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Bloodmoon Ursaluna ex

Twilight Masquerade #141

Decklists that include this card

Deck Tournament Place
dragapult Dragapult by Vinícius Fernandez EUIC 2025, London 5th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Grant Manley EUIC 2025, London 11th
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Santiago Blanco Gonzalez EUIC 2025, London 12th
dragapult Dragapult by João Pedro Medeiros Zambrano EUIC 2025, London 14th
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Simone Lasaponara EUIC 2025, London 15th
dragapult Dragapult by Tord Reklev EUIC 2025, London 22nd
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Luuk den Toom EUIC 2025, London 23rd
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Patrik Bartosovic EUIC 2025, London 24th
dragapult Dragapult by Miloslav Posledni EUIC 2025, London 31st
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Luke Parkes EUIC 2025, London 33rd
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Hermanni Hietalahti EUIC 2025, London 40th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Sergio Rodriguez EUIC 2025, London 41st
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Nathan Ginsburg EUIC 2025, London 52nd
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Ross Warren EUIC 2025, London 56th
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Oscar Rivas Perez EUIC 2025, London 57th
dragapult Dragapult by Nicolo Castignoli EUIC 2025, London 59th
dragapult Dragapult by Francesco Pasquale Caterino EUIC 2025, London 62nd
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Marc Torres Jimenez EUIC 2025, London 63rd
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Marco Antônio Silva de Macedo Mota EUIC 2025, London 65th
dragapult Dragapult by Simone Canziani EUIC 2025, London 67th
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Dan Saunders EUIC 2025, London 77th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Koen Moors EUIC 2025, London 78th
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Tamao Takeda EUIC 2025, London 80th
palkia-origindusknoir Palkia Dusknoir by Mateusz Łaszkiewicz EUIC 2025, London 102nd
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Sen Caubergh EUIC 2025, London 110th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Callum Thomas EUIC 2025, London 116th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Jeremy Castro EUIC 2025, London 117th
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Thomas Ducrot EUIC 2025, London 121st
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Alexander Weber EUIC 2025, London 122nd
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Pär Gustavsson EUIC 2025, London 133rd
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Mario Martinez EUIC 2025, London 142nd
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Janek Jagiełło EUIC 2025, London 153rd
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Paul Shail EUIC 2025, London 168th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Jack Gregory-Campbell EUIC 2025, London 172nd
pidgeot Pidgeot Control by Julius Mo Krag EUIC 2025, London 174th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Isaac Yu EUIC 2025, London 175th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Xuanwen Zhang EUIC 2025, London 183rd
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Aaron Edwards EUIC 2025, London 185th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Tyler Perry EUIC 2025, London 189th
pidgeot Pidgeot Control by Jakub Berus EUIC 2025, London 192nd
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Claudio Foglia EUIC 2025, London 195th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Yerco Valencia EUIC 2025, London 200th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Blake Wray EUIC 2025, London 201st
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Artur Mychalski EUIC 2025, London 207th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Juan Flores EUIC 2025, London 208th
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Niccolò Genna EUIC 2025, London 209th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Preston Rutledge EUIC 2025, London 212th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Jamie Frankland EUIC 2025, London 213th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Fabrizio Inga Silva EUIC 2025, London 221st
miraidon Miraidon by Matt Banna EUIC 2025, London 224th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Anthony Blanchard EUIC 2025, London 225th
pidgeot Pidgeot Control by Alessandro Cremascoli EUIC 2025, London 229th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Dylan Yuen EUIC 2025, London 242nd
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Celso Bispo EUIC 2025, London 251st
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Noel Lim EUIC 2025, London 285th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Matthew Jennings EUIC 2025, London 286th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Victor de Velasco EUIC 2025, London 289th
dragapult Dragapult by Vincenzo Seva EUIC 2025, London 291st
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Harry Jobson EUIC 2025, London 294th
dragapult Dragapult by Marllon Felipe EUIC 2025, London 307th
dragapult Dragapult by Yuki Tanaka EUIC 2025, London 311th
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Thomas Jones EUIC 2025, London 319th
palkia-origindusknoir Palkia Dusknoir by Javier Tengo Jofre EUIC 2025, London 320th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Patryk Brzezinski EUIC 2025, London 321st
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Rory Licken EUIC 2025, London 322nd
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Jack Blyth EUIC 2025, London 326th
palkia-originnoctowl Palkia Noctowl by Matthieu Delobelle EUIC 2025, London 329th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Prin Basser EUIC 2025, London 332nd
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Juho Kallama EUIC 2025, London 339th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Corey Blankenship EUIC 2025, London 342nd
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Daniel Watson EUIC 2025, London 354th
by Connor Finton EUIC 2025, London 360th
dragapult Dragapult by Gabriel F. EUIC 2025, London (SR) 1st
pidgeot Pidgeot Control by Alessandro V. EUIC 2025, London (SR) 6th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Oliver C. EUIC 2025, London (JR) 1st
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Jose Cruz G. EUIC 2025, London (JR) 3rd
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Adrian L. EUIC 2025, London (JR) 8th
noctowlogerpon Noctowl Tera Box by Nobuhiko Shimizu Champions League Fukuoka 5th
noctowlogerpon Noctowl Tera Box by Tord Reklev Champions League Fukuoka 11th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Seungheon Sah Korean League Season 3 12th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Jihyeon Ryu Korean League Season 3 19th
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Mingyu Kim Korean League Season 3 20th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Seunghun Song Korean League Season 3 22nd
klawf Klawf by Junseo Woo Korean League Season 3 24th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Yuseong Yoon Korean League Season 3 30th
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Aaron Curry Special Event Puerto Rico 6th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Eder Jarillo Soto Special Event Puerto Rico 12th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Dylan Smeigh Special Event Puerto Rico 24th
miraidon Miraidon by Salvador Torres Carro Special Event Puerto Rico 32nd
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Tiger Hickman Special Event Puerto Rico 34th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Christian Badenas Special Event Puerto Rico 37th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Kevin Fuentes Special Event Puerto Rico 44th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Duncan Crowley Special Event Puerto Rico 46th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by D. Mark Courtney Special Event Puerto Rico 48th
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Rolando Gabriel Coronado Jimenez Regional Mérida 4th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Eder Jarillo Soto Regional Mérida 17th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Andrew Hedrick Regional Mérida 18th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Alberto Bonsanto Regional Mérida 23rd
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Victor de Velasco Regional Mérida 25th
miraidon Miraidon by Eliseo Vazquez Regional Mérida 27th
pidgeot Pidgeot Control by Pablo Meza Regional Mérida 28th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Shane McManus Regional Mérida 29th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Michael Ingalls Regional Mérida 31st
pidgeot Pidgeot Control by Adrian Mejia Galvez Regional Mérida 36th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Miguel Angel Lopez Bernal Regional Mérida 47th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Francisco Rocha Regional Mérida 50th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Joshua Sanchez Regional Mérida 53rd
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Andres Estefano Gajardo Lopehandia Regional Mérida 57th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Jesús Mejia Regional Mérida 60th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Ciaran Farah Regional Mérida 65th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Pablo Jesús López Salcido Regional Mérida 66th
miraidon Miraidon by Luis Gerardo Oliva Hernández Regional Mérida 77th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Agustín Herrera Garcia Regional Mérida 78th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Naim Legñar Regional Mérida 86th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Jonathan Lupercio Regional Mérida 88th
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Abraham Lomeli Regional Mérida 89th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Hector Romeo Vázquez Sánchez Regional Mérida 96th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Ruben Alejandro Canul Mendoza Regional Mérida 97th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Oliver Rochin Montijo Regional Mérida 102nd
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Manuel Alejandro Cervantes Regional Mérida 103rd
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Mauricio Loredo Del Castillo Regional Mérida 109th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Aarón Maldonado Lezama Regional Mérida 114th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Mauricio Salas Regional Mérida 117th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Mauricio Serrano Ramirez Regional Mérida 119th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Michael Natto Regional Mérida 124th
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Martin Viruete Regional Mérida 126th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Luis Rodrigo Murguia Zamudio Regional Mérida 129th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Jonathan Fabrizio Bellucci Lanciano Regional Mérida 131st
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Mario Humberto Ramírez Lio Regional Mérida 140th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Luis Angel Aguilar Cruz Regional Mérida 141st
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Joel Bergman Regional Mérida 142nd
palkia-origindusknoir Palkia Dusknoir by Emiliano Huang Regional Mérida 162nd
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Carlos Emilio Sanchez Zilli Regional Mérida 165th
terapagossylveon Terapagos Sylveon by Arturo Ortega Regional Mérida 176th
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Gilberto De Luna Regional Mérida 177th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Carlos Irigoyen Regional Mérida 180th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Gustavo Canto Regional Mérida 181st
dragapultdusknoir Dragapult Dusknoir by Benjamin Ruiz Regional Mérida 183rd
pidgeot Pidgeot Control by Prince W. Regional Mérida (SR) 3rd
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Yazid Ivan M. Regional Mérida (SR) 4th
pidgeot Pidgeot Control by James Kowalski Regional San Antonio, TX 3rd
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Caitlin White Regional San Antonio, TX 4th
pidgeot Pidgeot Control by Grant Manley Regional San Antonio, TX 9th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Christopher Butler Regional San Antonio, TX 16th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Gustavo Wada Regional San Antonio, TX 18th
miraidon Miraidon by Jose Roberto Cabriales de Hoyos Regional San Antonio, TX 24th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Jack Fedrow Regional San Antonio, TX 26th
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Joel Stroeve Regional San Antonio, TX 27th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Tom Hellkamp Regional San Antonio, TX 28th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Rahul Reddy Regional San Antonio, TX 33rd
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Thomas Veazie Regional San Antonio, TX 40th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Steven Varesko Regional San Antonio, TX 52nd
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Eduardo Melendez Regional San Antonio, TX 59th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Oliver Rochin Montijo Regional San Antonio, TX 68th
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by China Ross Regional San Antonio, TX 71st
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Keaton Gill Regional San Antonio, TX 73rd
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Connor Barrios Regional San Antonio, TX 82nd
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Hector Ibarra Regional San Antonio, TX 83rd
