Deck |
Tournament |
Place |
Iron Thorns Garbodor by Taketo Seki |
Champions League Aichi Expanded |
3rd |
Lugia Archeops by Takahiro Shirai |
Champions League Aichi Expanded |
5th |
Mew Genesect by Toshiki Nozaki |
Champions League Aichi Expanded |
9th |
Lugia Archeops by Daiki Igarashi |
Champions League Aichi Expanded |
16th |
Mad Party by Takuya Hasegawa |
Champions League Aichi - Expanded |
1st |
Honchkrow by Tomoki Mizuno |
Champions League Aichi - Expanded |
3rd |
Hoopa Walls by John Mostowy |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
4th |
Mew Box by Frank Percic |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
15th |
Doll Stall by Adler Pierce |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
23rd |
Doll Stall by Isaac Milaski |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
24th |
Mew Box by Hunter Butler |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
29th |
Mewtwo & Mew by Andrew Nunez |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
39th |
Mewtwo & Mew by Zack Taylor |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
46th |
Mewtwo & Mew by Maximino Mendez |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
49th |
Doll Stall by Tanner Hurley |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
58th |
Night March by Ahmed Ali |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
62nd |
Zoroark Snorlax by Hector Ibarra |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
65th |
Zoroark Snorlax by Connor Chiappetta |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
70th |
Zoroark Garbodor by Jon Eng |
Regional Dallas, TX |
4th |
Hoopa Walls by John Mostowy |
Regional Dallas, TX |
11th |
Mewtwo & Mew by Brad Curcio |
Regional Dallas, TX |
15th |
Mewtwo & Mew by Tristan Lackey |
Regional Dallas, TX |
21st |
Zoroark Garbodor by Tanner Hurley |
Regional Dallas, TX |
23rd |
Seismitoad Garchomp & Giratina by Isaiah Bradner |
Regional Dallas, TX |
24th |
Mewtwo & Mew by Alex Baker |
Regional Dallas, TX |
29th |
Mewtwo & Mew by Kyle Warner |
Regional Dallas, TX |
32nd |
Seismitoad Garchomp & Giratina by Will Jenkins |
Regional Dallas, TX |
33rd |
Zoroark Garbodor by Ian Robb |
Regional Dallas, TX |
40th |
Mewtwo & Mew by Miguel Escutia |
Regional Dallas, TX |
42nd |
Mewtwo & Mew by Luke Morsa |
Regional Dallas, TX |
46th |
Wall Stall by Cyrus Davis |
Regional Dallas, TX |
47th |
Zoroark Garbodor by Christopher Venier |
Regional Dallas, TX |
48th |
Zoroark Control by Dexter Allan Reilly |
Regional Dallas, TX |
56th |
Mewtwo & Mew by Ben Cryer |
Regional Dallas, TX |
60th |
Mewtwo & Mew by Michael McCutcheon |
Regional Dallas, TX |
66th |
Zoroark Garbodor by André Chiasson |
Regional Dallas, TX |
70th |
Seismitoad Garchomp & Giratina by Kenny Britton |
Regional Dallas, TX |
71st |
Mewtwo & Mew by Dennis Jasper Moore |
Regional Dallas, TX |
74th |
Seismitoad Garchomp & Giratina by Justin Bokhari |
Regional Dallas, TX |
77th |
Mewtwo & Mew by Will McEowen |
Regional Dallas, TX |
78th |
Zoroark by Stephen Hogan |
Regional Dallas, TX |
79th |
Mewtwo & Mew by Kiernan Wagner |
Regional Dallas, TX |
80th |
Mewtwo & Mew by Seunghyun Lee |
Korean League Season 1 |
4th |
Mewtwo & Mew by Inseong Kang |
Korean League Season 1 |
5th |
Gardevoir & Sylveon by Hyunsik Choi |
Korean League Season 1 |
6th |
ADP Silvally by Hagil Kang |
Korean League Season 1 |
7th |
ADP Silvally by YouTae Woo |
Korean League Season 1 |
8th |
ADP Tag Team Box by Sangyoon Jeong |
Korean League Season 1 |
12th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Hwanseok Jang |
Korean League Season 1 |
15th |
Zoroark Garbodor by Ian Robb |
Regional Portland, OR |
1st |
Zoroark Garbodor by Jackson Ford |
Regional Portland, OR |
11th |
Night March by Le Bui |
Regional Portland, OR |
13th |
Zoroark Garbodor by Kevin Clemente |
Regional Portland, OR |
14th |
Zoroark Vileplume by Andrew Munoz |
Regional Portland, OR |
15th |
Night March by Alvin Ng |
Regional Portland, OR |
17th |
Mewtwo & Mew Hand Lock by Kevin Tran |
Regional Portland, OR |
18th |
Zoroark Vileplume by Noah Sakadjian |
Regional Portland, OR |
28th |
Zoroark Garbodor by Bodhi Tracy |
Regional Portland, OR |
31st |
Zoroark Control by Calvin Connor |
Regional Portland, OR |
34th |
Gardevoir by Bradley Ireland |
Regional Portland, OR |
40th |
Vespiquen Flareon by Grant Manley |
Regional Portland, OR |
43rd |
Zoroark Control by Zachary Cooper |
Regional Portland, OR |
48th |
Zoroark Control by Grant Manley |
Regional Richmond, VA |
3rd |
Zoroark Control by Michael Pramawat |
Regional Richmond, VA |
5th |
Zoroark Control by Rowan Stavenow |
Regional Richmond, VA |
6th |
Zoroark Garbodor by Michael Catron |
Regional Richmond, VA |
14th |
Zoroark Control by Isaiah Bradner |
Regional Richmond, VA |
17th |
Vespiquen Flareon by Rahul Reddy |
Regional Richmond, VA |
19th |
Night March by Alex Garcia |
Regional Richmond, VA |
24th |
Vespiquen Flareon by Connor Finton |
Regional Richmond, VA |
29th |
Regirock Walls by James Langley |
Regional Richmond, VA |
30th |
Lucario & Melmetal by Daichi Shimada |
Champions League Tokyo |
1st |
Mewtwo & Mew by Kojiro Tsuruta |
Champions League Tokyo |
5th |
Gardevoir & Sylveon by Shun Ito |
Champions League Tokyo |
6th |
Mewtwo & Mew by Hiroki Yano |
Champions League Tokyo |
8th |
Amulet Hand Lock by Yu Igawa |
CL Tokyo Extra |
8th |
Zoroark Dewgong by Stéphane Ivanoff |
NAIC 2019, Columbus |
1st |
Lucario & Melmetal Vileplume by Preston Ellis |
NAIC 2019, Columbus |
7th |
Spiritomb Stunfisk by Hunter Butler |
NAIC 2019, Columbus |
8th |
Zoroark Dewgong by Brent Tonisson |
NAIC 2019, Columbus |
13th |
Regigigas Hoopa by Vance Kelley |
NAIC 2019, Columbus |
15th |
Zoroark Persian by Pedro Eugenio Torres |
NAIC 2019, Columbus |
16th |
Regigigas Hoopa by Alessandro Cremascoli |
NAIC 2019, Columbus |
22nd |
Weezing by Steven Singer |
NAIC 2019, Columbus |
24th |
Duoblade by Charlie Lockyer |
NAIC 2019, Columbus |
50th |
Zoroark by Kendon Kula |
NAIC 2019, Columbus |
58th |
Zoroark Persian by Robin Schulz |
NAIC 2019, Columbus |
65th |
Regigigas Hoopa by Ryan Simons |
NAIC 2019, Columbus |
67th |
Zoroark Lucario Slowking by Aneil Saini |
NAIC 2019, Columbus |
72nd |
Zoroark Dewgong by Natalie Millar |
NAIC 2019, Columbus |
79th |
Shedinja Control by Tristen Pence |
NAIC 2019, Columbus |
80th |
Zoroark Silvally by Jose Marrero |
NAIC 2019, Columbus |
83rd |
Zoroark Silvally by Brendan Dixon |
NAIC 2019, Columbus |
86th |
Zoroark Silvally by Ryan D'Silva |
NAIC 2019, Columbus |
91st |
Zoroark Persian by Nico Alabas |
NAIC 2019, Columbus |
96th |
Zoroark Dewgong by Isaiah Bradner |
NAIC 2019, Columbus (SR) |
1st |
Weezing by Regan Retzloff |
NAIC 2019, Columbus (SR) |
2nd |
Zoroark Dewgong by Rowan Stavenow |
NAIC 2019, Columbus (SR) |
3rd |
Zoroark Persian by Lucas Xing |
NAIC 2019, Columbus (SR) |
4th |
Weezing by Frank Mintmire |
NAIC 2019, Columbus (SR) |
6th |
Lucario & Melmetal Hoopa by Kaya Lichtleitner |
NAIC 2019, Columbus (SR) |
7th |
Weezing by Caleb Knicely |
NAIC 2019, Columbus (JR) |
8th |
Regigigas Hoopa by Sander Wojcik |
Regional Jonkoping |
3rd |
Zoroark Dewgong by Stéphane Ivanoff |
Regional Jonkoping |
8th |
Zoroark Dewgong by Owyn Kamerman |
Regional Jonkoping |
10th |
Zoroark Persian Slowking by Pere Arbós Parets |
Regional Jonkoping |
13th |
Regigigas Hoopa by Simon Eriksen |
Regional Jonkoping |
14th |
Zoroark Persian by Jens Arne Mækinen |
Regional Jonkoping |
15th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Robin MacMoffat |
Regional Jonkoping |
21st |
Zoroark Silvally Persian by Alessandro Cremascoli |
Regional Jonkoping |
24th |
Zoroark Persian by Lyder Iversen |
Regional Jonkoping |
25th |
Zoroark Persian by Benjamin Martinsen |
Regional Jonkoping |
30th |
Weezing by Leo Beskow |
Regional Jonkoping |
31st |
Zoroark Persian by Tord Reklev |
Regional Jonkoping |
32nd |
Zoroark Dewgong by Henry Brand |
Special Event Auckland |
1st |
Zoroark Dewgong by Natalie Millar |
Special Event Auckland |
4th |
Zoroark Silvally by Moeen Mungalee |
Special Event Cape Town |
1st |
Weezing by Jimmy Pendarvis |
Origins Open |
5th |
Weezing by Michael Pramawat |
Origins Open |
8th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Hector Pereira Caro |
Regional Santiago |
10th |
Zoroark Silvally by Jose Sanchez Loyola |
Regional Santiago |
12th |
Aerodactyl Slowking by Eduardo Alfaro Espinoza |
Regional Santiago |
24th |
Zoroark Persian Slowking by Jonatan Espinoza |
Regional Santiago |
26th |
Weezing by Gwangseok Seo |
Korean League Final Season |
2nd |
Weezing by Jihun Choi |
Korean League Final Season |
3rd |
Zoroark Slowking by Jeongung Jang |
Korean League Final Season |
12th |
Zoroark Dewgong by Jooyong Park |
Korean League Final Season |
16th |
Regigigas Hoopa by Aaron Kang |
Special Event Bangkok |
4th |
Zoroark Persian Slowking by Patrick Littleson |
Regional Madison, WI |
7th |
Zoroark Slowking by Caleb Patton |
Regional Madison, WI |
8th |
Zoroark Persian by Zack Taylor |
Regional Madison, WI |
9th |
Zoroark Persian by Alex Krekeler |
Regional Madison, WI |
22nd |
Zoroark Silvally by Christian Billings |
Regional Madison, WI |
24th |
Zoroark Persian by Dallas Schmidt |
Regional Madison, WI |
25th |
Granbull by Arlo Neel |
Regional Madison, WI |
32nd |
Zoroark Gyarados by Nick Morin |
Regional Madison, WI |
34th |
Zoroark Lycanroc Slowking by Jared Zander |
Regional Madison, WI |
36th |
Blissey by Braiden Elfert |
Regional Madison, WI |
37th |
Weezing by Sam Elliott |
Regional Madison, WI |
47th |
Granbull by Alec Geissler |
Regional Madison, WI |
57th |
Weezing by Trisha Gilbert |
Regional Madison, WI |
62nd |
Weezing by Joshua Parks |
Regional Madison, WI |
64th |
Zoroark Glaceon by Johnathan Thompson |
Regional Madison, WI |
66th |
Zoroark Persian by Alejo Antonio Salvador Iturbe |
Regional Sao Paulo |
2nd |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Leonardo Machado |
Regional Sao Paulo |
3rd |
Zoroark Persian Slowking by Patricia Gonzalez Walsh |
Regional Sao Paulo |
4th |
Weezing by Vitor Santos Soares |
Regional Sao Paulo |
8th |
Lucario & Melmetal Hoopa by Andre Porto |
Regional Sao Paulo |
11th |
Weezing by Paulo Gouveia de Freitas |
Regional Sao Paulo |
12th |
Weezing by Ian Anderson Fukuda |
Regional Sao Paulo |
13th |
Weezing by Jhonattan Nascimento |
Regional Sao Paulo |
18th |
Weezing by João Pedro Medeiros Zambrano |
Regional Sao Paulo |
25th |
Weezing by Ricardo Felipe Hille |
Regional Sao Paulo |
26th |
Lucario & Melmetal Vileplume by Preston Ellis |
Regional Santa Clara, CA |
6th |
Zoroark Persian by Daniel Lynch |
Regional Santa Clara, CA |
11th |
Lucario & Melmetal Vileplume by Joel Stroeve |
Regional Santa Clara, CA |
13th |
Lucario & Melmetal Hoopa by Peter Kica |
Regional Santa Clara, CA |
15th |
Lucario & Melmetal Vileplume by David Selin |
Regional Santa Clara, CA |
20th |
Weezing by Hunter Butler |
Regional Santa Clara, CA |
21st |
Weezing by Rain Keuma |
Regional Santa Clara, CA |
32nd |
Zoroark Control by Andrew Scott |
Regional Santa Clara, CA |
39th |
Zoroark Control by Dylan Gunn |
Regional Santa Clara, CA |
44th |
Zoroark Persian by Henry Brand |
Regional Sydney |
2nd |
Zoroark Persian by Mitch Knuckey |
Regional Sydney |
7th |
Weezing by Ryan Kingaby |
Special Event Johannesburg |
1st |
Zoroark Lycanroc Lucario by Marco Antonio Gomez Sanchez |
Special Event Cancun |
3rd |
Regigigas Hoopa by Alessandro Cremascoli |
Regional Bristol |
1st |
Regigigas Hoopa by Sander Wojcik |
Regional Bristol |
3rd |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Filipp Lausch |
Regional Bristol |
5th |
Zoroark Lycanroc Lucario by Leona Chevrel |
Regional Bristol |
14th |
Zoroark Lycanroc Lucario by Stéphane Ivanoff |
Regional Bristol |
22nd |
Zoroark Lycanroc Lucario by Owyn Kamerman |
Regional Bristol |
24th |
Regigigas Hoopa by Faisal Khan |
Regional Bristol |
29th |
Celebi & Venusaur by Ben Rodgers |
Regional Bristol |
31st |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Josh Stevens |
Regional Bristol |
34th |
Zoroark Garbodor by Isaiah Williams |
Regional Hartford, CT |
4th |
Zoroark by Jason Annichiarico |
Regional Hartford, CT |
10th |
Zoroark Garbodor by Azul Garcia Griego |
Regional Hartford, CT |
16th |
Zoroark Garbodor by Ben Cryer |
Regional Hartford, CT |
19th |
Zoroark Garbodor by Daniel Altavilla |
Regional Hartford, CT |
20th |
Zoroark Garbodor by Michael Pramawat |
Regional Hartford, CT |
21st |
Night March by Jed Andrusik |
Regional Hartford, CT |
22nd |
Zoroark Golisopod by Dean Nezam |
Regional Hartford, CT |
23rd |
Drampa Garbodor by Andrew Estrada |
Regional Hartford, CT |
26th |
Zoroark Garbodor by Shawn Chauvin |
Regional Hartford, CT |
29th |
Celebi & Venusaur by Logan Honts |
Regional Hartford, CT |
32nd |
Zoroark Garbodor by Luke Gjerde |
Regional Hartford, CT |
37th |
Zoroark Lucario by Jeongung Jang |
Korean League Season 3 |
3rd |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Chanhyeok Park |
Korean League Season 3 |
11th |
Zoroark Lucario by Hyoseob Byun |
Korean League Season 3 |
12th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Jongwon Park |
Korean League Season 3 |
15th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Alex Silva |
EUIC 2019, Berlin |
3rd |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Brent Tonisson |
EUIC 2019, Berlin |
5th |
Zoroark Lycanroc Lucario by Arjan Nagel |
EUIC 2019, Berlin |
6th |
Koko Spread by Kaiwen Cabbabe |
EUIC 2019, Berlin |
10th |
Zoroark Lycanroc Lucario by Steven Mao |
EUIC 2019, Berlin |
12th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Lyder Iversen |
EUIC 2019, Berlin |
46th |
Celebi & Venusaur by Angelo Falchi |
EUIC 2019, Berlin |
55th |
Shedinja Control by Pedro Eugenio Torres |
EUIC 2019, Berlin |
60th |
Koko Spread by Clifton Goh |
