne (JR) 5th
Passimian Tapu Koko by Angel Arturo Corso Special Event Peru 6th
gardevoirswampertninetales-alola Gardevoir Swampert Ninetales by Pablo Meza Special Event Costa Rica 8th
Buzzwole by Clayton Fagan Regional Dallas, TX 14th
Buzzwole by Jason Burch Regional Dallas, TX 20th
Buzzwole Garbodor by Andrew Michaud Regional Dallas, TX 56th
Buzzwole by Tony Santos Regional Dallas, TX 71st
Passimian Tapu Koko by Patricia Gonzalez Walsh Special Event Argentina 1st
Gardevoir Swampert Ninetales by Khalid Alhuraiz Special Event Dubai 5th
latios Tapu Koko Latios by Gwangseok Seo Korean League Season 1 4th
Zoroark Lycanroc Ninetales by Chanhyeok Park Korean League Season 1 6th
weavile Buzzwole Garbodor Weavile by Jihun Choi Korean League Season 1 11th
Buzzwole by Connor Pedersen Regional Anaheim, CA 6th
glaceongreninja Glaceon Greninja by Siddequr Rahman Regional Harrogate 24th
Zapdos by Tomoki Yamada Champions League Niigata 3rd
Zoroark Alolan Ninetales by Ryota Ishiyama Champions League Niigata 15th
lycanroc-duskpersian-alola Lycanroc Persian by Kenta Nishi Champions League Niigata 16th
Passimian Tapu Koko by Kenta Nakahodo Champions League Niigata 35th
Passimian Tapu Koko by Akira Sato Champions League Niigata 42nd
Buzzwole Lycanroc by Hiroki Kobayashi Champions League Niigata 58th
Gardevoir Swampert Ninetales by Jimmy Pendarvis Regional Roanoke, VA 1st
Gardevoir Swampert Ninetales by Azul Garcia Griego Regional Roanoke, VA 23rd
Gardevoir Swampert Ninetales by Michael Pramawat Regional Roanoke, VA 40th
Gardevoir Swampert Ninetales by Isaiah Williams Regional Roanoke, VA 43rd
Zoroark Ninetales Weavile by Ramon Duarte LAIC 2018–19, São Paulo 29th
Passimian Tapu Koko by Henrick Martins LAIC 2018–19, São Paulo (SR) 6th
Passimian Tapu Koko by Maxence Feuillard LAIC 2018–19, São Paulo (JR) 4th
Tapu Koko Latios by Karl Peters Special Event Lille 1st
Buzzwole by Austin Ellis Regional Portland, OR 8th
joltikpumpkaboo Night March by Peter Kica Regional Portland, OR 25th
Passimian Tapu Koko by Peter Kica Regional Memphis, TN 24th
Buzzwole Spread by Alex Smetana Regional Memphis, TN 27th
Buzzwole Spread by Alex Schemanske Regional Memphis, TN 39th
sylveon Gardevoir Sylveon by Tonny Nguyen Regional Memphis, TN 40th
Passimian Tapu Koko by Michael Pramawat Regional Memphis, TN 45th
Zoroark Alolan Ninetales by Takafumi Kobayashi Champions League Tokyo 10th
honchkrow Tapu Koko Honchkrow Weavile by Shingo Sagawa Champions League Tokyo 23rd
Buzzwole Spread by Alex Smetana Regional Philadelphia, PA 32nd
Passimian by Noel Totomoch Regional Philadelphia, PA 66th
Buzzwole Weavile by Artur Carvalho Regional Santa Catarina 18th
hoopa-unbound Hoopa Weavile by Scott Langford Special Event Melbourne 10th
Buzzwole Garbodor by Wesley Hollenberg Nashville Open 5th
Buzzwole Garbodor by Christopher Schemanske World Championships 2018 15th
Buzzwole Garbodor by Alex Schemanske World Championships 2018 26th
Passimian by Rafael Monzon Arance Special Event Valencia 30th
white_kyurem garbodor by Takahiro Moriyama Japan Championships 2018 35th
donphan Donphan by Daniel Altavilla Regional Salt Lake City, UT 26th
Glaceon Zoroark by Athavan Balendran Regional Charlotte, NC 6th
Passimian by Jeremy Barnett Regional Charlotte, NC 58th
gyaradosgallade Gyarados Gallade by Nick Conocenti Regional Costa Mesa, CA 9th
Gyarados Gallade by Jose Marrero Regional Costa Mesa, CA 22nd
Passimian by Kevin Baxter Regional Collinsville, IL 41st
Zoroark Lycanroc by Augusto Facio Special Event Asuncion 8th
Zoroark Lycanroc by Michael Pramawat Regional Memphis, TN 1st
Zoroark Lycanroc by Oscar Soto Regional Memphis, TN 30th
Zoroark Lycanroc by Heddi Brahmi EUIC 2017–18, London 35th
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