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Taylor Whalen Regional San Antonio, TX 86th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Hunter Gibbon Regional San Antonio, TX 93rd
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Destynn Hatcher Regional San Antonio, TX 98th
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by John Lopez Regional San Antonio, TX 103rd
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Matthew Marsh Regional San Antonio, TX 105th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Dillon Johnson Regional San Antonio, TX 110th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Austen Vance Regional San Antonio, TX 114th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Andrew Tucker Regional San Antonio, TX 115th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Andy Francis Regional San Antonio, TX 119th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Dylan Smeigh Regional San Antonio, TX 121st
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Andrew Williamson Regional San Antonio, TX 123rd
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Garrett Bishop Regional San Antonio, TX 126th
pidgeot Pidgeot Control by Joey Gaffney Regional San Antonio, TX 135th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Nikky Riccio Regional San Antonio, TX 149th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by William Hobbs Regional San Antonio, TX 150th
pidgeot Pidgeot Control by Matthew DePonceau Regional San Antonio, TX 152nd
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Avery Phimmasehn Regional San Antonio, TX 155th
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Alfonso Vallejo Regional San Antonio, TX 158th
palkia-originnoctowl Palkia Noctowl by Juan Flores Regional San Antonio, TX 160th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Carl Joseph Nacar Regional San Antonio, TX 170th
pidgeot Pidgeot Control by Chaz Cooper Regional San Antonio, TX 171st
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Edres Safi Regional San Antonio, TX 173rd
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Justin Perea Regional San Antonio, TX 174th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Eder Jarillo Soto Regional San Antonio, TX 184th
palkia-originnoctowl Palkia Noctowl by Lee Bingham Regional San Antonio, TX 186th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Mark Garcia Regional San Antonio, TX 187th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by William Lee Regional San Antonio, TX 189th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Aaron Crosett Regional San Antonio, TX 195th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by John Mostowy Regional San Antonio, TX 200th
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Cameron Herring Regional San Antonio, TX 206th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Maxwell Johnson Regional San Antonio, TX 208th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Michael Meal Regional San Antonio, TX 210th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Nicholas Germain Regional San Antonio, TX 211th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Nick Foltz Regional San Antonio, TX 214th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Justin Southwick Regional San Antonio, TX 215th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Marco Mieses Regional San Antonio, TX 220th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Derek Davis Regional San Antonio, TX 223rd
snorlax Snorlax Stall by Victor de Velasco Regional San Antonio, TX 226th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by AviLashan UmaShankar Regional San Antonio, TX 233rd
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Jason Stirling Regional San Antonio, TX 241st
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Fernando Alonso Jimenez Regional San Antonio, TX 248th
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Evanbir Dhesi Regional San Antonio, TX 250th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Marcelo R. Regional San Antonio, TX (SR) 5th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Gabriel F. Regional San Antonio, TX (SR) 7th
pidgeot Pidgeot Control by Ethan C. Regional San Antonio, TX (JR) 4th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Daniel Powell Regional Birmingham 7th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Nicholas Forsinetti Regional Birmingham 9th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Tord Reklev Regional Birmingham 13th
pidgeot Pidgeot Control by Sander Wojcik Regional Birmingham 15th
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Oliver Shrigley Regional Birmingham 19th
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Sergio Ravelli Regional Birmingham 20th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Michael Feeney Regional Birmingham 24th
palkia-originnoctowl Palkia Noctowl by Luca Miele Regional Birmingham 25th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Bas Juffer Regional Birmingham 28th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Deacon Green Regional Birmingham 29th
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Dhilan Patel Regional Birmingham 31st
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Luke Doran Regional Birmingham 35th
pidgeot Pidgeot Control by Atilla Gedik Regional Birmingham 36th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Pedro Vicêncio Regional Birmingham 43rd
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Gabriel Smart Regional Birmingham 45th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Andrea Calciolari Regional Birmingham 52nd
pidgeot Pidgeot Control by Zubin Schweitzer Regional Birmingham 54th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Nico Alabas Regional Birmingham 57th
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Weixi Yu Regional Birmingham 62nd
palkia-origindusknoir Palkia Dusknoir by Javier Tengo Jofre Regional Birmingham 65th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Thomas Jones Regional Birmingham 70th
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Jai Tuckett Regional Birmingham 76th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by David Rosse Regional Birmingham 85th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Marcin Ogórek Regional Birmingham 90th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Ward Knuts Regional Birmingham 91st
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by David Weir Regional Birmingham 99th
palkia-origindusknoir Palkia Dusknoir by Ethan Jenkins Regional Birmingham 102nd
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Pearce Wilton Regional Birmingham 111th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Pedro Eugenio Torres Regional Birmingham 117th
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Ryan Pang Regional Birmingham 119th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Brent Degens Regional Birmingham 120th
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Ryan Mauger Regional Birmingham 121st
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Brandon Balfour Regional Birmingham 122nd
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Karl Blake Regional Birmingham 125th
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Luke Parkes Regional Birmingham 126th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Goncalo Pereira Regional Birmingham 129th
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Harry Gray Regional Birmingham 130th
palkia-originnoctowl Palkia Noctowl by Pere Arbós Parets Regional Birmingham 132nd
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Chris Mastromarino Regional Birmingham 136th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Brennan Kamerman Regional Birmingham 139th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Peter Ashton Regional Birmingham 145th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Christian Burton Regional Birmingham 147th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Piotr Orleański Regional Birmingham 150th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Lennert De Clercq Regional Birmingham 158th
miraidon Miraidon by Dmytro Prykhodchenko Regional Birmingham 159th
pidgeot Pidgeot Control by Alessandro Bax Regional Birmingham 161st
miraidon Miraidon by Daniel James Stanley Burke Regional Birmingham 162nd
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Simone Canziani Regional Birmingham 166th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Anthony Blanchard Regional Birmingham 170th
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Jari Honraedt Regional Birmingham 171st
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Ruben Abreu Regional Birmingham 178th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Alex Frindt Regional Birmingham 180th
pidgeot Pidgeot Control by Manuele Tartaglia Regional Birmingham 182nd
pidgeot Pidgeot Control by Julius Mo Krag Regional Birmingham 184th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Liliana Imrichová Regional Birmingham 185th
miraidon Miraidon by Charlie Wells Regional Birmingham 190th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Stuart Collishaw Regional Birmingham 193rd
miraidon Miraidon by Harry Miller Regional Birmingham 194th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Jack Gregory-Campbell Regional Birmingham 196th
arceusdusknoir Arceus Dusknoir by Andrew Mitchell Regional Birmingham 199th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Minh C Regional Birmingham 202nd
palkia-originnoctowl Palkia Noctowl by Matthew Gilbert Regional Birmingham 203rd
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Timothy Cox Regional Birmingham 205th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Christian Schrader Regional Birmingham 208th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Richard Blows Regional Birmingham 214th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Luke Shelley Regional Birmingham 215th
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Adam Shutz Regional Birmingham 217th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Jose Maria Morillas Torres Regional Birmingham 221st
miraidon Miraidon by Sanne van Hoogstraten Regional Birmingham 223rd
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Alix Barwick Regional Birmingham 234th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Freya Pearce Regional Birmingham 236th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Mees Brenninkmeijer Regional Birmingham 241st
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Benjamin Martinsen Regional Birmingham 244th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Liam Benitez-Bitton Regional Birmingham 251st
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Jonathan Beckwith Regional Birmingham 253rd
pidgeot Pidgeot Control by Jun Hui Ryan Wong Regional Birmingham 256th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Isaac Yu Regional Birmingham 257th
palkia-originnoctowl Palkia Noctowl by Matěj Nesvadba Regional Birmingham 264th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Emrey Smith Regional Birmingham 270th
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Sean Marley Regional Birmingham 281st
klawf Klawf by Simone Veronese Regional Birmingham 287th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Joshua Collinson Regional Birmingham 290th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Luke Burke Regional Birmingham 295th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Darren Chi Hung Tang Regional Birmingham 296th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Dariusz Włodarski Regional Birmingham 299th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Simon Fritz Regional Birmingham 305th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Amelia Vale Regional Birmingham 307th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Katy Montgomerie Regional Birmingham 311th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Kurtis Broughton-King Regional Birmingham 314th
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Alexis Grogan Regional Birmingham 317th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Thomas Gaskill Regional Birmingham 322nd
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Leigh-Samuel Tomlinson Regional Birmingham 324th
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Hung Phan Le Regional Birmingham 327th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Jakob Wagner Regional Birmingham 332nd
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Ben Sharp Regional Birmingham 338th
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Kiera Brady Regional Birmingham 341st
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Michael Sorbera Regional Birmingham 343rd
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Joel Johnson Regional Birmingham 355th
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Alp Ehliz Regional Birmingham 360th
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Paulo Gouveia de Freitas Regional Rio de Janeiro 5th
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Daniel Furucho Regional Rio de Janeiro 13th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Álvaro Miguelino Regional Rio de Janeiro 24th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Filipe Passos Regional Rio de Janeiro 25th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Oscar Videla Regional Rio de Janeiro 27th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Lucas Badaracco Regional Rio de Janeiro 28th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Bruno Alves Arruda Regional Rio de Janeiro 31st
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Damian Fernandez Urroz Regional Rio de Janeiro 33rd
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Brayan Ramos Regional Rio de Janeiro 35th
klawf Klawf by Miguel Felipe Marques Regional Rio de Janeiro 38th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Gabriel Massaroth Regional Rio de Janeiro 40th
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Claudio Diaz Regional Rio de Janeiro 45th