EUIC 2019, Berlin |
67th |
Regigigas Hoopa by Phillip de Sousa |
EUIC 2019, Berlin |
78th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by James Bee |
EUIC 2019, Berlin |
80th |
Shedinja Control by Jens Arne Mækinen |
EUIC 2019, Berlin |
83rd |
Regigigas Hoopa by Alfred Kristensen |
EUIC 2019, Berlin |
88th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Kaya Lichtleitner |
EUIC 2019, Berlin (SR) |
3rd |
Regigigas Hoopa by Julius Mo Krag |
EUIC 2019, Berlin (SR) |
4th |
Zoroark Control by Alexandre Sole |
EUIC 2019, Berlin (SR) |
5th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Noah Donen |
EUIC 2019, Berlin (JR) |
3rd |
Seismitoad Zoroark by Caleb Gedemer |
Regional Daytona Beach, FL |
1st |
Seismitoad Zoroark by Daniel Altavilla |
Regional Daytona Beach, FL |
3rd |
Zoroark Control by Guillermo Estupinan |
Regional Daytona Beach, FL |
4th |
Celebi & Venusaur by Thomas Seward |
Regional Daytona Beach, FL |
7th |
Vespiquen Flareon by Rahul Reddy |
Regional Daytona Beach, FL |
10th |
Seismitoad Zoroark by Jimmy Pendarvis |
Regional Daytona Beach, FL |
12th |
Zoroark Garbodor by Timothy Madison |
Regional Daytona Beach, FL |
13th |
Seismitoad Zoroark by Azul Garcia Griego |
Regional Daytona Beach, FL |
15th |
Zoroark Control by Alex Garcia |
Regional Daytona Beach, FL |
17th |
Zoroark Garbodor by Kamal Crooks-Valdez |
Regional Daytona Beach, FL |
20th |
Seismitoad Zoroark by Charlie Lockyer |
Regional Daytona Beach, FL |
22nd |
Seismitoad Garbodor by Blaine Hill |
Regional Daytona Beach, FL |
28th |
Seismitoad Zoroark by Zachary Cooper |
Regional Daytona Beach, FL |
29th |
Seismitoad Zoroark by Isaiah Williams |
Regional Daytona Beach, FL |
30th |
Regigigas Hoopa by Taketo Seki |
Champions League Kyoto |
2nd |
Hoopa Umbreon by Shintaro Ito |
Champions League Kyoto |
6th |
Lycanroc Landorus by Shintaro Fuji |
Champions League Kyoto |
31st |
Whimsicott by Kohei Miwa |
Champions League Kyoto |
35th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Taiki Tanagida |
Champions League Kyoto |
43rd |
Zoroark Control by Rodrigo Pereda |
Special Event Peru #2 |
8th |
Zoroark Control by Finn McKeefry |
Special Event Guatemala |
6th |
Zoroark Control by Caleb Gedemer |
Regional Denver, CO |
1st |
Regigigas Hoopa by Hale Obernolte |
Regional Denver, CO |
2nd |
Celebi & Venusaur by Ronald Gonzalez |
Regional Denver, CO |
3rd |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Scotty Chesser |
Regional Denver, CO |
9th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Kendon Kula |
Regional Denver, CO |
11th |
Celebi & Venusaur by Alexander Wenceslao |
Regional Denver, CO |
14th |
Zoroark Control by Daniel Altavilla |
Regional Denver, CO |
19th |
Zoroark Lycanroc Weavile by David Tomhave-Alexie |
Regional Denver, CO |
21st |
Zoroark Control by Jimmy Pendarvis |
Regional Denver, CO |
24th |
Regigigas Hoopa by Zachary Cooper |
Regional Denver, CO |
36th |
Regigigas Hoopa by Gregory Smith |
Regional Denver, CO |
51st |
Zoroark Lycanroc Weavile by Luke Gjerde |
Regional Denver, CO |
53rd |
Lycanroc Persian by John Collins |
Regional Denver, CO |
55th |
Gardevoir Zoroark Ninetales by Bruce Dziak |
Regional Denver, CO |
58th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by João Pedro Medeiros Zambrano |
Special Event Argentina #2 |
2nd |
Zygarde Buzzwole Lycanroc by Joel Suryadi |
Special Event Jakarta |
1st |
Zoroark Lycanroc Lucario by Thanat Ratanapisit |
Special Event Jakarta |
8th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by William Azevedo |
Regional Fortaleza |
1st |
Zoroark Lycanroc Lucario by Ricardo Felipe Hille |
Regional Fortaleza |
3rd |
Zoroark Lycanroc Lucario by Vinicius Moschen |
Regional Fortaleza |
4th |
Zoroark Lycanroc Lucario by Friedrich Illbruck |
Special Event Bolzano |
5th |
Zoroark Lycanroc Lucario by Patrik Bartosovic |
Special Event Bolzano |
6th |
Zoroark Lycanroc Lucario by Josue Flores |
Special Event El Salvador |
7th |
Drampa Garbodor by Andrew Martin |
Regional Greensboro, NC |
1st |
Zoroark Garbodor by Arlo Neel |
Regional Greensboro, NC |
4th |
Zoroark Garbodor by Alex Schemanske |
Regional Greensboro, NC |
6th |
Zoroark Garbodor by Justin Kulas |
Regional Greensboro, NC |
12th |
Zoroark Garbodor by Justin Bokhari |
Regional Greensboro, NC |
13th |
Zoroark Garbodor by Tanner Detlef |
Regional Greensboro, NC |
16th |
Zoroark Control by Nicholas Moffitt |
Regional Greensboro, NC |
17th |
Celebi & Venusaur by Rahul Reddy |
Regional Greensboro, NC |
21st |
Drampa Garbodor by Blaine Hill |
Regional Greensboro, NC |
26th |
Drampa Garbodor by Kazuki Kanehira |
Regional Greensboro, NC |
29th |
Celebi & Venusaur by Juan Colon |
Regional Greensboro, NC |
36th |
Seismitoad Garbodor by Tristan Lackey |
Regional Greensboro, NC |
40th |
Night March by Peter Kica |
Regional Greensboro, NC |
41st |
Zoroark Lycanroc Lucario by Benjamin Arellano |
Special Event Chile #3 |
3rd |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Ricardo Manuel Gajardo Laubrin |
Special Event Chile #3 |
7th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Henry Brand |
Regional Perth |
1st |
Zoroark Lycanroc Lucario by Brent Tonisson |
Regional Perth |
2nd |
Night March by Jimmy Pendarvis |
Regional Toronto |
1st |
Zoroark Garbodor by Maria Bujak |
Regional Toronto |
2nd |
Zoroark Garbodor by David Tomhave-Alexie |
Regional Toronto |
14th |
Zoroark Garbodor by André Chiasson |
Regional Toronto |
15th |
Night March by Andrew Dombroski |
Regional Toronto |
22nd |
Zoroark Garbodor by Benjamin Souriol |
Regional Toronto |
23rd |
Vespiquen Flareon by Nicholas Moffitt |
Regional Toronto |
24th |
Night March by Caleb Gedemer |
Regional Toronto |
26th |
Zoroark by Charlie Lockyer |
Regional Toronto |
29th |
Gallade Jirachi by Nathan Brower |
Regional Toronto |
30th |
Night March by Isaiah Williams |
Regional Toronto |
31st |
Zoroark Lycanroc Lucario by Daniel Altavilla |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
2nd |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Wesley Hollenberg |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
10th |
Zoroark Lycanroc Lucario by Jimmy Pendarvis |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
12th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Andrew Martin |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
14th |
Zoroark Lycanroc Ninetales by Aaron Tarbell |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
15th |
Zoroark Garbodor by Alex Cole |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
19th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Benjamin Ferrel |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
23rd |
Sylveon by Malachi Sparks |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
25th |
Sylveon by Caleb Cosby |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
27th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Adam Horn |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
28th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Ian Robb |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
30th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Kenny Britton |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
31st |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Andrew Estrada |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
32nd |
Zoroark Lycanroc Lucario by Brendan Dixon |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
34th |
Sylveon by Anthony Strange |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
36th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Benjamin Sauk |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
37th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Dalton Lott |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
41st |
Zoroark Lycanroc Lucario by Ahmad Akhrass |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
42nd |
Zoroark Lycanroc Lucario by Tyler Keller |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
50th |
Zoroark Lycanroc Weavile by Emmet Hurley |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
51st |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Austin Cruz |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
52nd |
Zoroark Lucario Weavile by Alex Garcia |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
53rd |
Zoroark Lucario by Patrick Smith |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
54th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Addison Miller |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
55th |
Zoroark Lucario by Hayden Guyse |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
60th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Marc Mabray |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
62nd |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Nicolas Galaz |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
63rd |
Zoroark Lycanroc Lucario by Ian McGregor |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
64th |
Celebi & Venusaur by Ryne Morgan |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
69th |
Koko Spread by Dallas Wright |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
72nd |
Zoroark Lycanroc Ninetales by Fraser Cuviello |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
73rd |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Caleb Rice |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
74th |
Vileplume Ninetales by Kendon Kula |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
75th |
Zoroark Lycanroc Lucario by Carter Barsh |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
76th |
Malamar Spread by Sean Adam |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
81st |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Kevin Baxter |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
82nd |
Zoroark Alolan Ninetales by Danny Sedam |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
88th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Mark Dizon |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
92nd |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Chris Mack |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
93rd |
Zoroark Lycanroc Lucario by Reid Marshall |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
96th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Zander Bennett |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
98th |
Regigigas Hoopa by Alessandro Cremascoli |
Special Event Cannes |
2nd |
Zoroark Lycanroc Weavile by Steven Mao |
Special Event Cannes |
5th |
Malamar Giratina by Simone Soldo |
Special Event Cannes |
12th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Öjvind Svinhufvud |
Special Event Cannes |
18th |
Passimian Tapu Koko by Fabien Pujol |
Special Event Cannes |
25th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Dario Scarnò |
Special Event Cannes |
29th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Alex Dao |
Special Event Cannes |
31st |
Passimian Tapu Koko by Hadrien Urman |
Special Event Cannes |
32nd |
Lucario & Melmetal Tag Team by かわさきたかふみ |
Champions League Chiba |
2nd |
Vileplume by Shintaro Ito |
Champions League Chiba |
3rd |
Zoroark Lycanroc Lucario by ももたまる |
Champions League Chiba |
9th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by もみじねこ |
Champions League Chiba |
34th |
Regigigas Hoopa by けんくん |
Champions League Chiba |
35th |
Zoroark Lycanroc Lucario by あ(東京) |
Champions League Chiba |
41st |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Mr.ホモン |
Champions League Chiba |
45th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by なつる |
CL Chiba Extra |
1st |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Shinya Iwamura |
CL Chiba Extra |
4th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Ryota Ishiyama |
CL Chiba Extra |
8th |
Zoroark by しらぬい |
CL Chiba Extra |
10th |
Gallade Jirachi by 野ポケ |
CL Chiba Extra |
23rd |
Crobat Shaymin-sky by ほり |
CL Chiba Extra |
28th |
Zoroark by なにものか |
CL Chiba Extra |
32nd |
Tapu Koko Buzzwole by Tae Hun Kim |
Korean League Season 2 |
6th |
Zoroark Zygarde by Hyoseob Byun |
Korean League Season 2 |
9th |
Passimian Tapu Koko by Jeonghun Gong |
Korean League Season 2 |
12th |
Lost March by Jongchul Lee |
Korean League Season 2 |
14th |
Zoroark Lycanroc Lucario by Stéphane Ivanoff |
OCIC 2019, Melbourne |
2nd |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Henry Brand |
OCIC 2019, Melbourne |
7th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Max Prescott |
OCIC 2019, Melbourne |
23rd |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Preston Ellis |
OCIC 2019, Melbourne |
24th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Jon Eng |
OCIC 2019, Melbourne |
31st |
Lost March Weavile by Joshua Bradley |
OCIC 2019, Melbourne |
42nd |
Passimian Tapu Koko by Benjamin Branch |
OCIC 2019, Melbourne |
46th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Tommy Le |
OCIC 2019, Melbourne |
47th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Joseph Tran |
OCIC 2019, Melbourne |
63rd |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Scott Langford |
OCIC 2019, Melbourne |
64th |
Zoroark Control by Alexandre Sole |
OCIC 2019, Melbourne (SR) |
1st |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Asger Balle |
OCIC 2019, Melbourne (SR) |
2nd |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Noah Donen |
OCIC 2019, Melbourne (JR) |
7th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Taylor Johnson |
OCIC 2019, Melbourne (JR) |
8th |
Lost March by Oscar Taboada |
Special Event Peru |
2nd |
Zoroark Gyarados by Rodrigo Pereda |
Special Event Peru |
4th |
Passimian Tapu Koko by Angel Arturo Corso |
Special Event Peru |
6th |
Malamar Spread by Guillermo Estupinan |
Special Event Peru |
8th |
Zoroark Ninetales Weavile by Rahul Reddy |
Special Event Costa Rica |
3rd |
Gardevoir Swampert Ninetales by Pablo Meza |
Special Event Costa Rica |
8th |
Zoroark Lycanroc Weavile by Alex Silva |
Special Event Campinas |
1st |
Zoroark Weavile by Gabriel Pereira Pinto |
Special Event Campinas |
3rd |
Zoroark Decidueye by Alejo Antonio Salvador Iturbe |
Special Event Campinas |
5th |
Malamar Spread by Eduardo Romanelli |
Special Event Campinas |
6th |
Malamar Spread by Guilherme Sinkunas Banevicius |
Special Event Campinas |
8th |
Zoroark Decidueye Ninetales by Miguel Angel Lopez Bernal |
Special Event Mexico |
2nd |
Lost March by Connor Finton |
Special Event Mexico |
3rd |
Swampert Control by Caleb Gedemer |
Special Event Mexico |
8th |
Zoroark Golisopod by Dean Nezam |
Regional Dallas, TX |
1st |
Seismitoad Zoroark by Caleb Gedemer |
Regional Dallas, TX |
2nd |
Drampa Garbodor by Blaine Hill |
Regional Dallas, TX |
3rd |
Zoroark Garbodor by Cyrus Davis |
Regional Dallas, TX |
4th |
Zoroark Garbodor by James Taylor |
Regional Dallas, TX |
6th |
Zoroark Garbodor by Fabien Pujol |
Regional Dallas, TX |
7th |
Zoroark Golisopod by Russell LaParre |
Regional Dallas, TX |
8th |
Zoroark Garbodor by Jon Eng |
Regional Dallas, TX |
10th |
Vespiquen Flareon by Chris Leandro |
Regional Dallas, TX |
11th |
Zoroark by Tyler Jackson |
Regional Dallas, TX |
12th |
Zoroark Garbodor by David Tomhave-Alexie |
Regional Dallas, TX |
15th |
Zoroark Garbodor by Nico Gist |
Regional Dallas, TX |
16th |
Seismitoad Zoroark by Joe Ruettiger |
Regional Dallas, TX |
19th |
Seismitoad Zoroark by Michael Pramawat |
Regional Dallas, TX |
21st |
Zoroark Garbodor by Alec Geissler |
Regional Dallas, TX |
22nd |
Zoroark Golisopod by Ben Osborn |
Regional Dallas, TX |
24th |
Zoroark Garbodor by Christian Keiser |
Regional Dallas, TX |
26th |
Zoroark Garbodor by Justin Bokhari |
Regional Dallas, TX |
29th |
Zoroark Seismitoad Golisopod by Danny Prather |
Regional Dallas, TX |
32nd |
Drampa Garbodor by Ben Cryer |
Regional Dallas, TX |
33rd |
Zoroark Garbodor by Andrew Scott |
Regional Dallas, TX |
35th |
Zoroark Garbodor by Arlo Neel |
Regional Dallas, TX |
39th |
Zoroark Garbodor by Rolando Velazquez |
Regional Dallas, TX |
41st |
Vespiquen by Ross Cawthon |
Regional Dallas, TX |
42nd |
Zoroark Garbodor by Trevor Bustamante |
Regional Dallas, TX |
44th |
Seismitoad Zoroark by Ryan Pena |
Regional Dallas, TX |
46th |
Seismitoad Zoroark by Daniel Altavilla |
Regional Dallas, TX |
47th |
Drampa Garbodor by Grant Manley |
Regional Dallas, TX |
48th |
Seismitoad Zoroark by Tony Jimenez |
Regional Dallas, TX |
49th |
Night March by Kevin Tran |
Regional Dallas, TX |
54th |
Vespiquen by Mike Fouchet |
Regional Dallas, TX |
55th |
Zoroark Golisopod by David Veronica |
Regional Dallas, TX |
57th |
Drampa Garbodor by Andrew Martin |
Regional Dallas, TX |
60th |
Primal Groudon by Connor Finton |
Regional Dallas, TX |
61st |
Vespiquen Flareon by Rahul Reddy |
Regional Dallas, TX |
66th |
Zoroark by Slade Robertson |
Regional Dallas, TX |
67th |
Drampa Garbodor by Eric Smith |
Regional Dallas, TX |
69th |
Zoroark Golisopod by Alex Fusco |
Regional Dallas, TX |
73rd |
Primal Groudon by Nathan Brower |
Regional Dallas, TX |
75th |
Passimian Tapu Koko by Patricia Gonzalez Walsh |
Special Event Argentina |
1st |
Zoroark Lycanroc Weavile by Darren Jacques |
Special Event Dubai |
3rd |
Gardevoir Swampert Ninetales by Khalid Alhuraiz |
Special Event Dubai |
5th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Hwijo Kim |
Korean League Season 1 |
2nd |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Hyoseob Byun |
Korean League Season 1 |
3rd |
Tapu Koko Latios by Gwangseok Seo |
Korean League Season 1 |
4th |
Zoroark Gyarados by Sumin Lim |
Korean League Season 1 |
5th |
Zoroark Lycanroc Ninetales by Chanhyeok Park |
Korean League Season 1 |
6th |
Lost March by Minwoo Kim |
Korean League Season 1 |
7th |
Zoroark Greninja by Jin Woo Lee |
Korean League Season 1 |
16th |
Seismitoad Zoroark by Jimmy Pendarvis |
Regional Anaheim, CA |
1st |
Vespiquen Flareon by Connor Finton |
Regional Anaheim, CA |
2nd |
Zoroark by Le Bui |
Regional Anaheim, CA |
4th |
Zoroark Garbodor by Jon Eng |
Regional Anaheim, CA |
5th |
Zoroark Garbodor by Aaron Friedman |
Regional Anaheim, CA |
7th |
Zoroark Garbodor by Justin Bokhari |
Regional Anaheim, CA |
10th |
Zoroark Golisopod by Danny Prather |
Regional Anaheim, CA |
13th |
Drampa Garbodor by Stephen Bates |
Regional Anaheim, CA |
16th |
Banette Garbodor by Andrew Martin |
Regional Anaheim, CA |
19th |
Zoroark Garbodor by Justin Kulas |
Regional Anaheim, CA |
23rd |
Zoroark Garbodor by Dylan Gunn |
Regional Anaheim, CA |
24th |
Zoroark Garbodor by Chris Franco |
Regional Anaheim, CA |
27th |
Zoroark Garbodor by Steven Rodriguez |
Regional Anaheim, CA |
28th |
Zoroark Garbodor by Hale Obernolte |
Regional Anaheim, CA |
31st |
Zoroark Garbodor by Riley Hulbert |
Regional Anaheim, CA |
32nd |
Golisopod Garbodor by Sean Poestkoke |
Regional Anaheim, CA |
33rd |
Seismitoad Garbodor by Andrew Scott |
Regional Anaheim, CA |
37th |
Zoroark Garbodor by Andrew Denkus |
Regional Anaheim, CA |
39th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Alex Wenceslao |
Regional Anaheim, CA |
43rd |
Lost March by Danny Treminio |
Regional Anaheim, CA |
44th |
Zoroark Garbodor by Will Jenkins |
Regional Anaheim, CA |
46th |
Zoroark Garbodor by Christian Martin |
Regional Anaheim, CA |
48th |
Zoroark Gyarados by Philip Schulz |
Regional Harrogate |
1st |
Zoroark Alolan Ninetales by Jack Culkin |
Regional Harrogate |
3rd |
Malamar Spread by Max Roberts |
Regional Harrogate |
4th |
Passimian Tapu Koko by Ondřej Škubal |
Regional Harrogate |
6th |
steelix by Adrian Fjell |
Regional Harrogate |
11th |
Regigigas Hoopa by Sander Wojcik |
Regional Harrogate |
15th |
Glaceon Greninja by Siddequr Rahman |
Regional Harrogate |
24th |
Lost March by Freya Pearce |
Regional Harrogate |
29th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Öjvind Svinhufvud |
Regional Harrogate |
31st |
Zoroark Lycanroc Weavile by Paul Stringer |
Regional Harrogate |
34th |
Lost March by Nathan Williams |
Regional Harrogate |
40th |
Glaceon Shuckle by Tommi Lahtela |
Regional Harrogate |
43rd |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Javier Orrego Letelier |
Special Event Chile #2 |
4th |
Shuckle Sceptile by Gustavo Wada |
Special Event Chile #2 |
7th |
Lost March by Rodrigo De Melo |
Special Event Chile #2 |
15th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Daichi Shimada |
Champions League Niigata |
1st |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Suguru Sakakibara |
Champions League Niigata |
8th |
Zoroark Alolan Ninetales by Ryota Ishiyama |
Champions League Niigata |
15th |
Lycanroc Persian by Kenta Nishi |
Champions League Niigata |
16th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Kotaro Abumi |
Champions League Niigata |
17th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Gen Takamatsu |
Champions League Niigata |
18th |
Decidueye Ninetales Swampert by Masayuki Hayashi |
Champions League Niigata |
33rd |
Passimian Tapu Koko by Kenta Nakahodo |
Champions League Niigata |
35th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Miu Kitamura |
Champions League Niigata |
37th |
Ultra Malamar by Yusuke Suda |
Champions League Niigata |
39th |
Passimian Tapu Koko by Akira Sato |
Champions League Niigata |
42nd |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Ryuichi Katahashi |
Champions League Niigata |
46th |
Gardevoir Ninetales by Kodai Nakamura |
Champions League Niigata |
57th |
Buzzwole Lycanroc by Hiroki Kobayashi |
Champions League Niigata |
58th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Yosuke Nakayama |
Champions League Niigata |
59th |
Zoroark by Haruto Kamanaka |
CL Niigata Extra |
3rd |
Zoroark by Tatsuya Kobayashi |
CL Niigata Extra |
6th |
Zoroark by So Takeshige |
CL Niigata Extra |
8th |
Zoroark by Takahito Takechi |
CL Niigata Extra |
16th |
Zoroark Decidueye Ninetales by Angus Johnson |
Regional Brisbane |
1st |
Zoroark Decidueye Ninetales by Brent Tonisson |
Regional Brisbane |
2nd |
Zoroark Decidueye Ninetales by Clifton Goh |
Regional Brisbane |
4th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Natalie Millar |
Regional Brisbane |
6th |
Gardevoir Swampert Ninetales by Jimmy Pendarvis |
Regional Roanoke, VA |
1st |
Zoroark Decidueye Ninetales by Franco Llamas |
Regional Roanoke, VA |
3rd |
Zoroark Decidueye Ninetales by Stephen Hunter |
Regional Roanoke, VA |
4th |
Lost March by Charlie Lockyer |
Regional Roanoke, VA |
6th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Brian Miller |
Regional Roanoke, VA |
13th |
Zoroark Lycanroc Ninetales by Austin Ellis |
Regional Roanoke, VA |
15th |
Zoroark Decidueye Ninetales by Adler Pierce |
Regional Roanoke, VA |
17th |
Lost March by Noel Totomoch |
Regional Roanoke, VA |
20th |
Gardevoir Swampert Ninetales by Azul Garcia Griego |
Regional Roanoke, VA |
23rd |
Malamar Spread by Hunter Harless |
Regional Roanoke, VA |
28th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Charlie Kerr |
Regional Roanoke, VA |
29th |
Zoroark Decidueye Ninetales by Riley Hulbert |
Regional Roanoke, VA |
37th |
Gardevoir Swampert Ninetales by Michael Pramawat |
Regional Roanoke, VA |
40th |
Zoroark Decidueye Ninetales by Tristan Lackey |
Regional Roanoke, VA |
41st |
Gardevoir Swampert Ninetales by Isaiah Williams |
Regional Roanoke, VA |
43rd |
Gardevoir Swampert Ninetales by Brian Goodspeed |
Regional Roanoke, VA |
49th |
Zoroark Decidueye Ninetales by Rukan Shao |
Regional Roanoke, VA |
51st |
Lost March by Connor Finton |
Regional Roanoke, VA |
58th |
Zoroark Decidueye by Tony Santos |
Regional Roanoke, VA |
59th |
Shuckle Sceptile by Rob Stephens |
Regional Roanoke, VA |
60th |
Zoroark Weavile by Rudy Wade |
Regional Roanoke, VA |
64th |
Gardevoir Swampert Ninetales by Brock Davis |
Regional Roanoke, VA |
68th |
Zoroark Control by Daniel Altavilla |
LAIC 2018–19, São Paulo |
1st |
Zoroark Decidueye Ninetales by Clifton Goh |
LAIC 2018–19, São Paulo |
3rd |
Zoroark Decidueye by Jonathan Fabrizio Bellucci Lanciano |
LAIC 2018–19, São Paulo |
4th |
Zoroark Control by Caleb Gedemer |
LAIC 2018–19, São Paulo |
6th |
Zoroark Glaceon by Roberto Gomes Coregio Junior |
LAIC 2018–19, São Paulo |
10th |
Gardevoir Swampert Ninetales by Robin Schulz |
LAIC 2018–19, São Paulo |
12th |
Zoroark Decidueye Ninetales by Bruno Santos Lima |
LAIC 2018–19, São Paulo |
14th |
Zoroark Decidueye Ninetales by Eder Jarillo Soto |
LAIC 2018–19, São Paulo |
15th |
Zoroark Control by Riley Hulbert |
LAIC 2018–19, São Paulo |
17th |
Zoroark Control by Joe Ruettiger |
LAIC 2018–19, São Paulo |
19th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Miloslav Posledni |
LAIC 2018–19, São Paulo |
20th |
Buzzwole Lycanroc by Damian Gabriel Riquel |
LAIC 2018–19, São Paulo |
21st |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Vitor Lugon |
LAIC 2018–19, São Paulo |
22nd |
Buzzwole Lycanroc by Paulo Gouveia de Freitas |
LAIC 2018–19, São Paulo |
24th |
Zoroark Control by Michael Pramawat |
LAIC 2018–19, São Paulo |
27th |
Zoroark Ninetales Weavile by Ramon Duarte |
LAIC 2018–19, São Paulo |
29th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Nicolas Magliulo |
LAIC 2018–19, São Paulo |
31st |
Zoroark Control by Jimmy Pendarvis |
LAIC 2018–19, São Paulo |
33rd |
Zoroark Weavile by Gabriel Massaroth |
LAIC 2018–19, São Paulo |
34th |
Malamar Spread by William Azevedo |
LAIC 2018–19, São Paulo |
37th |
Zoroark Decidueye Ninetales by Agustin Campo |
LAIC 2018–19, São Paulo |
38th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Jose Marrero |
LAIC 2018–19, São Paulo |
39th |
Gardevoir Swampert Ninetales by Tobias Thesing |
LAIC 2018–19, São Paulo |
40th |
Malamar Spread by Felipe Carreno |
LAIC 2018–19, São Paulo |
41st |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Augusto Lespier |
LAIC 2018–19, São Paulo |
46th |
Decidueye Ninetales Swampert by Fabien Pujol |
LAIC 2018–19, São Paulo |
47th |
Zoroark Lycanroc Weavile by Thiago Burda Mayer |
LAIC 2018–19, São Paulo |
50th |
Zoroark Decidueye Ninetales by Giovanni Peragallo |
LAIC 2018–19, São Paulo |
51st |
Buzzwole Lycanroc by Sebastian Ignacio Arias Pastene |
LAIC 2018–19, São Paulo |
52nd |
Zoroark Alolan Ninetales by Pedro Freitas |
LAIC 2018–19, São Paulo |
53rd |
Malamar Spread by Antonio Jardim |
LAIC 2018–19, São Paulo |
54th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Renato Christian |
LAIC 2018–19, São Paulo |
55th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Ricardo Pereira Celebroni |
LAIC 2018–19, São Paulo |
57th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Marcus Vinicius Silva |
LAIC 2018–19, São Paulo |
59th |
Zoroark Buzzwole by Agustín Correa Pasini |
LAIC 2018–19, São Paulo |
60th |
Lost March by Joaquim Postal |
LAIC 2018–19, São Paulo |
61st |
Malamar Spread by Eduardo Storto |
LAIC 2018–19, São Paulo |
62nd |
Zoroark Decidueye Ninetales by Pedro Pertusi |
LAIC 2018–19, São Paulo (SR) |
3rd |
Zoroark Control by Alexandre Sole |
LAIC 2018–19, São Paulo (SR) |
5th |
Passimian Tapu Koko by Henrick Martins |
LAIC 2018–19, São Paulo (SR) |
6th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Evan Smith |
LAIC 2018–19, São Paulo (SR) |
7th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Brady Guy |
LAIC 2018–19, São Paulo (SR) |
8th |
Malamar Giratina by Pedro Augusto M. |
LAIC 2018–19, São Paulo (JR) |
2nd |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Taylor Johnson |
LAIC 2018–19, São Paulo (JR) |
3rd |
Passimian Tapu Koko by Maxence Feuillard |
LAIC 2018–19, São Paulo (JR) |
4th |
Tapu Koko Latios by Karl Peters |
Special Event Lille |
1st |
Buzzwole Lycanroc by Miloslav Posledni |