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Gabriel Veloso Regional Rio de Janeiro 47th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Bruno Silveira Regional Rio de Janeiro 50th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Henrique Toledo Regional Rio de Janeiro 52nd
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Christian Badenas Regional Rio de Janeiro 55th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Jonathan Fabrizio Bellucci Lanciano Regional Rio de Janeiro 60th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Jose Santos Regional Rio de Janeiro 61st
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Gustavo Wada Regional Rio de Janeiro 67th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Leonardo Danna Regional Rio de Janeiro 74th
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Santiago Blanco Gonzalez Regional Rio de Janeiro 75th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Sebastian Ignacio Arias Pastene Regional Rio de Janeiro 77th
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Pedro Thiesen Schiochet Regional Rio de Janeiro 81st
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Diego Fernández Regional Rio de Janeiro 94th
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Andrew Ariel Dias Regional Rio de Janeiro 101st
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Eduardo Romanelli Regional Rio de Janeiro 104th
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Esteban O’Compley Regional Rio de Janeiro 105th
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Jorge Villar Regional Rio de Janeiro 106th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Henrique Bonenti Regional Rio de Janeiro 109th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Alvim Serrao Regional Rio de Janeiro 111th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Tiago Fernandes Regional Rio de Janeiro 114th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Claudio Luna Regional Rio de Janeiro 116th
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Samuel Vinicius Ramos Regional Rio de Janeiro 117th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Lucas Gusso Regional Rio de Janeiro 122nd
giratina-origincomfey Giratina LZ Box by Angel Gustavo Martínez López Regional Rio de Janeiro 143rd
pidgeot Pidgeot Control by Douglas Castro Santos Borges Regional Rio de Janeiro 144th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Lucas Fonseca Regional Rio de Janeiro 150th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Felipe Barreto Regional Rio de Janeiro 151st
miraidon Miraidon by Luan Benedito Da Silva Lopes Regional Rio de Janeiro 155th
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Gustavo Henrique Santos Silva Regional Rio de Janeiro 166th
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Lucas Pedrosa Regional Rio de Janeiro 168th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Marco Vargas Regional Rio de Janeiro 172nd
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Diego Andrade Regional Rio de Janeiro 177th
pidgeot Pidgeot Control by Gustavo Soares Regional Rio de Janeiro 182nd
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Gamaliel Huerta Regional Rio de Janeiro 187th
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Alan Doyle Regional Rio de Janeiro 195th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Tim E. Regional Birmingham (SR) 6th
pidgeot Pidgeot Control by Daniel J. Regional Birmingham (SR) 7th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Gabriel F. Regional Rio de Janeiro (SR) 1st
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Leonardo F. Regional Rio de Janeiro (SR) 2nd
pidgeot Pidgeot Control by Mateus M. Regional Rio de Janeiro (SR) 8th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Antoni M. Regional Birmingham (JR) 1st
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Peter S. Regional Birmingham (JR) 6th
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Cristian V. Regional Rio de Janeiro (JR) 1st
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by David Lucca T. Regional Rio de Janeiro (JR) 5th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Daekyung Ok Korean League Season 2 2nd
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Huichan Chun Korean League Season 2 3rd
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Jaeyong Shin Korean League Season 2 8th
palkia-origindusknoir Palkia Dusknoir by Taekyung Kim Korean League Season 2 14th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Seungchul Lee Korean League Season 2 15th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Jihun Choi Korean League Season 2 21st
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Donghee Yun Korean League Season 2 28th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Kiriya Shima Champions League Osaka 4th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Ryoto Sawaguchi Champions League Osaka 11th
pidgeot Pidgeot Control by Hasan Kunukcu Regional Toronto 6th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Ciaran Farah Regional Toronto 9th
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Gabe Shumway Regional Toronto 13th
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Elliot Miller Regional Toronto 14th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Corey Blankenship Regional Toronto 22nd
pidgeot Pidgeot Control by Joey Gaffney Regional Toronto 32nd
pidgeot Pidgeot Control by Dylan Gunn Regional Toronto 33rd
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Regan Retzloff Regional Toronto 34th
pidgeot Pidgeot Control by Jeremy Gibson Regional Toronto 36th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Daniel Merlo Regional Toronto 40th
palkia-origindusknoir Palkia Dusknoir by Stéphane Ivanoff Regional Toronto 44th
palkia-origindusknoir Palkia Dusknoir by Joseph Nawal Regional Toronto 49th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Jeremiah Schmutz Regional Toronto 54th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Gilbert Hoang Regional Toronto 58th
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Hunter Butler Regional Toronto 67th
miraidon Miraidon by Edward Kuang Regional Toronto 71st
hydreigon Hydreigon by Yehoshua Tate Regional Toronto 72nd
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Maximino Mendez Regional Toronto 83rd
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Benjamin Nackman Regional Toronto 85th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Evan Zhu Regional Toronto 93rd
pidgeot Pidgeot Control by Matthew Farkas Regional Toronto 95th
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Taylor Whalen Regional Toronto 96th
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Kamal Crooks-Valdez Regional Toronto 97th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Shane Kelley Regional Toronto 110th
palkia-originnoctowl Palkia Noctowl by Wesley Tam Regional Toronto 111th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Edward Vo Regional Toronto 116th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Dylan Smeigh Regional Toronto 122nd
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Drew Lunstead Regional Toronto 123rd
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Jack Fedrow Regional Toronto 124th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Elsie Croizer Regional Toronto 129th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by William Young Regional Toronto 132nd
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Dominic Price Regional Toronto 133rd
giratina-origincomfey Giratina LZ Box by Brooke English Regional Toronto 134th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Mario Martinez Regional Toronto 139th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Jacky Su Regional Toronto 143rd
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Mikey Sanagustin Regional Toronto 154th
miraidon Miraidon by Bryan Ortiz Regional Toronto 156th
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Jan Michael Ortiz Regional Toronto 160th
palkia-originnoctowl Palkia Noctowl by Andrew Mallach Regional Toronto 164th
ursalunairon-valiant Ursaluna Iron Valiant by Ed Rickard Regional Toronto 172nd
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Mason Bowser Regional Toronto 176th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Andrew Williamson Regional Toronto 178th
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Sam George Regional Toronto 181st
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Quinn Rowland Regional Toronto 186th
pidgeot Pidgeot Control by Jakob Friedman Regional Toronto 193rd
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Joe Bryant Regional Toronto 197th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Tyler Ashe Regional Toronto 203rd
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Ash Ledonne Regional Toronto 205th
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Luke Levy Regional Toronto 211th
palkia-originnoctowl Palkia Noctowl by Zachary Kane Regional Toronto 220th
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Shawn Chauvin Regional Toronto 222nd
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Cobey H. Regional Toronto (SR) 6th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Andrew B. Regional Toronto (SR) 8th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Adrian L. Regional Toronto (JR) 2nd
ogerpon-cornerstonemimikyu Ogerpon Mimikyu by Ethan C. Regional Toronto (JR) 3rd
banettedusknoir Banette Dusknoir by Zelda Z. Regional Toronto (JR) 5th
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Hiro Yaoka Regional Perth 2nd
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Lucas Hamilton-Foster Regional Perth 4th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Rahul Reddy Regional Perth 11th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Bjorn Soh Cai Wei Regional Perth 28th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Tim Franklin Regional Perth 29th
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Sameer Sangwan Regional Perth 30th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Angus Johnson Regional Perth 33rd
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Kurt Spiteri Regional Perth 34th
palkia-originnoctowl Palkia Noctowl by Jeremy Lim Regional Perth 44th
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Nathan Spry Regional Perth 47th
miraidon Miraidon by Justin Hoy Regional Perth 51st
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Eduardo Cisneros Ramirez Special Event Bogotá 8th
klawf Klawf by Hector Adrian Pio Robles Sánchez Special Event Bogotá 11th
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Abraham Lomeli Special Event Bogotá 24th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Robert Acuna Jimenez Special Event Bogotá 25th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Andres Flores Special Event Bogotá 29th
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Dallas White Special Event Bogotá 32nd
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Gabriel Gómez Special Event Bogotá 34th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Juan Castillo Special Event Bogotá 41st
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Andres Arango Special Event Bogotá 46th
palkia-originnoctowl Palkia Noctowl by Joaquin Gonzalez Special Event Bogotá 48th
pidgeot Pidgeot Control by Ryan F. Regional Perth (SR) 2nd
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Kotarou M. Regional Perth (JR) 1st
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Haruki O. Regional Perth (JR) 5th
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Charlie L. Regional Perth (JR) 6th
palkia-originnoctowl Palkia Noctowl by Matěj Nesvadba Regional Stuttgart 3rd
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Robin Schulz Regional Stuttgart 7th
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Jari Honraedt Regional Stuttgart 12th
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Patrik Bartosovic Regional Stuttgart 19th
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Tapio Ikonen Regional Stuttgart 21st
klawf Klawf by Simone Veronese Regional Stuttgart 23rd
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Liliana Imrichová Regional Stuttgart 26th
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Nico Alabas Regional Stuttgart 27th
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Juho Kallama Regional Stuttgart 30th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Daniel Powell Regional Stuttgart 32nd
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Carlo Antonio Del Vescovo Regional Stuttgart 33rd
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Roberto Divano Regional Stuttgart 34th
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Christian Graziano Regional Stuttgart 39th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Kevin Dierks Regional Stuttgart 43rd
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Brennan Kamerman Regional Stuttgart 45th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Daniel Brunsch Regional Stuttgart 55th
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Jesper Eriksen Regional Stuttgart 56th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Elias Haremsa Regional Stuttgart 60th
pidgeot Pidgeot Control by Emma Hagen Regional Stuttgart 61st
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Max Schlehaider Regional Stuttgart 62nd
palkia-origindusknoir Palkia Dusknoir by Gino Meister Regional Stuttgart 63rd
pidgeot Pidgeot Control by Alessandro Bax Regional Stuttgart 64th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Andrea Mario Schroder Regional Stuttgart 67th
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Oscar Madsen Regional Stuttgart 69th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Luke Burke Regional Stuttgart 79th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Matteo Zappalá Regional Stuttgart 82nd
ogerpon-cornerstonemimikyu Ogerpon Mimikyu by Alessandro Cremascoli Regional Stuttgart 85th
pidgeot Pidgeot Control by Kilian Barth Regional Stuttgart 89th