Special Event Lille |
3rd |
Buzzwole Lycanroc by Joe Bernard |
Special Event Lille |
4th |
Buzzwole Lycanroc by Michael Pustrowski |
Special Event Lille |
7th |
Shining Lugia Malamar by Sen Caubergh |
Special Event Lille |
9th |
Buzzwole Lycanroc by Martin Janous |
Special Event Lille |
12th |
Solgaleo by Abdallah Khenissi |
Special Event Lille |
13th |
Zoroark Golisopod by Marco Aurelio Fernandes Garcia |
Special Event Lille |
17th |
Buzzwole Lycanroc by Pedro Eugenio Torres |
Special Event Lille |
18th |
Zoroark Buzzwole by Owyn Kamerman |
Special Event Lille |
20th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Öjvind Svinhufvud |
Special Event Lille |
21st |
Decidueye Ninetales by Fabien Pujol |
Special Event Lille |
22nd |
Decidueye Ninetales by Martin Guilbert |
Special Event Lille |
24th |
Buzzwole Lycanroc by Oliver Elwick |
Special Event Lille |
26th |
Buzzwole Lycanroc by Petr Janous |
Special Event Lille |
27th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Jack Gregory-Campbell |
Special Event Lille |
29th |
Seismitoad Zoroark by Jimmy Pendarvis |
Regional Portland, OR |
1st |
Seismitoad Zoroark by Joe Ruettiger |
Regional Portland, OR |
5th |
Zoroark Control by Isaiah Williams |
Regional Portland, OR |
6th |
Drampa Garbodor by Alex McNeill |
Regional Portland, OR |
7th |
Seismitoad Zoroark by Azul Garcia Griego |
Regional Portland, OR |
10th |
Zoroark by DeAndre Holmes |
Regional Portland, OR |
15th |
Seismitoad Zoroark by Michael Pramawat |
Regional Portland, OR |
16th |
Garbodor Necrozma by Ian Robb |
Regional Portland, OR |
17th |
Zoroark Garbodor by Aaron Friedman |
Regional Portland, OR |
18th |
Banette Garbodor by Kenny Britton |
Regional Portland, OR |
19th |
Seismitoad Zoroark by Caleb Gedemer |
Regional Portland, OR |
20th |
Zoroark Garbodor by Franco Llamas |
Regional Portland, OR |
22nd |
Night March by Peter Kica |
Regional Portland, OR |
25th |
Zoroark Garbodor by Sascha Rogge |
Regional Portland, OR |
26th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Andrew Jones |
Regional Portland, OR |
27th |
Seismitoad Zoroark by Ahmad Akhrass |
Regional Portland, OR |
28th |
Night March by Connor Pedersen |
Regional Portland, OR |
30th |
Sylveon by Cory Dickman |
Regional Portland, OR |
31st |
Vespiquen Flareon by Rahul Reddy |
Regional Portland, OR |
34th |
Sylveon by Landen Kaetler |
Regional Portland, OR |
35th |
Banette Garbodor by Mark Garcia |
Regional Portland, OR |
38th |
Zygarde Lycanroc by Daniel Collens |
Regional Portland, OR |
39th |
Zoroark Garbodor by Nico Gist |
Regional Portland, OR |
42nd |
Sylveon by Daniel Rattray |
Regional Portland, OR |
45th |
Drampa Garbodor by Kyle Rivera |
Regional Portland, OR |
46th |
Zoroark Magcargo by Marco Cifuentes Meta |
Special Event Chile #1 |
4th |
Sylveon by Esteban Sandoval |
Special Event Chile #1 |
8th |
Buzzwole Lycanroc by Federico Pastoriza |
Special Event Chile #1 |
9th |
Buzzwole Lycanroc by Felipe Carreno |
Special Event Chile #1 |
12th |
Buzzwole Lycanroc by Benjamin Arellano |
Special Event Chile #1 |
21st |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Jorge Recabal |
Special Event Chile #1 |
30th |
Buzzwole Lycanroc by Kyle Lesniewicz |
Regional Memphis, TN |
3rd |
Buzzwole Lycanroc by Michael Bergerac |
Regional Memphis, TN |
4th |
Zoroark Magcargo by Grant Manley |
Regional Memphis, TN |
6th |
Buzzwole Lycanroc by Tye Pellecchia |
Regional Memphis, TN |
7th |
Buzzwole Lycanroc by Austin Ellis |
Regional Memphis, TN |
10th |
Golisopod by Zach Zamora |
Regional Memphis, TN |
13th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Mark Sparks |
Regional Memphis, TN |
15th |
Glaceon Zoroark by Johnathan Thompson |
Regional Memphis, TN |
19th |
Passimian Tapu Koko by Peter Kica |
Regional Memphis, TN |
24th |
Buzzwole Spread by Alex Smetana |
Regional Memphis, TN |
27th |
Shining Lugia Malamar by Aren Ashlock |
Regional Memphis, TN |
29th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Pablo Meza |
Regional Memphis, TN |
30th |
Sylveon by Jay Young |
Regional Memphis, TN |
31st |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Zakary Krekeler |
Regional Memphis, TN |
33rd |
Buzzwole Lycanroc by Bryan Hunter |
Regional Memphis, TN |
35th |
Malamar Spread by Jordan Nelle |
Regional Memphis, TN |
37th |
Sylveon by Brian Miller |
Regional Memphis, TN |
38th |
Buzzwole Spread by Alex Schemanske |
Regional Memphis, TN |
39th |
Gardevoir Sylveon by Tonny Nguyen |
Regional Memphis, TN |
40th |
Buzzwole Lycanroc by Joe Baka |
Regional Memphis, TN |
41st |
Zoroark Magcargo by Carl Sitavi |
Regional Memphis, TN |
42nd |
Passimian Tapu Koko by Michael Pramawat |
Regional Memphis, TN |
45th |
Malamar Spread by Dustin Parker |
Regional Memphis, TN |
46th |
Buzzwole Lycanroc by Adler Pierce |
Regional Memphis, TN |
48th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by James Taylor |
Regional Memphis, TN |
49th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Justin Singh |
Regional Memphis, TN |
51st |
Zoroark Magcargo by Conner LaVelle |
Regional Memphis, TN |
57th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Jon Eng |
Regional Memphis, TN |
61st |
Zoroark Golisopod by James Stephenson |
Regional Memphis, TN |
62nd |
Zoroark Buzzwole by Rosh Patel |
Regional Memphis, TN |
63rd |
Malamar Spread by Ethan Wilson |
Regional Memphis, TN |
64th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Alex Joplin |
Regional Memphis, TN |
65th |
Buzzwole Spread by Rob Stephens |
Regional Memphis, TN |
69th |
Malamar Spread by Branson Lowe |
Regional Memphis, TN |
74th |
Sylveon by Hampus Eriksson |
Regional Offenbach |
1st |
Shining Lugia Malamar by Patrik Holler |
Regional Offenbach |
3rd |
Buzzwole Lycanroc by Pedro Eugenio Torres |
Regional Offenbach |
5th |
Zoroark Buzzwole by Ilya Kornilov |
Regional Offenbach |
6th |
Buzzwole Lycanroc by Gavin Irving |
Regional Offenbach |
11th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Dario Scarnò |
Regional Offenbach |
14th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Manuele Tartaglia |
Regional Offenbach |
15th |
Zoroark Lucario by Filipp Lausch |
Regional Offenbach |
16th |
Tapu Koko Weavile by Philipp Leciejewski |
Regional Offenbach |
20th |
Zoroark Magcargo by Christian Wilhelm |
Regional Offenbach |
23rd |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Martin Guilbert |
Regional Offenbach |
24th |
Zoroark Decidueye by Andreas Glomsrud |
Regional Offenbach |
27th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Steffen Eriksen |
Regional Offenbach |
29th |
Passimian Tapu Koko by Ondřej Škubal |
Regional Offenbach |
30th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Benjamin Pham |
Regional Offenbach |
31st |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Nino Kunz |
Regional Offenbach |
32nd |
Zoroark Banette by Fabien Pujol |
Regional Offenbach |
33rd |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Kristian Hodas |
Regional Offenbach |
36th |
Zoroark Weavile by Tamao Cameron |
Regional Offenbach |
38th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Öjvind Svinhufvud |
Regional Offenbach |
39th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Jonatan Arellano |
Regional Offenbach |
44th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Pablo Vicente Garcia |
Regional Offenbach |
48th |
Shining Lugia Malamar by Tommy Roberts |
Regional Offenbach |
49th |
Zoroark Banette by Mark Andersen |
Regional Offenbach |
50th |
Zoroark Golisopod by Matthew Houtput |
Regional Offenbach |
51st |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Raz Wolpe |
Regional Offenbach |
52nd |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Marc Costa |
Regional Offenbach |
53rd |
Zoroark Magcargo by Laurens Van Brecht |
Regional Offenbach |
55th |
Malamar Giratina by Masataka Hirano |
Champions League Tokyo |
1st |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Yosuke Kato |
Champions League Tokyo |
6th |
Buzzwole Lycanroc by Wataru Suzuki |
Champions League Tokyo |
8th |
Zoroark Alolan Ninetales by Takafumi Kobayashi |
Champions League Tokyo |
10th |
Zoroark Buzzwole by Ryujin Fukui |
Champions League Tokyo |
12th |
Zoroark Lycanroc Weavile by Shinya Iwamura |
Champions League Tokyo |
14th |
Zoroark Decidueye by Ryota Murayama |
Champions League Tokyo |
16th |
Decidueye Alolan Ninetales by Shintaro Ito |
Champions League Tokyo |
17th |
Tapu Koko Honchkrow Weavile by Shingo Sagawa |
Champions League Tokyo |
23rd |
Zoroark Weavile by Shuichiro Kakihara |
Champions League Tokyo |
27th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Taiki Yanagida |
Champions League Tokyo |
29th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Taketo Seki |
Champions League Tokyo |
30th |
Zoroark Garbodor by Kenichi Saiki |
Champions League Tokyo |
31st |
Zoroark Magcargo by Masaki Takeuchi |
Champions League Tokyo |
32nd |
Zoroark Banette by Xander Pero |
Regional Philadelphia, PA |
3rd |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Dean Nezam |
Regional Philadelphia, PA |
7th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Poet Larsen |
Regional Philadelphia, PA |
8th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Jimmy Pendarvis |
Regional Philadelphia, PA |
9th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Gustavo Wada |
Regional Philadelphia, PA |
10th |
Zoroark Garbodor by Nick Race |
Regional Philadelphia, PA |
18th |
Malamar Spread by Zachary Cooper |
Regional Philadelphia, PA |
20th |
Spread Garbodor by Jacob Mastin |
Regional Philadelphia, PA |
24th |
Malamar Spread by Brandon Johnson |
Regional Philadelphia, PA |
26th |
Malamar Spread by Robert Rodkey |
Regional Philadelphia, PA |
28th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by James Taylor |
Regional Philadelphia, PA |
30th |
Buzzwole Spread by Alex Smetana |
Regional Philadelphia, PA |
32nd |
Buzzwole Lycanroc by Zachary Bokhari |
Regional Philadelphia, PA |
34th |
Zoroark Garbodor by Hector Ibarra |
Regional Philadelphia, PA |
36th |
Buzzwole Lycanroc by Richard Rogers |
Regional Philadelphia, PA |
39th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Will Stevens |
Regional Philadelphia, PA |
45th |
Buzzwole Lycanroc by Bryan Hunter |
Regional Philadelphia, PA |
52nd |
Buzzwole Lycanroc by Andrew Martin |
Regional Philadelphia, PA |
54th |
Zoroark Golisopod by Jordan Nelle |
Regional Philadelphia, PA |
55th |
Gardevoir Sylveon by Jarrett Mescher |
Regional Philadelphia, PA |
57th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Joe Ruettiger |
Regional Philadelphia, PA |
58th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Benjamin Sauk |
Regional Philadelphia, PA |
61st |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Mark Dizon |
Regional Philadelphia, PA |
62nd |
Malamar Spread by Nicholas Roscoe |
Regional Philadelphia, PA |
64th |
Passimian by Noel Totomoch |
Regional Philadelphia, PA |
66th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Derek Villagrana |
Regional Philadelphia, PA |
67th |
Sylveon by Carl Sitavi |
Regional Philadelphia, PA |
70th |
Zoroark Golisopod by Thomas Fitzgerald |
Regional Philadelphia, PA |
71st |
Buzzwole Lycanroc by Colin Fischer |
Regional Philadelphia, PA |
72nd |
Zoroark Gardevoir by Edward Doherty |
Regional Philadelphia, PA |
73rd |
Zoroark Golisopod by Stephen Hogan |
Regional Philadelphia, PA |
74th |
Spread Garbodor by William Woodard |
Regional Philadelphia, PA |
76th |
Zoroark Weavile by Tommy Desjardins Pettinicchio |
Regional Philadelphia, PA |
78th |
Zoroark Golisopod by Felipe Reyes |
Regional Santa Catarina |
8th |
Malamar Spread by Thiago Giovannetti Marques Ricardo |
Regional Santa Catarina |
15th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Juan Pablo Salas |
Regional Santa Catarina |
17th |
Buzzwole Weavile by Artur Carvalho |
Regional Santa Catarina |
18th |
Tapu Koko Weavile by Thiago Jesus |
Regional Santa Catarina |
20th |
Malamar Spread by Rodolfo Jesus |
Regional Santa Catarina |
25th |
Zoroark Magcargo by Alex Silva |
Regional Santa Catarina |
26th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Eduardo Romanelli |
Regional Santa Catarina |
28th |
Hoopa Weavile Garbodor by William Lacerda |
Regional Santa Catarina |
29th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Luke Schmitt |
Special Event Melbourne |
4th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Zachery Quince |
Special Event Melbourne |
6th |
Zoroark Garbodor by Jimmy Chen |
Special Event Melbourne |
7th |
Hoopa Weavile by Scott Langford |
Special Event Melbourne |
10th |
Zoroark Lycanroc Garbodor by Natalie Millar |
Special Event Melbourne |
11th |
Zygarde Lycanroc by Sameer Sangwan |
Special Event Melbourne |
13th |
Hoopa Weavile Garbodor by Jacob Tan Ti Qian |
Special Event Melbourne |
17th |
Zoroark Garbodor by Brent Tonisson |
Special Event Melbourne |
19th |
Zygarde Lycanroc by Sam Lao |
Special Event Melbourne |
23rd |
Zoroark Golisopod by Erin Peebles |
Special Event Melbourne |
25th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Mitch Knuckey |
Special Event Melbourne |
30th |
Zygarde by Klive Aw Jun Jie |
Special Event Melbourne |
31st |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Nicholas Moore |
Special Event Melbourne |
32nd |
Zoroark Garbodor by James Taylor |
Nashville Open |
1st |
Zoroark Garbodor by Robin Schulz |
World Championships 2018 |
1st |
Zygarde Lycanroc by Klive Aw Jun Jie |
World Championships 2018 |
3rd |
Zoroark Golisopod by Brian Miller |
World Championships 2018 |
8th |
Zoroark Gallade by Masataka Hirano |
World Championships 2018 |
11th |
Banette Garbodor by Rahul Reddy |
World Championships 2018 |
13th |
Zoroark Garbodor by Jimmy Pendarvis |
World Championships 2018 |
14th |
Zoroark Garbodor by Joe Ruettiger |
World Championships 2018 |
19th |
Zoroark Garbodor by Azul Garcia Griego |
World Championships 2018 |
20th |
Zoroark Gallade by Takuya Yoneda |
World Championships 2018 |
22nd |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Seitaro Shibuya |
World Championships 2018 |
23rd |
Zoroark Garbodor by Ryan Moorhouse |
World Championships 2018 |
25th |
Yveltal by Clifton Goh |
World Championships 2018 |
31st |
Zoroark Garbodor by Philip Schulz |
World Championships 2018 |
32nd |
Banette Garbodor by Magnus Pedersen |
World Championships 2018 (SR) |
1st |
Buzzwole Lycanroc by Benjamin Branch |
World Championships 2018 (SR) |
5th |
Zoroark Garbodor by Caleb Banwarie |
World Championships 2018 (SR) |
6th |
Golisopod Garbodor by Jihun Choi |
World Championships 2018 (SR) |
7th |
Zoroark Garbodor by Tanner Hurley |
World Championships 2018 (SR) |
8th |
Zoroark Garbodor by Walker Halliburton |
World Championships 2018 (JR) |
4th |
Zoroark Lycanroc Garbodor by Sechan Oh |
World Championships 2018 (JR) |
8th |
Zoroark Garbodor by Stéphane Ivanoff |
Special Event Valencia |
1st |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Robin Schulz |
Special Event Valencia |
3rd |
Zygarde Lycanroc by Jonatan Arellano |
Special Event Valencia |
5th |
Gallade Octillery by Jimmy Wuyts |
Special Event Valencia |
7th |
Zoroark Garbodor by Fabien Pujol |
Special Event Valencia |
9th |
Zoroark Golisopod by Raz Wolpe |
Special Event Valencia |
23rd |
Passimian by Rafael Monzon Arance |
Special Event Valencia |
30th |
Gardevoir by Chrisowalantis Amanatidis |
Special Event Valencia |
31st |
Zoroark Garbodor by Stéphane Ivanoff |
NAIC 2018, Columbus |
1st |
Zoroark by Tord Reklev |
NAIC 2018, Columbus |
2nd |
Zoroark Golisopod by Jimmy Pendarvis |
NAIC 2018, Columbus |
3rd |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Ryan Antonucci |
NAIC 2018, Columbus |
5th |
Zoroark Garbodor by Fabien Pujol |
NAIC 2018, Columbus |
7th |
Yveltal by Aaron Tarbell |
NAIC 2018, Columbus |
8th |
Yveltal by Dustin Zimmerman |
NAIC 2018, Columbus |
11th |
Sylveon by Kyle Lesniewicz |
NAIC 2018, Columbus |
14th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Mark Dizon |
NAIC 2018, Columbus |
16th |
Garbodor Buzzwole by Gwen Tran |
NAIC 2018, Columbus |
19th |
Zoroark by Philip Schulz |
NAIC 2018, Columbus |
23rd |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Pedro Eugenio Torres |
NAIC 2018, Columbus |
24th |
Shining Lugia Malamar by Nick Capobianco |
NAIC 2018, Columbus |
30th |
Zoroark Golisopod by Igor Costa |
NAIC 2018, Columbus |
43rd |
Zoroark Golisopod by Riley Hulbert |
NAIC 2018, Columbus |
46th |
Yveltal by James Arnold |
NAIC 2018, Columbus |
56th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Sam Sullivan |
NAIC 2018, Columbus (SR) |
4th |
Golisopod Garbodor by Abijah Jongsma |
NAIC 2018, Columbus (SR) |
5th |
Zoroark Golisopod by Leandro Fernandes |
NAIC 2018, Columbus (SR) |
7th |
Zoroark Garbodor by Hasan Kunukcu |
NAIC 2018, Columbus (SR) |
8th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Kaya Lichtleitner |
NAIC 2018, Columbus (JR) |
1st |
Zoroark Garbodor by Benny Billinger |
NAIC 2018, Columbus (JR) |
2nd |
Zoroark Golisopod by Eder Jarillo Soto |
Regional Mexico City |
1st |
Zygarde Lycanroc by Alex Schemanske |
Regional Mexico City |
3rd |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Juan Espinola |
Regional Mexico City |
12th |
Zoroark Golisopod by Pablo Meza |
Regional Mexico City |
13th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Mario Lopez Cantu |
Regional Mexico City |
15th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Jose Juarez Gonzalez |
Regional Mexico City |
29th |
Zygarde Lycanroc by Carlos Rojas |
Special Santiago #4 |
2nd |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Louis Chi |
Special Event Auckland |
4th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Layton Rumble |
Special Event Auckland |
5th |
Zoroark Golisopod by Gareth Murphy |
Special Event Auckland |
8th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Seb Symonds |
Regional Sheffield |
1st |
Zoroark Golisopod by Magnus Kalland |
Regional Sheffield |
2nd |
Garbodor Buzzwole by Marc Lutz |
Regional Sheffield |
3rd |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Luke Williams |
Regional Sheffield |
6th |
Espeon Garbodor by Tomas Just |
Regional Sheffield |
7th |
Zoroark Garbodor by Frank Diaz |
Regional Sheffield |
11th |
Sylveon by Neil Miller |
Regional Sheffield |
12th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Paul Stringer |
Regional Sheffield |
13th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Lucas Henrique de Araujo Pereira |
Regional Sheffield |
16th |
Zoroark Garbodor by Fabien Pujol |
Regional Sheffield |
17th |
Zoroark Lucario by Stéphane Ivanoff |
Regional Sheffield |
18th |
Zoroark Lucario by Joe Stevens |
Regional Sheffield |
20th |
Zoroark Garbodor by Kristian Hodas |
Regional Sheffield |
21st |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Paul Shail |
Regional Sheffield |
25th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Rick Verwaal |
Regional Sheffield |
26th |
Zoroark Garbodor by Patrik Bartosovic |
Regional Sheffield |
28th |
Golisopod Garbodor by Tobias Thesing |
Regional Sheffield |
31st |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Law Yuen To |
Special Event Hong Kong |
3rd |
Zoroark Golisopod by Patrick Ebio |
Special Event Hong Kong |
4th |
Zoroark Golisopod by Pablo Meza |
Special Mexico City #2 |
1st |
Noivern Zoroark by Haruki Satoyama |
Japan Championships 2018 |
2nd |
Night March by Masafumi Ariyoshi |
Japan Championships 2018 |
4th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Hiroshi Wakamoto |
Japan Championships 2018 |
6th |
Trevenant by Shuichiro Kakihara |
Japan Championships 2018 |
7th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Yuta Komatsuda |
Japan Championships 2018 |
8th |
Zoroark Magcargo by Tadashi Miyamoto |
Japan Championships 2018 |
12th |
Gardevoir Sylveon by Hideto Sasaki |
Japan Championships 2018 |
20th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Atsuto Ide |
Japan Championships 2018 |
29th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Yoichi Sawada |
Japan Championships 2018 |
31st |
Zoroark Garbodor by Hayato Kai |
Japan Championships 2018 |
34th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Seijiro Hara |
Japan Championships 2018 |
37th |
Decidueye Seismitoad by Tsukasa Sakaguchi |
Japan Championships 2018 |
39th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Hitoshi Takahata |
Japan Championships 2018 |
42nd |
Night March by Tadashi Maeda |
Japan Championships 2018 |
45th |
Zoroark Magcargo by Koki Sawada |
Japan Championships 2018 |
47th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Takuya Sato |
Japan Championships 2018 |
50th |
Zoroark Magcargo by Tomoki Eda |
Japan Championships 2018 |
51st |
Zoroark Magcargo by Takayuki Motoki |
Japan Championships 2018 |
55th |
Hippopotas Electrode by Tomoya Sakurai |
Japan Championships 2018 |
58th |
Zoroark Magcargo by Wataru Yano |
Japan Championships 2018 |
62nd |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Yuki Horiguchi |
Japan Championships 2018 |
64th |
Zygarde Lycanroc by Klive Aw Jun Jie |
Special Event Singapore |
2nd |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Aaron Tarbell |
Regional Madison, WI |
15th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by James Taylor |
Regional Madison, WI |
16th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Kyle Sabelhaus |
Regional Madison, WI |
19th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Tye Pellecchia |
Regional Madison, WI |
24th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Conner LaVelle |
Regional Madison, WI |
25th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Adler Pierce |
Regional Madison, WI |
28th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Kolton Day |
Regional Madison, WI |
30th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Ryne Morgan |
Regional Madison, WI |
31st |
Zoroark Garbodor by Kidd Starck |
Regional Madison, WI |
33rd |
Zoroark Golisopod by Gabriel Jardim |
Regional Madison, WI |
34th |
Hoopa by Hayden Cameron-Jacobus |
Regional Madison, WI |
37th |
Zoroark Golisopod by Robert Simpson |
Regional Madison, WI |
42nd |
Zoroark Alolan Exeggutor by Zach Zamora |
Regional Madison, WI |
44th |
Hoopa by Zach Lesage |
Regional Madison, WI |
47th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Ryan Prusak |
Regional Madison, WI |
53rd |
Hoopa by Austin Bentheimer |
Regional Madison, WI |
54th |
Hoopa by Hunter Butler |
Regional Madison, WI |
55th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Jose Marrero |
Regional Madison, WI |
56th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Moises Santibanez |
Regional Santiago |
8th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Marcelo Andrade |
Regional Santiago |
21st |
Zygarde Lycanroc by Klive Aw Jun Jie |
Regional Subang Jaya |
2nd |
Zoroark by Ryne Morgan |
Regional Roanoke, VA |
3rd |
Trevenant by Chas Zander |
Regional Roanoke, VA |
7th |
Drampa Garbodor by Daniel Altavilla |
Regional Roanoke, VA |
9th |
Garbodor Mismagius by Aaron Tarbell |
Regional Roanoke, VA |
12th |
Vespiquen Zoroark by Jimmy O'Brien |
Regional Roanoke, VA |
13th |
Night March by Blaine Hill |
Regional Roanoke, VA |
14th |
Zoroark by Arlo Neel |
Regional Roanoke, VA |
15th |
Night March by Michael Pramawat |
Regional Roanoke, VA |
16th |
Zoroark by Russell LaParre |
Regional Roanoke, VA |
18th |
Night March by Zachary Bokhari |
Regional Roanoke, VA |
21st |
Seismitoad by Noah Sawyer |
Regional Roanoke, VA |
22nd |
Zoroark by Alex Wilson |
Regional Roanoke, VA |
24th |
Zoroark by Christopher Schemanske |
Regional Roanoke, VA |
26th |
Seismitoad by Carson Goins |
Regional Roanoke, VA |
27th |
Night March by Cody Graham |
Regional Roanoke, VA |
30th |
Drampa Garbodor by Alex Smetana |
Regional Roanoke, VA |
31st |
Xerneas by Matthew Taverna |
Regional Melbourne |
8th |
Zoroark Lucario by Jack Underwood |
Regional Melbourne |
10th |
Xerneas by Jarryd Bast |
Regional Melbourne |
13th |
Zoroark Golisopod by Eder Jarillo Soto |
Special Event Cancun |
1st |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Miguel Angel Lopez Bernal |
Special Event Cancun |
2nd |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Juan Espinola |
Special Event Cancun |
6th |
Malamar Zoroark Necrozma by Manuel Valdez Garcia |
Special Event Cancun |
7th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Heddi Brahmi |
Special Event Tours |
1st |
Greninja-GX Latios by Jimmy Wuyts |
Special Event Tours |
5th |
Espeon Garbodor by Tom Van Geenhoven |
Special Event Tours |
8th |
Espeon Garbodor by Lucas Henrique de Araujo Pereira |
Special Event Tours |
14th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Mehdi Hafi |
Special Event Tours |
16th |
Zoroark Garbodor by Fabien Pujol |
Special Event Tours |
31st |
Zoroark Lucario by Ilya Kornilov |
Russia Nationals |
1st |
Espeon Garbodor by Danila Lazarev |
Russia Nationals |
2nd |
Drampa Garbodor by Raymon Amiramov |
Russia Nationals |
3rd |
Gardevoir by Anton Streltsov |
Russia Nationals |
4th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Alexander Madaminganov |
Russia Nationals |
6th |
Gardevoir by Ilya Kalinin |
Russia Nationals |
7th |
Zoroark Lucario by Sergey Eremin |
Russia Nationals |
8th |
Zoroark Lucario by Matthew Vrede |
South Africa Nationals |
8th |
Zoroark Garbodor by Frank Diaz |
Regional Toronto |
2nd |
Zoroark Garbodor by Gustavo Wada |
Regional Toronto |
3rd |
Zoroark Golisopod by Ian Robb |
Regional Toronto |
4th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Jose Marrero |
Regional Toronto |
5th |
Golisopod Garbodor by Andrew Estrada |
Regional Toronto |
8th |
Zoroark Golisopod by Main Ahmed |
Regional Toronto |
9th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Aidan Koenig |
Regional Toronto |
14th |
Gardevoir by Dennis Peroff |
Regional Toronto |
15th |
Zoroark Lucario by Joey Smith |
Regional Toronto |
17th |
Zoroark Gardevoir by Suraj Aggarwal |
Regional Toronto |
22nd |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Ryne Morgan |
Regional Toronto |
24th |
Zoroark Golisopod by Kyle Louro |
Regional Toronto |
26th |
Zoroark Gardevoir by Gregory Fortier |
Regional Toronto |
29th |
Zoroark Lucario by Antonio Jorge Francisco |
Special Event Bangkok |
8th |
Gardevoir by Emilio Orozco |
Regional Salt Lake City, UT |
2nd |
Gardevoir by Travis Nunlist |
Regional Salt Lake City, UT |
4th |
Drampa Garbodor by Azul Garcia Griego |
Regional Salt Lake City, UT |
5th |
Drampa Garbodor by Igor Costa |
Regional Salt Lake City, UT |
6th |
Sylveon by Frank Percic |
Regional Salt Lake City, UT |
9th |
Zoroark by Caleb Gedemer |
Regional Salt Lake City, UT |
11th |
Glaceon by Brian Vogt |
Regional Salt Lake City, UT |
15th |
Drampa Garbodor by Travis Zabala |
Regional Salt Lake City, UT |
16th |
Zoroark by Gabe Cherniske |
Regional Salt Lake City, UT |
18th |
Night March by Geoffrey Weil |
Regional Salt Lake City, UT |
23rd |
Donphan by Daniel Altavilla |
Regional Salt Lake City, UT |
26th |
Zoroark by Ryan Allred |
Regional Salt Lake City, UT |
29th |
Zoroark by Mike Morton |
Regional Salt Lake City, UT |
30th |
Zoroark Lucario by Pedro Eugenio Torres |
LAIC 2018, São Paulo |
4th |
Zoroark Garbodor by Fabien Pujol |
LAIC 2018, São Paulo |
6th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Caleb Gedemer |
LAIC 2018, São Paulo |
7th |
Zoroark Golisopod by Brent Tonisson |
LAIC 2018, São Paulo |
8th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Heddi Brahmi |
LAIC 2018, São Paulo |
9th |
Zoroark Garbodor by Gustavo Wada |
LAIC 2018, São Paulo |
12th |
Zoroark Golisopod by Gabriel Pino Semedo |