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Uffe Axelsen Regional Stuttgart 93rd
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Kaya Lichtleitner Regional Stuttgart 99th
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Andrea Stranieri Regional Stuttgart 101st
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Rahul Reddy Regional Stuttgart 102nd
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Christian Fontenot Regional Stuttgart 103rd
palkia-origindusknoir Palkia Dusknoir by Joshua Galys Regional Stuttgart 104th
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Hermanni Hietalahti Regional Stuttgart 113th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Florian Mansuy Regional Stuttgart 114th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Cem Kara Regional Stuttgart 118th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Mees Brenninkmeijer Regional Stuttgart 119th
conkeldurr Conkeldurr by Michael Lilligreen Regional Stuttgart 123rd
miraidon Miraidon by Darran Messom Regional Stuttgart 128th
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Pascal Benesch Regional Stuttgart 132nd
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Dawid Andrzejewski Regional Stuttgart 136th
palkia-origindusknoir Palkia Dusknoir by Alexander Käppler Regional Stuttgart 141st
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Antoine Betti Regional Stuttgart 143rd
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Ky Vong Nguyen Regional Stuttgart 148th
klawf Klawf by Rastislav Turcan Regional Stuttgart 149th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Joshua Bausch Regional Stuttgart 152nd
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Ali Salame Regional Stuttgart 155th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Konsta Kallama Regional Stuttgart 156th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Georgios Kourtidis Regional Stuttgart 160th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Paul Shail Regional Stuttgart 163rd
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Vincent Jouare Regional Stuttgart 164th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Edwyn Mesman Regional Stuttgart 165th
palkia-originnoctowl Palkia Noctowl by Emmanouil Vamvoukas Regional Stuttgart 166th
ogerpon-cornerstonemimikyu Ogerpon Mimikyu by Leon Stakne Regional Stuttgart 169th
klawf Klawf by Guillaume Flament Regional Stuttgart 176th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Niklas Domnik Regional Stuttgart 178th
miraidon Miraidon by Bo Vinke Regional Stuttgart 181st
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Ye Wang Chen Regional Stuttgart 185th
klawf Klawf by Alexandre Dubourg Regional Stuttgart 186th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Sammy Weckx Regional Stuttgart 187th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Mattia Lorusso Regional Stuttgart 193rd
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Jack Chambers Regional Stuttgart 196th
ogerpon-cornerstonemimikyu Ogerpon Mimikyu by Matteo Haagen Regional Stuttgart 200th
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Koen Moors Regional Stuttgart 202nd
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Zachary Bokhari Regional Stuttgart 206th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Piotr Orleański Regional Stuttgart 207th
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Mattia Zoboli Regional Stuttgart 211th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Stepan Suchanek Regional Stuttgart 216th
ogerpon-cornerstonemimikyu Ogerpon Mimikyu by Jan Schäfer Regional Stuttgart 221st
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Maxence De Lussac Regional Stuttgart 224th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Nico Wind Regional Stuttgart 225th
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Vincenzo Seva Regional Stuttgart 235th
klawf Klawf by Lennert De Clercq Regional Stuttgart 236th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Joe Bates Regional Stuttgart 238th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Robyn Wilkinson Regional Stuttgart 244th
miraidon Miraidon by Arne Van Braeckel Regional Stuttgart 261st
klawf Klawf by Tom Stoffregen Regional Stuttgart 262nd
klawf Klawf by Luigi Conte Regional Stuttgart 264th
pidgeot Pidgeot Control by Philip Schulz Regional Stuttgart 270th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Bertrand Feron Regional Stuttgart 280th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Matthieu Vialatte Regional Stuttgart 282nd
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Anton Gericke Regional Stuttgart 283rd
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Tim Haffmanns Regional Stuttgart 284th
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Thomas Van Engeland Regional Stuttgart 285th
miraidon Miraidon by Sofie Van Braeckel Regional Stuttgart 299th
by Christian Wilhelm Regional Stuttgart 301st
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Eliot D. Regional Stuttgart (SR) 3rd
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Liam R. Regional Stuttgart (SR) 6th
pidgeot Pidgeot Control by Roman G. Regional Stuttgart (SR) 9th
klawf Klawf by Edward C. Regional Stuttgart (JR) 4th
raging-boltogerpon Raging Bolt Ogerpon by Shun T. Regional Stuttgart (JR) 8th
miraidon Miraidon by Kenneth Gilman Regional Sacramento, CA 2nd
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Joshua Salverredy Regional Sacramento, CA 13th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Samuel Scime Regional Sacramento, CA 19th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Benjamin Nackman Regional Sacramento, CA 21st
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by John Hunschofsky Regional Sacramento, CA 22nd
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Richard Yannow Regional Sacramento, CA 24th
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Patrik Räty Regional Sacramento, CA 26th
pidgeot Pidgeot Control by Liam Halliburton Regional Sacramento, CA 29th
klawfterapagos Klawf Terapagos by Lennon Baugh Regional Sacramento, CA 37th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Dylan Smeigh Regional Sacramento, CA 40th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Andrew Gantner Regional Sacramento, CA 48th
greninjalugia Greninja Lugia by Noah Schuler Regional Sacramento, CA 52nd
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Victormanuel Jimenez Regional Sacramento, CA 55th
ogerpon-cornerstonemimikyu Ogerpon Mimikyu by Joshua Frink Regional Sacramento, CA 67th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Michael Meal Regional Sacramento, CA 73rd
klawf Klawf by Tony Mendoza Regional Sacramento, CA 81st
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Nathan Ginsburg Regional Sacramento, CA 86th
palkia-origindusknoir Palkia Dusknoir by Charles Abrams Regional Sacramento, CA 88th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Lucas Anderson Regional Sacramento, CA 89th
hydreigon Hydreigon by Juan Mora Regional Sacramento, CA 93rd
palkia-originnoctowl Palkia Noctowl by Ryan Adams Regional Sacramento, CA 97th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Henry Brand Regional Sacramento, CA 100th
charizarddusknoir Charizard Dusknoir by Thomas Dewsbury Regional Sacramento, CA 108th
pidgeot Pidgeot Control by Andrew Sakauye Regional Sacramento, CA 110th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Blake Reagan Regional Sacramento, CA 112th
miraidon Miraidon by Bryan Ortiz Regional Sacramento, CA 121st
pidgeot Pidgeot Control by Sky DelaCruz Regional Sacramento, CA 123rd
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Mario Solis Regional Sacramento, CA 128th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Aidan Phimmasehn Regional Sacramento, CA 129th
pidgeot Pidgeot Control by Joey Gaffney Regional Sacramento, CA 130th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Recner Lugardo Regional Sacramento, CA 139th
ogerpon-cornerstonemimikyu Ogerpon Mimikyu by Jose Avila Regional Sacramento, CA 142nd
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Andres Rodriguez Lucas Regional Sacramento, CA 143rd
miraidon Miraidon by Michael Silva Regional Sacramento, CA 146th
klawf Klawf by Kolton Munson Regional Sacramento, CA 147th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Andrew Perez Regional Sacramento, CA 149th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Jakob Rentschler Regional Sacramento, CA 150th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Oliver Rochin Montijo Regional Sacramento, CA 158th
klawf Klawf by Christopher Silver Regional Sacramento, CA 159th
pidgeot Pidgeot Control by Chaz Cooper Regional Sacramento, CA 162nd
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Matthew Wright Regional Sacramento, CA 167th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Ethan Metzger Regional Sacramento, CA 169th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Alex Kim Regional Sacramento, CA 170th
klawf Klawf by Abidan Escobar Regional Sacramento, CA 171st
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Zhen Zhang Regional Sacramento, CA 172nd
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Pranav Shankar Regional Sacramento, CA 178th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Ryan Easley Regional Sacramento, CA 185th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Blake Daryaie Regional Sacramento, CA 189th
klawf Klawf by Nick Nitti Regional Sacramento, CA 191st
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Joel Bergman Regional Sacramento, CA 192nd
palkia-origindusknoir Palkia Dusknoir by Eric Correa Regional Sacramento, CA 202nd
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Zijian Cao Regional Sacramento, CA 206th
klawf Klawf by Jie Ran Regional Sacramento, CA 208th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by David Davis Regional Sacramento, CA 209th
klawf Klawf by Douglas Pool Regional Sacramento, CA 210th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Alex C Cruz Regional Sacramento, CA 212th
palkia-origindusknoir Palkia Dusknoir by Atomos Billings Regional Sacramento, CA 217th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Joseph Franzo Regional Sacramento, CA 221st
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Peter Zhou Regional Sacramento, CA 222nd
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Aldo Figueroa Regional Sacramento, CA 225th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Michael Chapman Regional Sacramento, CA 226th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Yizhi Ren Regional Sacramento, CA 236th
miraidon Miraidon by Erick Mauricio Regional Sacramento, CA 237th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Jonathan Rodriguez Regional Sacramento, CA 240th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Anthony Alvelo Regional Sacramento, CA 241st
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Curtis Castro Regional Sacramento, CA 249th
palkia-origindusknoir Palkia Dusknoir by Eric Ho Regional Sacramento, CA 262nd
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Isaac Jung Regional Sacramento, CA 263rd
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Samuel Dodge Regional Sacramento, CA 267th
klawf Klawf by Michael Natto Regional Sacramento, CA 271st
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Salem Haithcock Regional Sacramento, CA 282nd
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Carlos Decina Regional Sacramento, CA 283rd
palkia-origindusknoir Palkia Dusknoir by Carlo De Castro Regional Sacramento, CA 290th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by George Smith Regional Sacramento, CA 291st
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Jesus Banda Regional Sacramento, CA 296th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Deven R. Regional Sacramento, CA (SR) 2nd
ogerpon-cornerstonemimikyu Ogerpon Mimikyu by Jacob L. Regional Sacramento, CA (SR) 3rd
pidgeot Pidgeot Control by Kyle X. Regional Sacramento, CA (SR) 4th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Kamil B. Regional Sacramento, CA (SR) 5th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Justin T. Regional Sacramento, CA (SR) 9th
klawf Klawf by Charles R. Regional Sacramento, CA (JR) 5th
banettedusknoir Banette Dusknoir by Zelda Z. Regional Sacramento, CA (JR) 9th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Gracen C. Regional Sacramento, CA (JR) 12th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Rafli Attar Ricco Indonesia Premier Ball League 1st
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Patrick Adrianto Indonesia Premier Ball League 10th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Angga Fachrurrozi Indonesia Premier Ball League 14th
palkia-origindusknoir Palkia Dusknoir by Fernaldy Kumarga Indonesia Premier Ball League 15th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Darwin Rasubala Indonesia Premier Ball League 17th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Ezra Wiranata Indonesia Premier Ball League 19th
palkia-origindusknoir Palkia Dusknoir by Nikolas Reynaldo Indonesia Premier Ball League 23rd
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Daffa Salim Indonesia Premier Ball League 24th
palkia-origindusknoir Palkia Dusknoir by William Setia Atmadja Indonesia Premier Ball League 30th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Austin Ellis LAIC 2024–25, São Paulo 7th
klawf Klawf by Damian Gabriel Riquel LAIC 2024–25, São Paulo 13th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Isaiah Bradner LAIC 2024–25, São Paulo 17th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Fabrizio Inga Silva LAIC 2024–25, São Paulo 18th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Gabriel Smart LAIC 2024–25, São Paulo 19th
ogerpon-cornerstonemimikyu Ogerpon Mimikyu by Christian Fontenot LAIC 2024–25, São Paulo 22nd
ogerpon-cornerstonemimikyu Ogerpon Mimikyu by Alex Schemanske LAIC 2024–25, São Paulo 25th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Eder Jarillo Soto LAIC 2024–25, São Paulo 30th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Tim Franklin LAIC 2024–25, São Paulo 32nd
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Hermanni Hietalahti LAIC 2024–25, São Paulo 36th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Esteban O’Compley LAIC 2024–25, São Paulo 38th
klawf Klawf by Giovanny Sasso LAIC 2024–25, São Paulo 39th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Andrea Zorat LAIC 2024–25, São Paulo 42nd
palkia-origindusknoir Palkia Dusknoir by Dyego Rathje LAIC 2024–25, São Paulo 44th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Eduardo Romanelli LAIC 2024–25, São Paulo 46th
ogerpon-cornerstonemimikyu Ogerpon Mimikyu by Alessandro Cremascoli LAIC 2024–25, São Paulo 48th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Daniel Powell LAIC 2024–25, São Paulo 55th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Simone Canziani LAIC 2024–25, São Paulo 56th
dragapultdusknoir Dragapult Dusknoir by Pedro Henrique Alves LAIC 2024–25, São Paulo 57th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Brennan Kamerman LAIC 2024–25, São Paulo 60th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Santiago Iván Rossi LAIC 2024–25, São Paulo 62nd
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Ryuki Okada LAIC 2024–25, São Paulo 63rd
palkia-origindusknoir Palkia Dusknoir by Blake Wray LAIC 2024–25, São Paulo 68th
miraidon Miraidon by Solomon Shurge LAIC 2024–25, São Paulo 69th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Gabriel Chighini LAIC 2024–25, São Paulo 70th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Steven Hamula LAIC 2024–25, São Paulo 73rd
klawf Klawf by João Requena LAIC 2024–25, São Paulo 74th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Calvin Connor LAIC 2024–25, São Paulo 75th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Konsta Kallama LAIC 2024–25, São Paulo 78th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Joshua Salverredy LAIC 2024–25, São Paulo 82nd
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Rahul Reddy LAIC 2024–25, São Paulo 85th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Isaac Alexander Martinez Mendoza LAIC 2024–25, São Paulo 90th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Lucas Xing LAIC 2024–25, São Paulo 93rd
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Jorge Salas LAIC 2024–25, São Paulo 94th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Marco Cifuentes Meta LAIC 2024–25, São Paulo 97th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Kim Pobega LAIC 2024–25, São Paulo 98th
palkia-origindusknoir Palkia Dusknoir by Victor Carreira Rodrigues LAIC 2024–25, São Paulo 99th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Nico Gist LAIC 2024–25, São Paulo 101st
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Jefferson Bandeira da Silva LAIC 2024–25, São Paulo 105th
klawf Klawf by Hector Adrian Pio Robles Sánchez LAIC 2024–25, São Paulo 108th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Joaquin Herrero LAIC 2024–25, São Paulo 111th
palkia-origindusknoir Palkia Dusknoir by Ricardo Manuel Gajardo Laubrin LAIC 2024–25, São Paulo 114th
palkia-originnoctowl Palkia Noctowl by Thales Tadashi Argelo LAIC 2024–25, São Paulo 116th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Jose Santos LAIC 2024–25, São Paulo 121st
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Rafael Breanza LAIC 2024–25, São Paulo 122nd
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Edwyn Mesman LAIC 2024–25, São Paulo 125th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Sebastian Ignacio Arias Pastene LAIC 2024–25, São Paulo 131st
klawf Klawf by Jorge Villar LAIC 2024–25, São Paulo 133rd
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Lucas Caique de Lima LAIC 2024–25, São Paulo 139th
klawf Klawf by Theo Thadeu Vita Calegari LAIC 2024–25, São Paulo 140th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by André Bernacchi LAIC 2024–25, São Paulo 143rd
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Corey Blankenship LAIC 2024–25, São Paulo 146th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Leonardo Danna LAIC 2024–25, São Paulo 147th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Alex Frindt LAIC 2024–25, São Paulo 153rd
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Diego Leyva LAIC 2024–25, São Paulo 154th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Nayara Marina Roca Conderé LAIC 2024–25, São Paulo 156th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Rohan S. LAIC 2024–25, São Paulo (SR) 7th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Eric B. LAIC 2024–25, São Paulo (SR) 9th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Henrique G. LAIC 2024–25, São Paulo (SR) 10th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Emma J. LAIC 2024–25, São Paulo (SR) 14th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Drake Z. LAIC 2024–25, São Paulo (SR) 15th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Tristan T. LAIC 2024–25, São Paulo (SR) 19th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Deven R. LAIC 2024–25, São Paulo (SR) 20th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Riquelme P. LAIC 2024–25, São Paulo (SR) 24th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Luca M. LAIC 2024–25, São Paulo (SR) 27th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Riccardo C. LAIC 2024–25, São Paulo (SR) 28th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Levon F. LAIC 2024–25, São Paulo (SR) 29th
ogerpon-cornerstonemimikyu Ogerpon Mimikyu by Joshua W. LAIC 2024–25, São Paulo (JR) 11th
klawf Klawf by Cristian V. LAIC 2024–25, São Paulo (JR) 12th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Francisco F. LAIC 2024–25, São Paulo (JR) 24th
palkia-origindusknoir Palkia Dusknoir by Jeremy Gumila Special Event Buenos Aires 1st
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Giovanny Sasso Special Event Buenos Aires 2nd
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Fabrizio Inga Silva Special Event Buenos Aires 3rd
miraidon Miraidon by Justin Hoy Special Event Buenos Aires 5th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Tim Franklin Special Event Buenos Aires 7th
palkia-origindusknoir Palkia Dusknoir by Juan Andree Mejía Special Event Buenos Aires 9th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Pedro Eugenio Torres Special Event Buenos Aires 12th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Yerco Valencia Special Event Buenos Aires 14th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Alejo Antonio Salvador Iturbe Special Event Buenos Aires 15th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Brayan Ramos Special Event Buenos Aires 16th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Marco Cifuentes Meta Special Event Buenos Aires 20th
klawf Klawf by Alejandro Luciano Eijo Special Event Buenos Aires 21st
comfeysableyecharizard Lost Box Charizard by Tobias Basin Special Event Buenos Aires 22nd
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Tord Reklev Regional Gdańsk 2nd
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Jack Blyth Regional Gdańsk 10th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Caleb Rogerson Regional Gdańsk 11th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Brennan Kamerman Regional Gdańsk 15th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Bert Wolters Regional Gdańsk 31st
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Louis Mowatt Regional Gdańsk 32nd
miraidon Miraidon by Dominik Malicki Regional Gdańsk 34th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Hermanni Hietalahti Regional Gdańsk 37th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Dawid Andrzejewski Regional Gdańsk 38th
pidgeot Pidgeot Control by Tobias Strømdahl Regional Gdańsk 40th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Konsta Kallama Regional Gdańsk 44th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Sergio Ravelli Regional Gdańsk 45th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Ethan Wilde Regional Gdańsk 47th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Patrik Bartosovic Regional Gdańsk 48th
palkia-origindusknoir Palkia Dusknoir by Mario Martín Núñez Regional Gdańsk 52nd
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Facundo Facio Regional Gdańsk 53rd
palkia-originnoctowl Palkia Noctowl by Jonathan Sharpling Regional Gdańsk 56th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Kristian Hodas Regional Gdańsk 58th
pidgeot Pidgeot Control by Julius Mo Krag Regional Gdańsk 62nd
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Isaac Yu Regional Gdańsk 65th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Aldra Carrillo Regional Gdańsk 69th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Ali Salame Regional Gdańsk 70th
miraidon Miraidon by Adam Lásko Regional Gdańsk 76th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Sebastian Fernandez Regional Gdańsk 77th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Anthony Blanchard Regional Gdańsk 81st
miraidon Miraidon by Federico Gallo Regional Gdańsk 82nd
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Emilio Jose Montoro Fernandez Regional Gdańsk 84th
okidogigarchomp Okidogi Garchomp by Teodor Skjæveland Regional Gdańsk 85th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Nico Alabas Regional Gdańsk 87th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Vincenzo Enrico Zappalà Regional Gdańsk 88th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Jake Walvin Regional Gdańsk 90th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Öjvind Svinhufvud Regional Gdańsk 93rd
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Sebastian Teague Regional Gdańsk 102nd
chien-paobaxcalibur Chien-Pao Baxcalibur by Johannes Rieck Regional Gdańsk 104th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Angelo Calì Regional Gdańsk 105th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Andrew Elliott Regional Gdańsk 106th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Bas Juffer Regional Gdańsk 107th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Philip Schulz Regional Gdańsk 109th
palkia-origindusknoir Palkia Dusknoir by Connor Mehew Regional Gdańsk 111th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Gabriel Smart Regional Gdańsk 112th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Mario Milano Regional Gdańsk 114th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Raz Shamir Regional Gdańsk 115th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Toh You Jie Singapore Premier Ball League 1st
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Brendan Chua Singapore Premier Ball League 9th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Benjamin Chua Singapore Premier Ball League 12th
palkia-originnoctowl Palkia Noctowl by Keenan Jacob Victor Singapore Premier Ball League 13th
okidogi Okidogi by Lok Wei Ye Singapore Premier Ball League 15th
klawf Klawf by Jasper Li Singapore Premier Ball League 17th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Nicholas Yong Soon Hong Singapore Premier Ball League 18th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Kiew Zhen Yi Singapore Premier Ball League 24th
palkia-origindusknoir Palkia Dusknoir by Daniel Tan Wee Liang Singapore Premier Ball League 29th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Jihun Choi Korean League Season 1 5th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Jiseok Han Korean League Season 1 10th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Joongyu Baik Korean League Season 1 16th
palkia-origindusknoir Palkia Dusknoir by Yonguk Kim Korean League Season 1 19th
palkia-origindusknoir Palkia Dusknoir by Taekyung Kim Korean League Season 1 23rd
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Youngmin Ko Korean League Season 1 27th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Byeongcheol Im Korean League Season 1 31st
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Riccardo C. Regional Gdańsk (SR) 3rd
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Marley Sylvester S. Regional Gdańsk (SR) 4th
raging-boltogerpon Raging Bolt Ogerpon by Achille P. Regional Gdańsk (SR) 5th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Finn D. Regional Gdańsk (SR) 6th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Tomasz C. Regional Gdańsk (SR) 7th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Ethan C. Regional Gdańsk (SR) 8th
pidgeot Pidgeot Control by Joshua W. Regional Gdańsk (JR) 2nd
klawf Klawf by Nolan T. Regional Gdańsk (JR) 4th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Oliver C. Regional Gdańsk (JR) 6th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Adrian Velasco Philippines Premier Ball League 1st
palkia-origindusknoir Palkia Dusknoir by Juan Emilio Quismundo Philippines Premier Ball League 5th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Carlo Neria Philippines Premier Ball League 6th
palkia-origindusknoir Palkia Dusknoir by Christian Anthony Fernandez Philippines Premier Ball League 8th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Rogerson Villangca Philippines Premier Ball League 14th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Jiro Ferre Philippines Premier Ball League 16th
charizarddusknoir Charizard Dusknoir by Ranilo De Lemon Romano Philippines Premier Ball League 19th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Kenno Nishioka Philippines Premier Ball League 25th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Juancho Saldana Philippines Premier Ball League 26th
palkia-origindusknoir Palkia Dusknoir by Isaiah Mangundayao Philippines Premier Ball League 28th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Joshua Vanoverschelde Regional Lille 6th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Ethan Wilde Regional Lille 7th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Ondřej Škubal Regional Lille 11th
palkia-origindusknoir Palkia Dusknoir by Javier Tengo Jofre Regional Lille 13th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Nicholas Forsinetti Regional Lille 16th