LAIC 2018, São Paulo |
13th |
Golisopod Garbodor by Robin Schulz |
LAIC 2018, São Paulo |
17th |
Gardevoir Talonflame by Hudson Matheus |
LAIC 2018, São Paulo |
18th |
Zoroark Golisopod by Claudio Ferla |
LAIC 2018, São Paulo |
24th |
Espeon Garbodor by Michael Pramawat |
LAIC 2018, São Paulo |
25th |
Zoroark Golisopod by Tomas Just |
LAIC 2018, São Paulo |
28th |
Espeon Garbodor by Wallysson Lima do Couto |
LAIC 2018, São Paulo |
32nd |
Zoroark Golisopod by Ondřej Škubal |
LAIC 2018, São Paulo |
33rd |
Zoroark Glaceon by Marc Lutz |
LAIC 2018, São Paulo |
35th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Jose Marrero |
LAIC 2018, São Paulo |
37th |
Zoroark Golisopod by Alex Silva |
LAIC 2018, São Paulo |
43rd |
Zoroark Lucario by Sid Guimaraes |
LAIC 2018, São Paulo |
44th |
Zoroark Golisopod by Marco Aurelio Fernandes Garcia |
LAIC 2018, São Paulo |
46th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Chrisowalantis Amanatidis |
LAIC 2018, São Paulo |
47th |
Zoroark Golisopod by Gabriel Eduardo Reiter |
LAIC 2018, São Paulo |
49th |
Zoroark Golisopod by Icaro Franco |
LAIC 2018, São Paulo |
50th |
Zoroark Golisopod by Martin Janous |
LAIC 2018, São Paulo |
54th |
Zoroark Golisopod by Lucas Xing |
LAIC 2018, São Paulo (SR) |
1st |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Pedro Pertusi |
LAIC 2018, São Paulo (SR) |
5th |
Lucario Buzzwole by Gabriel Augusto |
LAIC 2018, São Paulo (SR) |
7th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Benjamin Bussert |
LAIC 2018, São Paulo (JR) |
3rd |
Zoroark Magnezone by Paulo Gabriel Brasil |
LAIC 2018, São Paulo (JR) |
5th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Christopher Kaas Kastaniegaard |
LAIC 2018, São Paulo (JR) |
7th |
Zoroark Lucario by Sam Chen |
Regional Jakarta |
1st |
Zoroark Lucario by Adrian Gerald Acuzar |
Regional Jakarta |
2nd |
Zoroark Lucario by Nicolas Silva Perez |
Special Santiago #3 |
2nd |
Zoroark Lucario by Marcelo Silva Perez |
Special Santiago #3 |
4th |
Zoroark by Pedro Eugenio Torres |
Regional Sindelfingen |
1st |
Zoroark by Miloslav Posledni |
Regional Sindelfingen |
2nd |
Zoroark by Tord Reklev |
Regional Sindelfingen |
3rd |
Zoroark by Nico Alabas |
Regional Sindelfingen |
5th |
Gardevoir by Philipp Emmerich |
Regional Sindelfingen |
6th |
Seismitoad Garbodor by Marco Jackowski |
Regional Sindelfingen |
7th |
Zoroark by Martin Guilbert |
Regional Sindelfingen |
8th |
Donphan by Toby Woolner |
Regional Sindelfingen |
9th |
Zoroark by Kristian Hodas |
Regional Sindelfingen |
12th |
Zoroark by Isaiah Williams |
Regional Sindelfingen |
13th |
Zoroark by Caleb Gedemer |
Regional Sindelfingen |
15th |
Drampa Garbodor by Ryan Moorhouse |
Regional Sindelfingen |
16th |
Zoroark by Benjamin Pham |
Regional Sindelfingen |
17th |
Drampa Garbodor by James Bee |
Regional Sindelfingen |
20th |
Zoroark by Luca Jahns |
Regional Sindelfingen |
21st |
Seismitoad Golisopod Garbodor by Marc Lutz |
Regional Sindelfingen |
26th |
Sylveon by Seb Symonds |
Regional Sindelfingen |
27th |
Aerodactyl Gallade by Vicente Iban |
Regional Sindelfingen |
29th |
Gardevoir by Ryan Allred |
Regional Sindelfingen |
32nd |
Lucario Lycanroc by William Azevedo |
Special Buenos Aires #2 |
1st |
Zoroark Lucario by Patricia Gonzalez Walsh |
Special Buenos Aires #2 |
8th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Caleb Gedemer |
Special Event Bogota |
1st |
Gardevoir Talonflame by Sergio Celis |
Special Event Bogota |
3rd |
Zoroark Golisopod by Andres Lerque |
Special Event Bogota |
6th |
Zoroark Golisopod by Juan Pablo Besga Simmons |
Special Event Bogota |
7th |
Zoroark Gallade by Sebastian Gonzalez Diaz |
Special Event Bogota |
8th |
Espeon Garbodor by Xander Pero |
Regional Portland, OR |
1st |
Espeon Garbodor by Colter Decker |
Regional Portland, OR |
2nd |
Zoroark Lucario by Jake Morgan |
Regional Portland, OR |
4th |
Sylveon by Simon Narode |
Regional Portland, OR |
6th |
Hoopa by Hunter Butler |
Regional Portland, OR |
7th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Poet Larsen |
Regional Portland, OR |
9th |
Sylveon by Sam Chen |
Regional Portland, OR |
11th |
Hoopa by Daniel Altavilla |
Regional Portland, OR |
12th |
Sylveon by Pablo Meza |
Regional Portland, OR |
16th |
Sylveon by Spencer Vanderpoel |
Regional Portland, OR |
17th |
Hoopa by Hayden Cameron-Jacobus |
Regional Portland, OR |
24th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by James Taylor |
Regional Portland, OR |
26th |
Espeon Garbodor by Xander Soriano |
Regional Portland, OR |
29th |
Zoroark Lucario by Dejohne Umtuch |
Regional Portland, OR |
31st |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Tait Tran |
Regional Perth |
2nd |
Zoroark Gardevoir by Kyle Sabelhaus |
Regional Charlotte, NC |
5th |
Glaceon Zoroark by Athavan Balendran |
Regional Charlotte, NC |
6th |
Sylveon by Kyle Lesniewicz |
Regional Charlotte, NC |
7th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Alex Hill |
Regional Charlotte, NC |
9th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Josh Marking |
Regional Charlotte, NC |
12th |
Hoopa by Greg Minklei |
Regional Charlotte, NC |
13th |
Zoroark Golisopod by Justin Kulas |
Regional Charlotte, NC |
15th |
Zoroark Garbodor by Charlie Lockyer |
Regional Charlotte, NC |
20th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Chris Siakala |
Regional Charlotte, NC |
21st |
Gardevoir by Gibson Archer-Tang |
Regional Charlotte, NC |
22nd |
Zoroark Counters by Chip Richey |
Regional Charlotte, NC |
24th |
Zoroark Counters by Zack Taylor |
Regional Charlotte, NC |
25th |
Zoroark Gardevoir by Carl Sitavi |
Regional Charlotte, NC |
27th |
Zoroark Golisopod by Alex Smetana |
Regional Charlotte, NC |
28th |
Sylveon by Zack Patterson |
Regional Charlotte, NC |
31st |
Zoroark Magnezone by Eddie North |
Regional Charlotte, NC |
32nd |
Zoroark Golisopod by Eric Eldredge |
Regional Charlotte, NC |
35th |
Zoroark Gardevoir by Zachary Fortier |
Regional Charlotte, NC |
36th |
Zoroark Garbodor by Charlie Kerr |
Regional Charlotte, NC |
37th |
Zoroark Golisopod by Aden Cunningham |
Regional Charlotte, NC |
39th |
Zoroark Golisopod by Brendan Dixon |
Regional Charlotte, NC |
41st |
Glaceon Zoroark by Steve Guthrie |
Regional Charlotte, NC |
42nd |
Silvally Zoroark DM Necrozma by Jose Marrero |
Regional Charlotte, NC |
43rd |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Tristan Lackey |
Regional Charlotte, NC |
50th |
Passimian by Jeremy Barnett |
Regional Charlotte, NC |
58th |
Zoroark Counters by Sean Stover |
Regional Charlotte, NC |
63rd |
Zoroark Golisopod by Trevor Corn |
Regional Charlotte, NC |
64th |
Zoroark Golisopod by Tord Reklev |
Special Event Prague |
1st |
Sylveon by Miloslav Suchanek |
Special Event Prague |
3rd |
Zoroark Golisopod by Miloslav Posledni |
Special Event Prague |
4th |
Zoroark Weavile by Filipp Lausch |
Special Event Prague |
7th |
Glaceon Garbodor by Piotr Orleański |
Special Event Prague |
11th |
Zoroark Golisopod by Robin Schulz |
Special Event Prague |
15th |
Zoroark Golisopod by Martin Guilbert |
Special Event Prague |
16th |
Zoroark Golisopod by Stéphane Ivanoff |
Special Event Prague |
19th |
Zoroark Golisopod by Nico Alabas |
Special Event Prague |
23rd |
Zoroark Golisopod by Philip Schulz |
Special Event Prague |
27th |
Silvally Dusk Mane Necrozma by Martin Janous |
Special Event Prague |
29th |
Zoroark Weavile by Günther Kirchhofer |
Special Event Prague |
30th |
Zoroark Glaceon by Alejo Antonio Salvador Iturbe |
Special Buenos Aires #1 |
1st |
Zoroark Gardevoir by Damian Ezequiel Anile |
Special Buenos Aires #1 |
2nd |
Zoroark Gardevoir by Diego Cassiraga |
Special Buenos Aires #1 |
4th |
Zoroark Golisopod by Patricia Gonzalez Walsh |
Special Buenos Aires #1 |
6th |
Hoopa by Gonzalo Martin Fernandez |
Special Buenos Aires #1 |
7th |
Zoroark Magnezone by Sebastian Lugo |
Special Buenos Aires #1 |
8th |
Zoroark Glaceon by Maximo Morales Krutko |
Special Event La Paz |
6th |
Espeon Garbodor by Willy Saavedra |
Special Event La Paz |
8th |
Drampa Garbodor by Igor Costa |
Regional Costa Mesa, CA |
1st |
Zoroark by Daniel Lynch |
Regional Costa Mesa, CA |
2nd |
Glaceon Barbaracle by Alex Hill |
Regional Costa Mesa, CA |
3rd |
Seismitoad Garbodor by Eli Ottaviano |
Regional Costa Mesa, CA |
4th |
Zoroark by Kian Amini |
Regional Costa Mesa, CA |
5th |
Drampa Garbodor by Azul Garcia Griego |
Regional Costa Mesa, CA |
6th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Caleb Gedemer |
Regional Costa Mesa, CA |
7th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Joe Ruettiger |
Regional Costa Mesa, CA |
8th |
Gyarados Gallade by Nick Conocenti |
Regional Costa Mesa, CA |
9th |
Zoroark by Isaiah Williams |
Regional Costa Mesa, CA |
10th |
Zoroark by Rain Keuma |
Regional Costa Mesa, CA |
11th |
Zoroark by Andrew Jones |
Regional Costa Mesa, CA |
13th |
Zoroark by Benjamin Salonga |
Regional Costa Mesa, CA |
14th |
Aerodactyl Gallade by Andrew Kennett |
Regional Costa Mesa, CA |
16th |
Zoroark by Jimmy Zhang |
Regional Costa Mesa, CA |
17th |
Sylveon by Landen Kaetler |
Regional Costa Mesa, CA |
18th |
Drampa Garbodor by Steven Rodriguez |
Regional Costa Mesa, CA |
20th |
Glaceon Barbaracle by Christopher Schemanske |
Regional Costa Mesa, CA |
21st |
Gyarados Gallade by Jose Marrero |
Regional Costa Mesa, CA |
22nd |
Zoroark by Luke Gjerde |
Regional Costa Mesa, CA |
23rd |
Gardevoir by Ryan Allred |
Regional Costa Mesa, CA |
24th |
Zoroark by Davis Tran |
Regional Costa Mesa, CA |
25th |
Zoroark by Nico Gist |
Regional Costa Mesa, CA |
27th |
Zoroark by Daniel Jong |
Regional Costa Mesa, CA |
32nd |
Zoroark Golisopod by Claudio Ferla |
Regional Salvador |
1st |
Zoroark Golisopod by Brett Stratton |
Regional Salvador |
2nd |
Zoroark Magnezone by Rafael Yuiti |
Regional Salvador |
4th |
Glaceon Zoroark by Guillermo Estupinan |
Special Event Guayaquil |
2nd |
Zoroark Golisopod by Andres Lerque |
Special Event Guayaquil |
4th |
Zoroark Golisopod by Marcelo Silva Perez |
Special Santiago #1 |
8th |
Zoroark Rotom by Marcos Aballay |
Special Santiago #1 |
13th |
Zoroark Golisopod by Ian Robb |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
1st |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Pearce Blend |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
4th |
Zoroark Golisopod by Russell LaParre |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
6th |
Zoroark Golisopod by Joe Ruettiger |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
8th |
Zoroark Golisopod by Igor Costa |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
10th |
Zoroark Golisopod by Emmet Hurley |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
11th |
Zoroark Golisopod by Azul Garcia Griego |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
13th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Emery Taylor |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
14th |
Zoroark Gardevoir by Kyle Sabelhaus |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
15th |
Zoroark Counters by Zachary Bokhari |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
16th |
Drampa Garbodor by Aaron Tarbell |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
17th |
Zoroark Weavile by Sam Chen |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
18th |
Zoroark Golisopod by Kenny Britton |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
19th |
Hoopa by Brandon Johnson |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
20th |
Zoroark Golisopod by Jimmy Pendarvis |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
21st |
Zoroark Garbodor by Brit Pybas |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
26th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Benjamin Potter |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
27th |
Garbodor Necrozma by Miguel Angel Ruiz |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
28th |
Garbodor Zoroark by Kyle Madison |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
29th |
Espeon Garbodor by Aaron Wilfong |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
30th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Alex Lakomy |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
36th |
Glaceon Garbodor by Andrew Wamboldt |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
38th |
Espeon Garbodor by Nick Brassell |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
39th |
Metal Garbodor by Zack Martin |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
40th |
Passimian by Kevin Baxter |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
41st |
Zoroark Garbodor by Ezra Hoon |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
42nd |
Zoroark Gardevoir by Bradley Ireland |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
45th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Poet Larsen |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
46th |
Zoroark Garbodor by Justin Kulas |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
51st |
Zoroark Counters by Zachary Baker |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
52nd |
Sylveon by Zander Bennett |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
59th |
Zoroark Weavile by Adam Hawkins |
Regional Malmö |
1st |
Zoroark Weavile by Nico Alabas |
Regional Malmö |
2nd |
Zoroark Golisopod by Benjamin Pham |
Regional Malmö |
7th |
Zoroark Golisopod by Lucas Henrique de Araujo Pereira |
Regional Malmö |
8th |
Zoroark Weavile by Robin Schulz |
Regional Malmö |
9th |
Zoroark Gardevoir by Rasmus Møller |
Regional Malmö |
10th |
Zoroark Golisopod by Rolf Paanakker |
Regional Malmö |
12th |
Golisopod Garbodor by Mees Brenninkmeijer |
Regional Malmö |
14th |
Zoroark Gardevoir by Alessandro Mauri |
Regional Malmö |
15th |
Zoroark Golisopod by Heddi Brahmi |