palkia-origindusknoir Palkia Dusknoir by Stéphane Ivanoff Regional Lille 17th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Nico Alabas Regional Lille 21st
pidgeot Pidgeot Control by Emma Hagen Regional Lille 23rd
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Matias Matricardi Regional Lille 29th
palkia-origindusknoir Palkia Dusknoir by Joshua Galys Regional Lille 30th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Mads Jensen Regional Lille 32nd
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Josh Bond Regional Lille 35th
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Julien Charnet Regional Lille 37th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Arthur Vincent Regional Lille 39th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Benjamin Martinsen Regional Lille 42nd
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Florian Mansuy Regional Lille 44th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Omar Mahmood Regional Lille 45th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Amer Bikic Regional Lille 49th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Anthony Blanchard Regional Lille 51st
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Stepan Suchanek Regional Lille 53rd
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Gilles Garré Regional Lille 57th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Erik Støwer Regional Lille 58th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Joshua Bausch Regional Lille 60th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Jack Gregory-Campbell Regional Lille 62nd
palkia-origindusknoir Palkia Dusknoir by Matteo Cavani Regional Lille 63rd
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Hermanni Hietalahti Regional Lille 65th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Konsta Kallama Regional Lille 66th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Jaume Torrelles Regional Lille 68th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Thomas Standaert Regional Lille 72nd
palkia-origindusknoir Palkia Dusknoir by Ryan Griffiths Regional Lille 74th
miraidon Miraidon by Bolly Olufon Regional Lille 76th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Michal Grebenár Regional Lille 78th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Rune Heiremans Regional Lille 79th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Xavier Meyniel Regional Lille 81st
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Dariusz Włodarski Regional Lille 85th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Demare Victor Regional Lille 89th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Ali Salame Regional Lille 90th
palkia-origindusknoir Palkia Dusknoir by Thomas Gulino Regional Lille 91st
pidgeot Pidgeot Control by Zubin Schweitzer Regional Lille 92nd
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Arthur Van Audenrode Regional Lille 96th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Tord Reklev Regional Lille 97th
klawf Klawf by Alex Northey Regional Lille 98th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Ethan Chew Regional Lille 99th
klawf Klawf by Alex Bismara Regional Lille 104th
miraidon Miraidon by Lennert De Clercq Regional Lille 110th
banettedusknoir Banette Dusknoir by François Frualdo Regional Lille 115th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Pheeratthakorn Janthanan Thailand Premier Ball League 2nd
dragapultpidgeot Dragapult Pidgeot by Chuthapat Naigowit Thailand Premier Ball League 3rd
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Thanat Ratanapisit Thailand Premier Ball League 8th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Kittiphop Anuwan Thailand Premier Ball League 9th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Chonchanok Waitayacheva Thailand Premier Ball League 10th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Anon Guntha Thailand Premier Ball League 15th
palkia-origindusknoir Palkia Dusknoir by Jirat Chuyim Thailand Premier Ball League 23rd
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Tanakon Chumram Thailand Premier Ball League 25th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Kunakorn Thailand Premier Ball League 26th
pidgeot Pidgeot Control by Roman G. Regional Lille (SR) 2nd
palkia-origindusknoir Palkia Dusknoir by Felix C. Regional Lille (SR) 8th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Rohan S. Regional Lille (SR) 9th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Palko F. Regional Lille (JR) 7th
palkia-origindusknoir Palkia Dusknoir by Nathan V. Regional Lille (JR) 9th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Michael Davidson Regional Louisville, KY 2nd
palkia-origindusknoir Palkia Dusknoir by Kyle Lesniewicz Regional Louisville, KY 3rd
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Ciaran Farah Regional Louisville, KY 6th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Gabriel Smart Regional Louisville, KY 7th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Yerco Valencia Regional Louisville, KY 8th
palkia-origindusknoir Palkia Dusknoir by Brandon Dean Regional Louisville, KY 9th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Gwen Durell Regional Louisville, KY 11th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Grant Walworth Regional Louisville, KY 14th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Julian Gort-Barry Regional Louisville, KY 16th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Nathan Ginsburg Regional Louisville, KY 17th
palkia-origindusknoir Palkia Dusknoir by Alex Schemanske Regional Louisville, KY 18th
palkia-origindusknoir Palkia Dusknoir by Travis Beckwith Regional Louisville, KY 21st
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Tyler Mathews Regional Louisville, KY 22nd
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Alexander Scheller Regional Louisville, KY 25th
pidgeot Pidgeot Control by Malachi Ryder Regional Louisville, KY 26th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Owen Dalgard Regional Louisville, KY 27th
pidgeot Pidgeot Control by Dylan Gunn Regional Louisville, KY 32nd
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Dylan Smeigh Regional Louisville, KY 33rd
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Brock Davis Regional Louisville, KY 37th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Juan Mora Regional Louisville, KY 39th
palkia-origindusknoir Palkia Dusknoir by Kamal Crooks-Valdez Regional Louisville, KY 40th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Jeremiah Schmutz Regional Louisville, KY 42nd
snorlaxpidgeot Snorlax Pidgeot by Ethan Yi Regional Louisville, KY 47th
snorlax Snorlax Stall by Victor de Velasco Regional Louisville, KY 48th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Caleb Rogerson Regional Louisville, KY 53rd
giratina-origincomfey Giratina LZ Box by Kaleb Jacobson Regional Louisville, KY 56th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Dillon Johnson Regional Louisville, KY 57th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Alex Chandler Regional Louisville, KY 58th
palkia-origindusknoir Palkia Dusknoir by Sackett Brehmer Regional Louisville, KY 59th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Scotty Chesser Regional Louisville, KY 61st
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Justin Brothers Regional Louisville, KY 64th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Preston Rutledge Regional Louisville, KY 67th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Corey Blankenship Regional Louisville, KY 71st
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Hunter Butler Regional Louisville, KY 79th
pidgeot Pidgeot Control by Sanjay Sundararajan Regional Louisville, KY 80th
palkia-origindusknoir Palkia Dusknoir by Blake Wray Regional Louisville, KY 81st
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Tyler Ashlock Regional Louisville, KY 82nd
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Brennon Conner Regional Louisville, KY 94th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Francisco Bottero Regional Louisville, KY 95th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Noah Peltier Regional Louisville, KY 96th
pidgeot Pidgeot Control by James Kowalski Regional Louisville, KY 98th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Rahul Reddy Regional Louisville, KY 101st
palkia-origindusknoir Palkia Dusknoir by Enrique Avila Regional Louisville, KY 106th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Austin Ellis Regional Louisville, KY 107th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by John Maas Regional Louisville, KY 108th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Samuel Scime Regional Louisville, KY 113th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Taylor Whalen Regional Louisville, KY 116th
miraidon Miraidon by Yizhi Ren Regional Louisville, KY 117th
palkia-origindusknoir Palkia Dusknoir by Ian Robb Regional Louisville, KY 118th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Colin Alber Regional Louisville, KY 123rd
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Alex LeBlanc Regional Louisville, KY 125th
miraidon Miraidon by Solomon Shurge Regional Louisville, KY 127th
miraidon Miraidon by Eric Ridgeway Regional Louisville, KY 128th
snorlax Snorlax Stall by Charlie Thompson Regional Louisville, KY 131st
comfeysableyecharizard Lost Box Charizard by Kiel Homa Regional Louisville, KY 137th
palkia-origindusknoir Palkia Dusknoir by Garrett Dukes Regional Louisville, KY 139th
pidgeot Pidgeot Control by Nick Robinson Regional Louisville, KY 142nd
palkia-origindusknoir Palkia Dusknoir by Kevin Deitche Regional Louisville, KY 147th
palkia-origindusknoir Palkia Dusknoir by Charles Ames Regional Louisville, KY 148th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Jared Grimes Regional Louisville, KY 150th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Axel Alvarez Regional Louisville, KY 153rd
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Stephen Eshghy Regional Louisville, KY 156th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Brandon Woodward Regional Louisville, KY 159th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Brant Lesher Regional Louisville, KY 160th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Conner Hurst Regional Louisville, KY 166th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Jeff Heimann Regional Louisville, KY 167th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Benjamin Nackman Regional Louisville, KY 168th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Brandon Baughn Regional Louisville, KY 176th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Alec Imaizumi Regional Louisville, KY 179th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Jesse Parker Regional Louisville, KY 180th
palkia-originnoctowl Palkia Noctowl by Jeffrey Nieslawski Regional Louisville, KY 184th
palkia-origindusknoir Palkia Dusknoir by Nathaniel Wilson Regional Louisville, KY 185th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Grayson Jones Regional Louisville, KY 188th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by I-Chen Lin Regional Louisville, KY 189th
palkia-origindusknoir Palkia Dusknoir by Trey Rayburn Regional Louisville, KY 194th
klawf Klawf by Joshua L. Regional Louisville, KY (SR) 6th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Jesse O. Regional Louisville, KY (SR) 10th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Elijah L. Regional Louisville, KY (SR) 14th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Tristan T. Regional Louisville, KY (SR) 15th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Lucas K. Regional Louisville, KY (SR) 21st
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Andrew B. Regional Louisville, KY (SR) 23rd
banettedusknoir Banette Dusknoir by Zelda Z. Regional Louisville, KY (JR) 2nd
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Adrian L. Regional Louisville, KY (JR) 3rd
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Alex T. Regional Louisville, KY (JR) 5th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Giovanny Sasso Special Event Lima 1st
klawf Klawf by Damian Gabriel Riquel Special Event Lima 10th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Victor de Velasco Special Event Lima 12th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Steven Hamula Special Event Lima 13th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Victor Muñoz Special Event Lima 14th
palkia-origindusknoir Palkia Dusknoir by Agustin Perkins Special Event Lima 15th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Zach Lesage Special Event Lima 16th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Jonathan Fabrizio Bellucci Lanciano Special Event Lima 20th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Matias Diaz Special Event Lima 21st
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Rahul Reddy Regional Dortmund 2nd
palkia-origindusknoir Palkia Dusknoir by Stéphane Ivanoff Regional Dortmund 4th
miraidon Miraidon by Glenn Bauwens Regional Dortmund 7th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by James de Boer Regional Dortmund 8th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Tord Reklev Regional Dortmund 9th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Sergio Ravelli Regional Dortmund 17th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Francesco Pasquale Caterino Regional Dortmund 27th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Jack Gregory-Campbell Regional Dortmund 29th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Andrea Zorat Regional Dortmund 31st
pidgeot Pidgeot Control by Max Theeuwen Regional Dortmund 34th
pidgeot Pidgeot Control by Julius Mo Krag Regional Dortmund 39th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Rasmus Wagner Regional Dortmund 41st
snorlax Snorlax Stall by Bartosz Pawlik Regional Dortmund 45th
palkia-origindusknoir Palkia Dusknoir by Thomas Ducrot Regional Dortmund 51st