Regional Malmö |
16th |
Zoroark Weavile by Philip Schulz |
Regional Malmö |
17th |
Zoroark Decidueye by Mikael Jacobs |
Regional Malmö |
19th |
Zoroark Golisopod by Alejandro Felices Puértolas |
Regional Malmö |
22nd |
Gardevoir by Rick Verwaal |
Regional Malmö |
26th |
Golisopod Garbodor by Matthias Luppa |
Regional Malmö |
27th |
Zoroark Golisopod by Adrian Fjell |
Regional Malmö |
28th |
Golisopod Garbodor by Bernardo Dias |
Regional Malmö |
29th |
Zoroark Gardevoir by Rodrigo Pereda |
Special Event Lima |
1st |
Gardevoir by Farleib Cuba |
Special Event Lima |
2nd |
Zoroark Golisopod by Angello Salinas |
Special Event Lima |
4th |
Zoroark Golisopod by Santiago Garcia |
Special Event Lima |
6th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Hector Sebastian Almeyda Sierra |
Special Event Lima |
7th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Jorge Coronel |
Special Event Lima |
8th |
Zoroark Gardevoir by Tord Reklev |
OCIC 2018, Sydney |
1st |
Zoroark Gardevoir by Philip Schulz |
OCIC 2018, Sydney |
3rd |
Hoopa by Roland Allen |
OCIC 2018, Sydney |
9th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Pedro Eugenio Torres |
OCIC 2018, Sydney |
10th |
Zoroark Golisopod by Greg Chin |
OCIC 2018, Sydney |
11th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Tait Tran |
OCIC 2018, Sydney |
13th |
Zoroark Golisopod by Benjamin Pham |
OCIC 2018, Sydney |
14th |
Zoroark Gardevoir by Nico Alabas |
OCIC 2018, Sydney |
15th |
Zoroark Gardevoir by Magnus Kalland |
OCIC 2018, Sydney |
18th |
Zoroark Golisopod by Matthew Burris |
OCIC 2018, Sydney |
19th |
Zoroark Gardevoir by Jesper Eriksen |
OCIC 2018, Sydney |
29th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Bodhi Cutler |
OCIC 2018, Sydney |
30th |
Zoroark Garbodor by Myles Blasonato |
OCIC 2018, Sydney |
42nd |
Garbodor Zoroark by Marc Lutz |
OCIC 2018, Sydney |
45th |
Zoroark Gardevoir by Robin Schulz |
OCIC 2018, Sydney |
51st |
Gardevoir Sylveon by Jing Jun Wong |
OCIC 2018, Sydney |
62nd |
Espeon Garbodor by Connor Pedersen |
OCIC 2018, Sydney (SR) |
1st |
Xerneas by Magnus Pedersen |
OCIC 2018, Sydney (SR) |
2nd |
Zoroark Golisopod by Nicholas Apostolou |
OCIC 2018, Sydney (SR) |
4th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Sebastian Enriquez |
OCIC 2018, Sydney (JR) |
1st |
Zoroark Golisopod by Max Kunde |
OCIC 2018, Sydney (JR) |
5th |
Zoroark by Riley Hulbert |
Regional Dallas, TX |
1st |
Zoroark by Isaiah Williams |
Regional Dallas, TX |
2nd |
Zoroark by James Taylor |
Regional Dallas, TX |
3rd |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Kidd Starck |
Regional Dallas, TX |
4th |
Zoroark Golisopod by Jose Marrero |
Regional Dallas, TX |
5th |
Drampa Garbodor by Jimmy Pendarvis |
Regional Dallas, TX |
6th |
Drampa Garbodor by Brad Curcio |
Regional Dallas, TX |
7th |
Drampa Garbodor by Igor Costa |
Regional Dallas, TX |
8th |
Zoroark by Austin Ellis |
Regional Dallas, TX |
10th |
Night March by Daniel Lynch |
Regional Dallas, TX |
12th |
Zoroark by Andrew Denkus |
Regional Dallas, TX |
13th |
Night March by Admassu Williams |
Regional Dallas, TX |
14th |
Zoroark Counters by Dustin Zimmerman |
Regional Dallas, TX |
15th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Caleb Gedemer |
Regional Dallas, TX |
16th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Hector Ibarra |
Regional Dallas, TX |
18th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Ryan Grant |
Regional Dallas, TX |
19th |
Zoroark Vileplume by Polo Le |
Regional Dallas, TX |
21st |
Zoroark Vespiquen by Dennis Jasper Moore |
Regional Dallas, TX |
22nd |
Zoroark Counters by Xander Pero |
Regional Dallas, TX |
25th |
Night March by Jason Annichiarico |
Regional Dallas, TX |
26th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Austin Bentheimer |
Regional Dallas, TX |
27th |
Drampa Garbodor by Azul Garcia Griego |
Regional Dallas, TX |
28th |
Gardevoir by Travis Zabala |
Regional Dallas, TX |
29th |
Night March by Connor Finton |
Regional Dallas, TX |
30th |
Gardevoir by Ian Robb |
Regional Dallas, TX |
31st |
Gardevoir by Treynor Wolfe |
Regional Dallas, TX |
32nd |
Gardevoir by Wesley Hollenberg |
Regional Dallas, TX |
33rd |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Jalen Jones |
Regional Dallas, TX |
34th |
Zoroark Golisopod by Greg Kerien |
Regional Dallas, TX |
35th |
Zoroark Golisopod by Andrew Michaud |
Regional Dallas, TX |
37th |
Zoroark Golisopod by Noah Sawyer |
Regional Dallas, TX |
38th |
Dusknoir / Spread by Israel Sosa |
Regional Dallas, TX |
40th |
Zoroark by JW Kriewall |
Regional Dallas, TX |
43rd |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Pablo Meza |
Regional Dallas, TX |
44th |
Zoroark by Josh Marking |
Regional Dallas, TX |
46th |
Zoroark by Jackson Pech |
Regional Dallas, TX |
50th |
Night March by Peter Kica |
Regional Dallas, TX |
55th |
Gardevoir by Gabriel Pino Semedo |
Regional Sao Paulo |
1st |
Espeon Garbodor by Gabriel Modesto |
Regional Sao Paulo |
10th |
Zoroark Golisopod by Renato Marques |
Regional Sao Paulo |
14th |
Zoroark Golisopod by Pedro Freitas |
Regional Sao Paulo |
25th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Benjamin Cheynubrata |
Regional Leipzig |
5th |
Gardevoir by Tommy Roberts |
Regional Leipzig |
6th |
Zoroark Golisopod by Adam Hawkins |
Regional Leipzig |
8th |
Zoroark Golisopod by Benjamin Pham |
Regional Leipzig |
10th |
Gardevoir Sylveon by Toby Woolner |
Regional Leipzig |
11th |
Sylveon by Jack Old |
Regional Leipzig |
13th |
Sylveon by Kristian Hodas |
Regional Leipzig |
16th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Jesper Eriksen |
Regional Leipzig |
17th |
Gardevoir Zoroark by Ilya Kornilov |
Regional Leipzig |
18th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Pedro Eugenio Torres |
Regional Leipzig |
21st |
Zoroark Golisopod by Joe Bernard |
Regional Leipzig |
30th |
Drampa Garbodor by Diego Cassiraga |
Special Event Asuncion |
1st |
Zoroark Golisopod by Gustavo Wada |
Special Event Asuncion |
2nd |
Gardevoir by Facundo Facio |
Special Event Asuncion |
4th |
Zoroark Golisopod by Gonzalo Martin Fernandez |
Special Event Asuncion |
5th |
Zoroark Golisopod by Emanuel Gauna |
Special Event Asuncion |
7th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Augusto Facio |
Special Event Asuncion |
8th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Michael Pramawat |
Regional Memphis, TN |
1st |
Golisopod Garbodor by Azul Garcia Griego |
Regional Memphis, TN |
2nd |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Ahmed Ali |
Regional Memphis, TN |
5th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Rahul Reddy |
Regional Memphis, TN |
6th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Benjamin Potter |
Regional Memphis, TN |
7th |
Zoroark Golisopod by Benjamin Martinsen |
Regional Memphis, TN |
8th |
Gardevoir by Forrest Burks |
Regional Memphis, TN |
9th |
Zoroark Decidueye by Arron Sanyer |
Regional Memphis, TN |
13th |
Zoroark Golisopod by Austin Ellis |
Regional Memphis, TN |
14th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Franco Llamas |
Regional Memphis, TN |
15th |
Zoroark Decidueye by Igor Costa |
Regional Memphis, TN |
18th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Tristan Lackey |
Regional Memphis, TN |
19th |
Zoroark Golisopod by Sean Timmons |
Regional Memphis, TN |
21st |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Riley Hulbert |
Regional Memphis, TN |
24th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Steve Guthrie |
Regional Memphis, TN |
29th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Oscar Soto |
Regional Memphis, TN |
30th |
Zoroark Buzzwole by Alexander Hamilton |
Regional Memphis, TN |
31st |
Gardevoir by Solomon Shurge |
Regional Memphis, TN |
34th |
Sylveon by Zander Bennett |
Regional Memphis, TN |
38th |
Gardevoir by Noel Totomoch |
Regional Memphis, TN |
53rd |
Gardevoir by Aaron Hamilton |
Regional Memphis, TN |
58th |
Zoroark Golisopod by Robin Schulz |
Special Event Turin |
1st |
Gardevoir Sylveon by Öjvind Svinhufvud |
Special Event Turin |
3rd |
Drampa Garbodor by Philip Schulz |
Special Event Turin |
6th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Kim Pobega |
Special Event Turin |
9th |
Zoroark Buzzwole by Pedro Eugenio Torres |
Special Event Turin |
25th |
Zoroark Golisopod by Tyson Maggio |
Regional Brisbane |
1st |
Decidueye Zoroark by Matthew Bray |
Regional Brisbane |
4th |
Zoroark Golisopod by Brent Tonisson |
Regional Brisbane |
5th |
Zoroark Golisopod by Bodhi Cutler |
Regional Brisbane |
8th |
Night March by Azul Garcia Griego |
Regional San Jose, CA |
1st |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Eduardo Gonzalez |
Regional San Jose, CA |
2nd |
Night March by Michael Pramawat |
Regional San Jose, CA |
3rd |
Night March by Rahul Reddy |
Regional San Jose, CA |
4th |
Gyarados by Ahmed Ali |
Regional San Jose, CA |
5th |
Zoroark by Bodhi Tracy |
Regional San Jose, CA |
6th |
Zoroark by Simon Narode |
Regional San Jose, CA |
7th |
Zoroark by Liam Williams |
Regional San Jose, CA |
9th |
Zoroark Golisopod by Jon Eng |
Regional San Jose, CA |
10th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Rukan Shao |
Regional San Jose, CA |
12th |
Zoroark by Samuel Hough |
Regional San Jose, CA |
14th |
Zoroark by Kian Amini |
Regional San Jose, CA |
15th |
Gardevoir by Ryan Allred |
Regional San Jose, CA |
17th |
Gardevoir by Dennis Perez |
Regional San Jose, CA |
18th |
Zoroark by John Collins |
Regional San Jose, CA |
22nd |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Benjamin Salonga |
Regional San Jose, CA |
25th |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Emmanuel Jacobs |
Regional San Jose, CA |
26th |
Night March by Brad Curcio |
Regional San Jose, CA |
27th |
Night March by Peter Kica |
Regional San Jose, CA |
32nd |
Zoroark Golisopod by Tord Reklev |
EUIC 2017–18, London |
1st |
Silvally Metal by Zakary Krekeler |
EUIC 2017–18, London |
2nd |
Gardevoir by Christopher Schemanske |
EUIC 2017–18, London |
3rd |
Zoroark Golisopod by Magnus Kalland |
EUIC 2017–18, London |
8th |
Zoroark Golisopod by Benjamin Pham |
EUIC 2017–18, London |
9th |
Silvally Zoroark Metal by Grafton Roll |
EUIC 2017–18, London |
11th |
Decidueye Zoroark by Stéphane Ivanoff |
EUIC 2017–18, London |
12th |
Silvally Metal by Yasin Balela |
EUIC 2017–18, London |
13th |
Gardevoir Sylveon by Damian Wincenciak |
EUIC 2017–18, London |
14th |
Heatmor Raichu by Sander Wojcik |
EUIC 2017–18, London |
16th |
Gardevoir by Michael Slutsky |
EUIC 2017–18, London |
18th |
Zoroark Golisopod by Robin Schulz |
EUIC 2017–18, London |
20th |
Gardevoir Sylveon by Brent Tonisson |
EUIC 2017–18, London |
21st |
Silvally Zoroark Metal by Israel Sosa |
EUIC 2017–18, London |
22nd |
Zoroark Golisopod by Benjamin Martinsen |
EUIC 2017–18, London |
23rd |
Zoroark Golisopod by Gabriel Pino Semedo |
EUIC 2017–18, London |
24th |
Gardevoir by Alex Schemanske |
EUIC 2017–18, London |
25th |
Zoroark Drampa by Joe Ruettiger |
EUIC 2017–18, London |
26th |
Buzzwole Silvally by Simon Humphrey |
EUIC 2017–18, London |
27th |
Gardevoir by Michael Pramawat |
EUIC 2017–18, London |
28th |
Golisopod Garbodor by Marc Lutz |
EUIC 2017–18, London |
31st |
Golisopod Garbodor by Nico Alabas |
EUIC 2017–18, London |
32nd |
Zoroark Lycanroc by Heddi Brahmi |
EUIC 2017–18, London |
35th |
Xerneas by Daniel Melrose |
EUIC 2017–18, London |
38th |
Decidueye Zoroark by Daniel Altavilla |
EUIC 2017–18, London |
41st |
Gardevoir Sylveon by Jordan Palmer |
EUIC 2017–18, London |
45th |
Gardevoir by Noel Totomoch |
EUIC 2017–18, London |
46th |
Golisopod Garbodor by Paulo Mimoso |
EUIC 2017–18, London |
47th |
Decidueye Zoroark by Igor Costa |
EUIC 2017–18, London |
48th |
Golisopod Garbodor by Steven Mao |
EUIC 2017–18, London |
49th |
Decidueye Zoroark by Gustavo Wada |
EUIC 2017–18, London |
51st |
Gardevoir Sylveon by Andrew Tandianus |
EUIC 2017–18, London |
53rd |
Zoroark Buzzwole by Pedro Eugenio Torres |
EUIC 2017–18, London |
56th |
Drampa Garbodor by Karl Blake |
EUIC 2017–18, London |
60th |
Golisopod Garbodor by Owyn Kamerman |
EUIC 2017–18, London (SR) |
1st |
Tapu Koko Espeon by William Wallace |
EUIC 2017–18, London (SR) |
5th |
Zoroark Golisopod by Stan Jacques-Leonard |
EUIC 2017–18, London (SR) |
6th |
Buzzwole Lycanroc by Brady Guy |
EUIC 2017–18, London (SR) |
7th |
Gardevoir by Daniel Rosas |
EUIC 2017–18, London (JR) |
1st |
Gardevoir by Christopher Kaas Kastaniegaard |
EUIC 2017–18, London (JR) |
2nd |
Zoroark Golisopod by Maxence Feuillard |
EUIC 2017–18, London (JR) |
3rd |
Gardevoir by João Gabriel Penteado |
EUIC 2017–18, London (JR) |
4th |
Golisopod Garbodor by Kaya Lichtleitner |
EUIC 2017–18, London (JR) |
5th |
Celesteela Registeel by Walker Halliburton |
EUIC 2017–18, London (JR) |
6th |
Gardevoir by Mariano Franco |
EUIC 2017–18, London (JR) |
7th |
Gardevoir by Krystal Florendo |
EUIC 2017–18, London (JR) |
8th |
Gardevoir Sylveon by Pablo Meza |
Regional Vancouver |
1st |
Gardevoir Sylveon by Hale Obernolte |
Regional Vancouver |
2nd |
Gardevoir by Mark Garcia |
Regional Vancouver |
3rd |
Drampa Garbodor by Xander Pero |
Regional Vancouver |
4th |
Drampa Garbodor by Sam Chen |
Regional Vancouver |
5th |
Gardevoir Sylveon by Olliver Barr |
Regional Vancouver |
6th |
Golisopod Garbodor by Sean Timmons |
Regional Vancouver |
8th |
Gardevoir Sylveon by Tyler Ninomura |
Regional Vancouver |
9th |
Golisopod Garbodor by Jacob Van Wagner |
Regional Vancouver |
11th |
Zoroark Bisharp by Alex Koch |
Regional Vancouver |
15th |
Gardevoir by Liam Williams |
Regional Vancouver |
26th |
Drampa Garbodor by Kian Amini |
Regional Vancouver |
27th |
Drampa Garbodor by William Azevedo |
Regional Belo Horizonte |
1st |
Necrozma Meowstic Garbodor by Gabriel Henrique Monteiro |