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Ali Salame Regional Dortmund 59th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Gunter Van Roey Regional Dortmund 61st
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Hlieb Smirnov Regional Dortmund 67th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Janne-Niklas Römer Regional Dortmund 69th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Florian Mansuy Regional Dortmund 70th
pidgeot Pidgeot Control by Oliver Elwick Regional Dortmund 71st
miraidon Miraidon by César Carbajo García Regional Dortmund 72nd
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Kevin Krueger Regional Dortmund 73rd
miraidon Miraidon by Bolly Olufon Regional Dortmund 75th
banettedusknoir Banette Dusknoir by Merlin Bresinski Regional Dortmund 76th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Joshua Vanoverschelde Regional Dortmund 78th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Anthony Blanchard Regional Dortmund 81st
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Joshua Bausch Regional Dortmund 82nd
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Mick de Jong Regional Dortmund 87th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Filippo Colamorea Regional Dortmund 88th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Philip Schulz Regional Dortmund 89th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Ethan Wilde Regional Dortmund 91st
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Julian Patz Regional Dortmund 92nd
pidgeot Pidgeot Control by Kevin Kral Regional Dortmund 99th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Andrea Mario Schroder Regional Dortmund 100th
banettedusknoir Banette Dusknoir by Owyn Kamerman Regional Dortmund 101st
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Fabien Pujol Regional Dortmund 103rd
banettedusknoir Banette Dusknoir by Magnus Pedersen Regional Dortmund 108th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Eemeli Reijonen Regional Dortmund 109th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Samuel Scime Regional Dortmund 110th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Riccardo Coviello Regional Dortmund 111th
pidgeot Pidgeot Control by Julius Hoeptner Regional Dortmund 113th
klawf Klawf by Mikołaj Łaniecki Regional Dortmund 115th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Luke Doran Regional Dortmund 117th
pidgeot Pidgeot Control by Maximilian Teubert Regional Dortmund 120th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by James Whitby Regional Dortmund 121st
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Robin Schulz Regional Dortmund 123rd
palkia-origin Palkia by Tobias Thesing Regional Dortmund 128th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Ward Knuts Regional Dortmund 135th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Benjamin Martinsen Regional Dortmund 139th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Kamil Colatosti Regional Dortmund 144th
banettedusknoir Banette Dusknoir by Emil Khedher Regional Dortmund 145th
miraidon Miraidon by Rabah Zibouche Regional Dortmund 146th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Callum Roulson Regional Dortmund 150th
miraidon Miraidon by Eyüp Vroegop Regional Dortmund 152nd
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Yerco Valencia Regional Joinville 1st
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Giovanny Sasso Regional Joinville 2nd
klawf Klawf by Alejandro Luciano Eijo Regional Joinville 3rd
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by João Requena Regional Joinville 4th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Nicolas Galaz Regional Joinville 9th
pidgeot Pidgeot Control by Douglas Castro Santos Borges Regional Joinville 16th
dragapult Dragapult by Marco Cifuentes Meta Regional Joinville 17th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Henrique Bonenti Regional Joinville 21st
pidgeot Pidgeot Control by Jonathan Fabrizio Bellucci Lanciano Regional Joinville 24th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Gabriel Massaroth Regional Joinville 26th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by William Azevedo Regional Joinville 33rd
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Victor Hugo Sampa Hamaguti Regional Joinville 35th
terapagosnoctowl Terapagos Noctowl by Lucas Badaracco Regional Joinville 41st
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Victor Muñoz Regional Joinville 43rd
klawf Klawf by Lucas Pedrosa Regional Joinville 44th
palkia-originnoctowl Palkia Noctowl by Jefferson Souza Regional Joinville 56th
pidgeot Pidgeot Control by Daniel J. Regional Dortmund (SR) 1st
pidgeot Pidgeot Control by Roman G. Regional Dortmund (SR) 5th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Marley Sylvester S. Regional Dortmund (SR) 6th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Adriano M. Regional Joinville (SR) 2nd
klawf Klawf by Edward C. Regional Dortmund (JR) 3rd
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Masaki Yaginuma Champions League Tokyo 2nd
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Ryoto Sawaguchi Champions League Tokyo 9th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Shota Nemoto Champions League Tokyo 13th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Ciaran Farah Regional Baltimore, MD 2nd
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Steven Varesko Regional Baltimore, MD 4th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Rahul Reddy Regional Baltimore, MD 5th
palkia-origindusknoir Palkia Dusknoir by Grafton Roll Regional Baltimore, MD 9th
snorlaxpidgeot Snorlax Pidgeot by Jeremy Gibson Regional Baltimore, MD 10th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Joseph Figliano Regional Baltimore, MD 11th
snorlax Snorlax Stall by Hasan Kunukcu Regional Baltimore, MD 12th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by DC Devos Regional Baltimore, MD 15th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Shane McManus Regional Baltimore, MD 25th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Eder Jarillo Soto Regional Baltimore, MD 26th
banettedusknoir Banette Dusknoir by Tyler Mathews Regional Baltimore, MD 27th
ogerpon-cornerstonenoivern Ogerpon Noivern by Kevin Krueger Regional Baltimore, MD 30th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Cody Byrd Regional Baltimore, MD 31st
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Samuel Scime Regional Baltimore, MD 32nd
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by JW Kriewall Regional Baltimore, MD 33rd
snorlaxpidgeot Snorlax Pidgeot by Liam Halliburton Regional Baltimore, MD 35th
klawf Klawf by Rasmus Tang Christiansen Regional Baltimore, MD 38th
pidgeot Pidgeot Control by Tord Reklev Regional Baltimore, MD 47th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Jeremiah Schmutz Regional Baltimore, MD 48th
snorlax Snorlax Stall by Henry Thompson Regional Baltimore, MD 52nd
pidgeot Pidgeot Control by Sanjay Sundararajan Regional Baltimore, MD 54th
snorlax Snorlax Stall by Cyrus McCane Regional Baltimore, MD 60th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Eric Liu Regional Baltimore, MD 63rd
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Akdiel Flores Regional Baltimore, MD 70th
miraidon Miraidon by Tony Herrera Regional Baltimore, MD 73rd
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Joseph Nawal Regional Baltimore, MD 75th
arceusdusknoir Arceus Dusknoir by Aidan Khus Regional Baltimore, MD 77th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Cobi Kawasaki Regional Baltimore, MD 81st
arceusdusknoir Arceus Dusknoir by Joshua Proehl Regional Baltimore, MD 86th
ursalunairon-valiant Ursaluna Iron Valiant by Ed Rickard Regional Baltimore, MD 95th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Tony Quach Regional Baltimore, MD 100th
comfeysableyecharizard Lost Box Charizard by Colin Alber Regional Baltimore, MD 112th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Qifei Fu Regional Baltimore, MD 125th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Renjie Ye Regional Baltimore, MD 127th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Landon E. Regional Baltimore, MD (SR) 1st
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Jesse O. Regional Baltimore, MD (SR) 2nd
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Deven R. Regional Baltimore, MD (SR) 4th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Cobey H. Regional Baltimore, MD (SR) 5th
comfeysableyecharizard Lost Box Charizard by Brandan S. Regional Baltimore, MD (SR) 23rd
miraidon Miraidon by Jesse Parker World Championships 2024 3rd
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Rahul Reddy World Championships 2024 9th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Konsta Kallama World Championships 2024 14th
miraidon Miraidon by Ryan Harris World Championships 2024 15th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Taisei Ito World Championships 2024 17th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Joshua Vanoverschelde World Championships 2024 21st
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Eder Jarillo Soto World Championships 2024 25th
pidgeot Pidgeot Control by Alessandro Cremascoli World Championships 2024 27th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Brandon Baughn World Championships 2024 37th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Ryoto Sawaguchi World Championships 2024 38th
miraidon Miraidon by Iori Takahashi World Championships 2024 46th
comfeysableyecharizard Lost Box Charizard by Marco Cifuentes Meta World Championships 2024 53rd
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Yerco Valencia World Championships 2024 62nd
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Francisco Osorio World Championships 2024 63rd
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Enzo Tassara World Championships 2024 68th
miraidon Miraidon by Sawyer Melban World Championships 2024 75th
miraidon Miraidon by Dominik Malicki World Championships 2024 78th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Min Qian Chen World Championships 2024 83rd
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Chun Yin Kwong World Championships 2024 96th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Andi Cheung World Championships 2024 97th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Hugo De Torres World Championships 2024 98th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Mario Martinez World Championships 2024 108th
miraidon Miraidon by Zach Cohen World Championships 2024 110th
pidgeot Pidgeot Control by Yu Ito World Championships 2024 111th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Adam Knowles World Championships 2024 113th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Junhui Yan World Championships 2024 125th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Tristan T. World Championships 2024 (SR) 5th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Ren M. World Championships 2024 (SR) 11th
pidgeot Pidgeot Control by Kyle X. World Championships 2024 (SR) 19th
giratina-origincomfey Giratina LZ Box by Jake K. World Championships 2024 (SR) 20th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Eliot D. World Championships 2024 (SR) 22nd
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Anthem M. World Championships 2024 (SR) 23rd
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Yuki U. World Championships 2024 (SR) 24th
miraidon Miraidon by Rohan S. World Championships 2024 (SR) 28th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Shao Tong Y. World Championships 2024 (SR) 29th
miraidon Miraidon by Liam H. World Championships 2024 (SR) 32nd
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Mitch L. World Championships 2024 (SR) 38th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Tim E. World Championships 2024 (SR) 39th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Issei F. World Championships 2024 (SR) 41st
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Aoshi S. World Championships 2024 (SR) 42nd
comfeysableyecharizard Lost Box Charizard by Karin N. World Championships 2024 (SR) 45th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Shane G. World Championships 2024 (SR) 46th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Cobey H. World Championships 2024 (JR) 4th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Koutarou M. World Championships 2024 (JR) 5th
pidgeot Pidgeot Control by Prince W. World Championships 2024 (JR) 11th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Drake Z. World Championships 2024 (JR) 12th
giratina-origincomfey Giratina LZ Box by Kosuke O. World Championships 2024 (JR) 14th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Shion H. World Championships 2024 (JR) 16th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Ryuto H. World Championships 2024 (JR) 20th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Akihiro F. World Championships 2024 (JR) 28th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Michael N. World Championships 2024 (JR) 33rd
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Nick Kee Malaysia Championships 2024 2nd
giratina-origincomfey Giratina LZ Box by Brian Geikie Malaysia Championships 2024 6th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Low Kien Xun Malaysia Championships 2024 8th
pidgeot Pidgeot Control by Aaron Kang Malaysia Championships 2024 11th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Erickson Choong Gian Ee Malaysia Championships 2024 12th
froslassmunkidori Froslass Munkidori by Spenser Gow Malaysia Championships 2024 16th
miraidon Miraidon by Teng Hie Tung Malaysia Championships 2024 21st
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Jordan Then Malaysia Championships 2024 22nd
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Andrew Hedrick NAIC 2024, New Orleans 1st
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Andrew Gantner NAIC 2024, New Orleans 8th
miraidon Miraidon by Mike Gibbs NAIC 2024, New Orleans 11th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Sawyer Melban NAIC 2024, New Orleans 15th
miraidon Miraidon by Ian Robb NAIC 2024, New Orleans 19th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Alex Schemanske NAIC 2024, New Orleans 21st
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Isaiah Cheville NAIC 2024, New Orleans 32nd
pidgeot Pidgeot Control by Alessandro Cremascoli NAIC 2024, New Orleans 41st
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Öjvind Svinhufvud NAIC 2024, New Orleans 47th
miraidon Miraidon by Nathian Beck NAIC 2024, New Orleans 48th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Konsta Kallama NAIC 2024, New Orleans 50th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Pedro Eugenio Torres NAIC 2024, New Orleans 52nd
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Cameron Kawasaki NAIC 2024, New Orleans 54th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Makani Tran NAIC 2024, New Orleans 55th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Jeremy Gibson NAIC 2024, New Orleans 56th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Nathan Stratford NAIC 2024, New Orleans 59th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Kristian Hodas NAIC 2024, New Orleans 60th
comfeysableyecharizard Lost Box Charizard by Marco Cifuentes Meta NAIC 2024, New Orleans 62nd
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Liam Petrie NAIC 2024, New Orleans 63rd
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Aidan Khus NAIC 2024, New Orleans 64th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Yosha Riley NAIC 2024, New Orleans 68th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Joel Bergman NAIC 2024, New Orleans 71st
giratina-origincomfey Giratina LZ Box by Addie Ward NAIC 2024, New Orleans 72nd
miraidon Miraidon by Nicholas Cucinelli NAIC 2024, New Orleans 74th
miraidon Miraidon by Phillip Myers NAIC 2024, New Orleans 77th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Michael Davidson NAIC 2024, New Orleans 81st
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Michael Ejeta NAIC 2024, New Orleans 83rd
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Gabriel Cruz NAIC 2024, New Orleans 85th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Jack Moore NAIC 2024, New Orleans 88th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Aaron Friedman NAIC 2024, New Orleans 91st
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Jordon Gaubert NAIC 2024, New Orleans 94th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Will Jenkins NAIC 2024, New Orleans 96th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Ryan Simons NAIC 2024, New Orleans 97th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Jordan Dumlao NAIC 2024, New Orleans 100th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Ethan Hegyi NAIC 2024, New Orleans 102nd
giratina-origincomfey Giratina LZ Box by Dennis Garcia NAIC 2024, New Orleans 104th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Cobi Kawasaki NAIC 2024, New Orleans 105th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Kenny Hernandez NAIC 2024, New Orleans 106th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by James Musser NAIC 2024, New Orleans 107th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Rune Heiremans NAIC 2024, New Orleans 108th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Michael Hopkins NAIC 2024, New Orleans 109th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Ray Chen NAIC 2024, New Orleans 111th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Maxwell Johnson NAIC 2024, New Orleans 121st
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Luke Levy NAIC 2024, New Orleans 124th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Neo Erlandsson NAIC 2024, New Orleans 127th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Yerco Valencia NAIC 2024, New Orleans 132nd
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Hunter Swanzy NAIC 2024, New Orleans 133rd
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Rahim Ameti NAIC 2024, New Orleans 134th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Saumit Kukkadapu NAIC 2024, New Orleans 135th
comfeysableyecharizard Lost Box Charizard by Colton Meahl NAIC 2024, New Orleans 137th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Leonardo Rios NAIC 2024, New Orleans 138th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Shinnosuke Komiya NAIC 2024, New Orleans 140th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Scarlet Harris NAIC 2024, New Orleans 144th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Liam Halliburton NAIC 2024, New Orleans 145th
pidgeot Pidgeot Control by James Kowalski NAIC 2024, New Orleans 146th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Brendan Cevasco NAIC 2024, New Orleans 147th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Frank Diaz NAIC 2024, New Orleans 149th
miraidon Miraidon by Drew Ahlberg NAIC 2024, New Orleans 152nd
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Juho Kallama NAIC 2024, New Orleans 157th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Rose Little NAIC 2024, New Orleans 158th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by AviLashan UmaShankar NAIC 2024, New Orleans 159th
giratina-origincomfey Giratina LZ Box by Jacob Smith NAIC 2024, New Orleans 160th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Chris Urcinola NAIC 2024, New Orleans 163rd
giratina-origincomfey Giratina LZ Box by Alberto Conti NAIC 2024, New Orleans 170th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Kevin Abernathy NAIC 2024, New Orleans 171st
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Takuya Yamaguchi NAIC 2024, New Orleans 175th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Sam Chen NAIC 2024, New Orleans 176th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Calvin Tathanhlong NAIC 2024, New Orleans 180th
raging-boltcomfey Raging Bolt LZ Box by Sammy Allen NAIC 2024, New Orleans 182nd
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Walter Contreras NAIC 2024, New Orleans 186th
giratina-origincomfey Giratina LZ Box by Tanner Faucheux NAIC 2024, New Orleans 204th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Jackson Ford NAIC 2024, New Orleans 205th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Kyle Sanchez NAIC 2024, New Orleans 208th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Tom Savady NAIC 2024, New Orleans 211th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Joseph Post NAIC 2024, New Orleans 213th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Andy Francis NAIC 2024, New Orleans 215th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Angelo Robinson NAIC 2024, New Orleans 216th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Matthew Wood NAIC 2024, New Orleans 217th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Jeremy Castro NAIC 2024, New Orleans 218th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Isaac Windham-Johnson NAIC 2024, New Orleans 219th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Luis Olivera NAIC 2024, New Orleans 221st
pidgeot Pidgeot Control by Samuel Gay NAIC 2024, New Orleans 223rd
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Grant Walworth NAIC 2024, New Orleans 225th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Justin Perea NAIC 2024, New Orleans 229th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Matthew Molloy NAIC 2024, New Orleans 230th
giratina-origincomfey Giratina LZ Box by Daichi Tamai NAIC 2024, New Orleans 239th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Jonathan Valenzuela NAIC 2024, New Orleans 240th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Dominic Price NAIC 2024, New Orleans 241st
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Weiqi Ding NAIC 2024, New Orleans 242nd
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Edison Sears NAIC 2024, New Orleans 244th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Brandon Oviatt NAIC 2024, New Orleans 246th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Ryan Harris NAIC 2024, New Orleans 247th
miraidon Miraidon by Daniel Casas NAIC 2024, New Orleans 252nd
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Matthew Marsh NAIC 2024, New Orleans 254th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Melanie Stamm NAIC 2024, New Orleans 257th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Roberto Lozada NAIC 2024, New Orleans 258th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Patrik Bartosovic NAIC 2024, New Orleans 259th
pidgeot Pidgeot Control by JW Jobson NAIC 2024, New Orleans 261st
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Rudy Paras NAIC 2024, New Orleans 264th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Ryan Silva NAIC 2024, New Orleans 266th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Jordan Holmes NAIC 2024, New Orleans 270th
giratina-origincomfey Giratina LZ Box by Emmet Hurley NAIC 2024, New Orleans 274th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Trevor Bales NAIC 2024, New Orleans 275th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Graham West NAIC 2024, New Orleans 276th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Edwin Arrollo NAIC 2024, New Orleans 277th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Ryan Rafferty NAIC 2024, New Orleans 278th
pidgeot Pidgeot Control by Cooper Kull NAIC 2024, New Orleans 282nd
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Shane McManus NAIC 2024, New Orleans 284th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Kobe Harris NAIC 2024, New Orleans 286th
dialga-originmetang Dialga Metang by Brenden Clark NAIC 2024, New Orleans 289th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Justin T. NAIC 2024, New Orleans (SR) 4th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Evan Pavelski NAIC 2024, New Orleans (SR) 5th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Benny Billinger NAIC 2024, New Orleans (SR) 6th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Carson W. NAIC 2024, New Orleans (SR) 8th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Collin H. NAIC 2024, New Orleans (SR) 14th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Tristan T. NAIC 2024, New Orleans (SR) 15th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Callum E. NAIC 2024, New Orleans (SR) 17th
froslassmunkidori Froslass Munkidori by Polaris A. NAIC 2024, New Orleans (SR) 18th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Passawat P. NAIC 2024, New Orleans (SR) 19th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Isaac Jung NAIC 2024, New Orleans (SR) 21st
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Cristiano C. NAIC 2024, New Orleans (SR) 22nd
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Deven R. NAIC 2024, New Orleans (SR) 23rd
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Rj S. NAIC 2024, New Orleans (SR) 28th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Lucas B. NAIC 2024, New Orleans (SR) 29th
miraidon Miraidon by Preston M. NAIC 2024, New Orleans (SR) 31st
miraidon Miraidon by Lyle C. NAIC 2024, New Orleans (JR) 3rd
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Elijah L. NAIC 2024, New Orleans (JR) 6th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Hikaru Kobiyama Japan Championships 2024 1st
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Ryoya Kurashima Japan Championships 2024 4th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Ryo Ishii Japan Championships 2024 5th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Keiju Miya Japan Championships 2024 6th
giratina-origincomfey Giratina LZ Box by Hirofumi Fujimoto Japan Championships 2024 11th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Shinya Karashima Japan Championships 2024 15th
giratina-origincomfey Giratina LZ Box by Pacharadanai Boonsup Thailand Championships 2024 1st
giratina-origincomfey Giratina LZ Box by Napapol Chanvitan Thailand Championships 2024 2nd
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Thanthawat Chujitngamsuwong Thailand Championships 2024 3rd
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Jetnipat Likitsombat Thailand Championships 2024 9th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Athitat Sooksri Thailand Championships 2024 10th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Solos Kammalet Thailand Championships 2024 12th
charizardpidgeot Charizard Pidgeot by Thongdech Sakprasard Thailand Championships 2024 13th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Poonyapat Leelalumlert Thailand Championships 2024 14th
giratina-origincomfey Giratina LZ Box by Nuttawat Chaichana Thailand Championships 2024 21st
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Wasin Taechakijviboon Thailand Championships 2024 22nd
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Chayut Thailand Championships 2024 23rd
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Toy Thailand Championships 2024 30th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Tatsuzo Ono Champions League Sapporo 4th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Yuma Oishi Champions League Sapporo 9th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Yoichi Sawada Champions League Sapporo 12th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Kaoru Inomata Champions League Sapporo 14th
giratina-origincomfey Giratina LZ Box by Naoto Tsurumi Champions League Sapporo 15th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Mirai Yamaguchi Champions League Sapporo 16th
giratina-origincomfey Giratina LZ Box by Toshihiro Kai Champions League Aichi 5th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Yuya Nakamae Champions League Aichi 8th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Ryota Suyama Champions League Aichi 9th
lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops by Rain Akiba Champions League Aichi 11th
comfeysableye Lost Zone Box by Shunta Futaesaku Champions League Aichi 15th
snorlax Snorlax Stall by Kota Ogino Champions League Aichi 16th
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