Regional Belo Horizonte |
3rd |
Drampa Garbodor by Alex Silva |
Regional Belo Horizonte |
6th |
Garbodor Necrozma by Ryan Sabelhaus |
Regional Daytona Beach, FL |
1st |
Garbodor Necrozma by Azul Garcia Griego |
Regional Daytona Beach, FL |
3rd |
Night March by Gustavo Wada |
Regional Daytona Beach, FL |
4th |
Gardevoir by Ahmed Ali |
Regional Daytona Beach, FL |
5th |
Drampa Garbodor by Preston Porter |
Regional Daytona Beach, FL |
6th |
Seismitoad Seviper by Grant Manley |
Regional Daytona Beach, FL |
7th |
Garbodor Necrozma by Jon Eng |
Regional Daytona Beach, FL |
8th |
Golisopod Garbodor by Nick Robinson |
Regional Daytona Beach, FL |
10th |
Gardevoir by Conner LaVelle |
Regional Daytona Beach, FL |
11th |
Garbodor Necrozma by Russell LaParre |
Regional Daytona Beach, FL |
14th |
Garbodor Necrozma by Gabe Cherniske |
Regional Daytona Beach, FL |
17th |
Golisopod Seismitoad by Daniel Lopez |
Regional Daytona Beach, FL |
21st |
Garbodor Necrozma by Rahul Reddy |
Regional Daytona Beach, FL |
25th |
Gardevoir by Takuya Yoneda |
Regional Daytona Beach, FL |
30th |
Seismitoad Garbodor by Tyler Condrey |
Regional Daytona Beach, FL |
31st |
Garbodor Necrozma by Brad Curcio |
Regional Daytona Beach, FL |
34th |
Golisopod Seismitoad by Robert Ector |
Regional Daytona Beach, FL |
36th |
Vespiquen Flareon by Andrew Wamboldt |
Regional Daytona Beach, FL |
37th |
Garbodor Necrozma by Michael Pramawat |
Regional Daytona Beach, FL |
57th |
Drampa Garbodor by Ian Robb |
Regional Hartford, CT |
3rd |
Gardevoir Sylveon by Sam Chen |
Regional Hartford, CT |
4th |
Golisopod Garbodor by Peter Kica |
Regional Hartford, CT |
6th |
Gardevoir by Kenny Britton |
Regional Hartford, CT |
9th |
Drampa Garbodor by Benjamin Martinsen |
Regional Hartford, CT |
11th |
Gardevoir Sylveon by Pablo Meza |
Regional Hartford, CT |
12th |
Drampa Garbodor by Greg Minklei |
Regional Hartford, CT |
15th |
Golisopod Garbodor by Jacob Lesage |
Regional Hartford, CT |
19th |
Golisopod by Zach Lesage |
Regional Hartford, CT |
21st |
Drampa Garbodor by Mark Dizon |
Regional Hartford, CT |
23rd |
Solgaleo Rayquaza by Athavan Balendran |
Regional Hartford, CT |
24th |
Gardevoir by Noel Totomoch |
Regional Hartford, CT |
25th |
Decidueye Ninetales by Andrew Mahone |
Regional Hartford, CT |
26th |
Xerneas by Chris Wilkinson |
Regional Hartford, CT |
28th |
Golisopod Garbodor by Darin O'Meara |
Regional Hartford, CT |
64th |
Seismitoad Garbodor by Fabien Pujol |
Special Event Bilbao |
2nd |
Night March by Marc Lutz |
Special Event Bilbao |
3rd |
Drampa Garbodor by Philip Schulz |
Special Event Bilbao |
5th |
Trevenant by Simone Soldo |
Special Event Bilbao |
10th |
Golisopod Garbodor by Alejandro Sanchez Claramonte |
Special Event Bilbao |
15th |
Golisopod Garbodor by Javier De Blas |
Special Event Bilbao |
16th |
Golisopod Garbodor by Marc Lutz |
Regional Bremen |
1st |
Drampa Garbodor by Tord Reklev |
Regional Bremen |
2nd |
Drampa Garbodor by Tomas Just |
Regional Bremen |
3rd |
Golisopod Garbodor by Philip Schulz |
Regional Bremen |
4th |
Gardevoir by Philipp Emmerich |
Regional Bremen |
5th |
Xerneas by Tamao Cameron |
Regional Bremen |
8th |
Decidueye Ninetales by Heddi Brahmi |
Regional Bremen |
12th |
Xerneas by Tushar Shrotriya |
Regional Bremen |
14th |
Decidueye Golisopod by Goncalo Ferreira |
Regional Bremen |
15th |
Xerneas by Joe Bernard |
Regional Bremen |
16th |
Gardevoir by Simon Humphrey |
Regional Bremen |
17th |
Gardevoir by Stephan Nørregård |
Regional Bremen |
18th |
Xerneas by Seb Symonds |
Regional Bremen |
19th |
Drampa Garbodor by Ryan Moorhouse |
Regional Bremen |
20th |
Gardevoir Sylveon by Nico Alabas |
Regional Bremen |
22nd |
Gardevoir by Luke Taylor |
Regional Bremen |
23rd |
Gardevoir Sylveon by Dany Graells |
Regional Bremen |
24th |
Golisopod Garbodor by Mees Brenninkmeijer |
Regional Bremen |
29th |
Golisopod Garbodor by Patrik Holler |
Regional Bremen |
30th |
Gardevoir by Kim Erik Eriksen |
Regional Bremen |
31st |
Gardevoir by Finn Schleusner |
Regional Bremen |
32nd |
Night March by Michael Pramawat |
Regional Fort Wayne, IN |
1st |
Night March by Christopher Venier |
Regional Fort Wayne, IN |
4th |
Golisopod Garbodor by Gibson Archer-Tang |
Regional Fort Wayne, IN |
5th |
Golisopod by Zach Zamora |
Regional Fort Wayne, IN |
6th |
Gardevoir by Jac Carter |
Regional Fort Wayne, IN |
7th |
Yveltal Darkrai by Israel Sosa |
Regional Fort Wayne, IN |
8th |
Golisopod Seismitoad by Cody Walinski |
Regional Fort Wayne, IN |
10th |
Sylveon by Kyle Lesniewicz |
Regional Fort Wayne, IN |
12th |
Golisopod Seismitoad by Enrique Avila |
Regional Fort Wayne, IN |
22nd |
Golisopod Garbodor by Pablo Meza |
Regional Fort Wayne, IN |
23rd |
Garbodor Necrozma by Brad Curcio |
Regional Fort Wayne, IN |
29th |
Trevenant by Austin Ellis |
Regional Fort Wayne, IN |
31st |
Garbodor Necrozma by Azul Garcia Griego |
Regional Fort Wayne, IN |
47th |
Gardevoir by Conner LaVelle |
Regional Fort Wayne, IN |
53rd |
Decidueye Ninetales by Benjamin Pham |
Anaheim Open |
1st |
Gardevoir by Emilio Orozco |
Anaheim Open |
6th |
Espeon Garbodor by Sorina Radu |
Anaheim Open |
7th |
Drampa Garbodor by Luca Clavadetscher |
Anaheim Open |
8th |
Drampa Garbodor by Caleb Gedemer |
Anaheim Open |
9th |
Gardevoir by Diego Cassiraga |
World Championships 2017 |
1st |
Golisopod Garbodor by Naoto Suzuki |
World Championships 2017 |
2nd |
Espeon Garbodor by Xander Pero |
World Championships 2017 |
3rd |
Golisopod Garbodor by Sho Sasaki |
World Championships 2017 |
4th |
Garbodor Necrozma by Reiji Nishiguchi |
World Championships 2017 |
5th |
Espeon Garbodor by Jimmy Pendarvis |
World Championships 2017 |
6th |
Gardevoir by Pablo Meza |
World Championships 2017 |
7th |
Drampa Garbodor by Sam Chen |
World Championships 2017 |
8th |
Drampa Garbodor by Frank Diaz |
World Championships 2017 |
13th |
Mega Rayquaza by Joey Ho |
World Championships 2017 |
14th |
Mega Rayquaza by Freya Pearce |
World Championships 2017 |
15th |
Drampa Garbodor by Kian Amini |
World Championships 2017 |
16th |
Gardevoir Sylveon by Shun Ito |
World Championships 2017 |
20th |
Drampa Garbodor by Tord Reklev |
World Championships 2017 |
23rd |
Mega Rayquaza by Connor Finton |
World Championships 2017 |
29th |
Drampa Garbodor by Daniel Altavilla |
World Championships 2017 |
30th |
Drampa Garbodor by Jordan Palmer |
World Championships 2017 |
31st |
Decidueye Ninetales by Robin Schulz |
World Championships 2017 |
43rd |
Decidueye Ninetales by Philip Schulz |
World Championships 2017 |
49th |
Golisopod Garbodor by Takuya Hasegawa |
World Championships 2017 |
53rd |
Espeon Garbodor by Alex Hill |
World Championships 2017 |
73rd |
Decidueye Ninetales by Stéphane Ivanoff |
World Championships 2017 |
81st |
Decidueye Ninetales by Nico Alabas |
World Championships 2017 |
87th |
Gardevoir by Mike Fouchet |
World Championships 2017 |
99th |
Alolan Ninetales by Zachary Bokhari |
World Championships 2017 (SR) |
1st |
Gardevoir Sylveon by Takumi Kaji |
World Championships 2017 (SR) |
3rd |
Drampa Garbodor by Yu Ito |
World Championships 2017 (SR) |
4th |
Alolan Ninetales by Nick Conocenti |
World Championships 2017 (SR) |
5th |
Gardevoir by Justin Lambert |
World Championships 2017 (SR) |
6th |
Drampa Garbodor by Connor Pedersen |
World Championships 2017 (SR) |
7th |
Decidueye Vileplume by Tanner Hurley |
World Championships 2017 (SR) |
8th |
Gardevoir by Tobias Strømdahl |
World Championships 2017 (JR) |
1st |
Gardevoir by Minaki Hasegawa |
World Championships 2017 (JR) |
2nd |
Decidueye Golisopod by Kabu Fukase |
World Championships 2017 (JR) |
3rd |
Xerneas Gardevoir by William Wallace |
World Championships 2017 (JR) |
4th |
Drampa Garbodor by Lucas Mancuso |
World Championships 2017 (JR) |
5th |
Golisopod Garbodor by Tsubasa Watanabe |
World Championships 2017 (JR) |
6th |
Xerneas by Niko Ishida |
World Championships 2017 (JR) |
7th |
Xerneas Gardevoir by Regan Retzloff |
World Championships 2017 (JR) |
8th |
Drampa Garbodor by Rick Verwaal |
Regional Liverpool |
1st |
Alolan Ninetales by Karl Peters |
Regional Liverpool |
2nd |
Decidueye Ninetales by Pedro Eugenio Torres |
Regional Liverpool |
3rd |
Drampa Garbodor by Ryan Moorhouse |
Regional Liverpool |
4th |
Drampa Garbodor by Tord Reklev |
Regional Liverpool |
5th |
Alolan Ninetales by Tomas Just |
Regional Liverpool |
6th |
Decidueye Vileplume by Marc Lutz |
Regional Liverpool |
7th |
Alolan Ninetales by Ondřej Škubal |
Regional Liverpool |
8th |
Decidueye Ninetales by Mehdi Hafi |
Regional Liverpool |
9th |
Drampa Garbodor by Lucas Henrique de Araujo Pereira |
Regional Liverpool |
10th |
Drampa Garbodor by Robin Schulz |
Regional Liverpool |
11th |
Zoroark Drampa by Bernardo Dias |
Regional Liverpool |
13th |
Gyarados by Alex Dao |
Regional Liverpool |
14th |
Drampa Garbodor by Ben Short |
Regional Liverpool |
16th |
Decidueye Ninetales by Heddi Brahmi |
Regional Liverpool |
17th |
Mega Rayquaza by Jack Gregory-Campbell |
Regional Liverpool |
18th |
Xerneas by Tamao Cameron |
Regional Liverpool |
19th |
Umbreon Zoroark by Piotr Orleański |
Regional Liverpool |
24th |
Drampa Garbodor by Andrew Spence |
Regional Liverpool |
26th |
Xerneas by Luke Kirkham |
Regional Liverpool |
29th |
Mega Rayquaza by Martin Janous |
Regional Liverpool |
30th |
Zoroark Drampa Eeveelutions by Will Simpson |
Regional Liverpool |
31st |
Drampa Garbodor by Karl Blake |
Regional Liverpool |
32nd |
Drampa Garbodor by Tord Reklev |
NAIC 2017, Indianapolis |
1st |
Decidueye Vileplume by John Kettler |
NAIC 2017, Indianapolis |
2nd |
Drampa Garbodor by Sam Chen |
NAIC 2017, Indianapolis |
3rd |
Decidueye Ninetales by Igor Costa |
NAIC 2017, Indianapolis |
4th |
Alolan Ninetales by Gustavo Wada |
NAIC 2017, Indianapolis |
5th |
Zoroark Drampa by Andrew Mahone |
NAIC 2017, Indianapolis |
7th |
Decidueye Ninetales by Stéphane Ivanoff |
NAIC 2017, Indianapolis |
10th |
Espeon Garbodor by Chris Abernathy |
NAIC 2017, Indianapolis |
12th |
Espeon Garbodor by Tristan Macek |
NAIC 2017, Indianapolis |
13th |
Espeon Garbodor by Caleb Gedemer |
NAIC 2017, Indianapolis |
16th |
Espeon Garbodor by Daniel Lynch |
NAIC 2017, Indianapolis |
17th |
Decidueye by Louis Chi |
NAIC 2017, Indianapolis |
18th |
Drampa Garbodor by Benjamin Martinsen |
NAIC 2017, Indianapolis |
19th |
Drampa Garbodor by Philipp Leciejewski |
NAIC 2017, Indianapolis |
21st |
Decidueye Ninetales by Mees Brenninkmeijer |
NAIC 2017, Indianapolis |
22nd |
Espeon Garbodor by Tony Jimenez |
NAIC 2017, Indianapolis |
23rd |
Espeon Garbodor by Xander Pero |
NAIC 2017, Indianapolis |
25th |
Espeon Garbodor by Peter Kica |
NAIC 2017, Indianapolis |
27th |
Zoroark Drampa by Daniel Altavilla |
NAIC 2017, Indianapolis |
28th |
Drampa Garbodor by Cedric Gouin |
NAIC 2017, Indianapolis |
31st |
Drampa Garbodor by Philip Schulz |
NAIC 2017, Indianapolis |
39th |
Espeon Garbodor by Jimmy McClure |
NAIC 2017, Indianapolis |
40th |
Mega Rayquaza by Reno Bernardo |
NAIC 2017, Indianapolis |
42nd |
Zoroark Drampa by John Turner |
NAIC 2017, Indianapolis |
52nd |
Decidueye by Kolton Day |
NAIC 2017, Indianapolis |
64th |
Zoroark Drampa by Rowan Stavenow |
NAIC 2017, Indianapolis (SR) |
2nd |
Espeon Garbodor by Ryan Snider |
NAIC 2017, Indianapolis (SR) |
3rd |
Drampa Garbodor by Billy Thomas |
NAIC 2017, Indianapolis (SR) |
7th |
Espeon Garbodor by Kendon Kula |
NAIC 2017, Indianapolis (SR) |
8th |
Xerneas by Regan Retzloff |
NAIC 2017, Indianapolis (JR) |
1st |
Espeon Garbodor by John Gavin III |
NAIC 2017, Indianapolis (JR) |
4th |
Zoroark Drampa by Zion Di Tizio |
NAIC 2017, Indianapolis (JR) |
5th |
Espeon Garbodor by Liam Halliburton |
NAIC 2017, Indianapolis (JR) |
6th |
Espeon Garbodor by Walker Halliburton |
NAIC 2017, Indianapolis (JR) |
7th |
Zoroark Drampa by Nick Bocchetti |
NAIC 2017, Indianapolis (JR) |
8th |
Raichu Lycanroc by Javier Tengo Jofre |
Special Event Madrid |
4th |
Alolan Ninetales by Simone Soldo |
Special Event Madrid |
5th |
Drampa Garbodor by Stéphane Ivanoff |
Special Event Madrid |
6th |
Zoroark Drampa by Roberto Sanchez |
Special Event Madrid |
7th |
Espeon Garbodor by Paulo Mimoso |
Special Event Madrid |
8th |
Zoroark Drampa Eeveelutions by Tobias Thesing |
Special Event Madrid |
9th |
Decidueye Ninetales by Mehdi Hafi |
Special Event Madrid |
12th |
Decidueye Ninetales by Jordan Palmer |
Regional Perth |
1st |
Espeon Garbodor by Caleb Gedemer |
Origins Game Fair SPE |
16th |
Espeon Garbodor by Vighnesh Murthy |
Regional Auckland |
4th |
Vespiquen Zoroark by Rahul Reddy |
Regional Mexico City |
6th |
Gallade Octillery by Noel Totomoch |
Regional Mexico City |
13th |
Vespiquen Zoroark by Ryan Sabelhaus |
Regional Mexico City |
14th |
Vespiquen Zoroark by Michael Pramawat |
Regional Madison, WI |
1st |
Zoroark Drampa by Daniel Altavilla |
Regional Madison, WI |
3rd |
Espeon Garbodor by Colin Peterik |
Regional Madison, WI |
4th |
Decidueye Vileplume Ninetales by Aaron Tarbell |
Regional Madison, WI |
5th |
Vespiquen Zoroark by Jimmy Pendarvis |
Regional Madison, WI |
6th |
Vespiquen Zoroark by Rahul Reddy |
Regional Madison, WI |
15th |
Vespiquen Zoroark by Charles Larenas-Leach |
Regional Madison, WI |
20th |
Mega Rayquaza by Ray Fernandez |
Regional Madison, WI |
24th |
Alolan Ninetales by Caleb Patton |
Regional Madison, WI |
25th |
Alolan Ninetales by Blair Zwarich |
Regional Madison, WI |
31st |
Gyarados by Alex Dao |
Regional Birmingham |
1st |
Zoroark Drampa by Brian Peach |
Regional Birmingham |
2nd |
Alolan Ninetales by Tobias Thesing |
Regional Birmingham |
4th |
Drampa Garbodor by Benjamin Martinsen |
Regional Birmingham |
5th |
Alolan Ninetales by Toby Woolner |
Regional Birmingham |
7th |
Drampa Garbodor by Stéphane Ivanoff |
Regional Birmingham |
9th |
Drampa Garbodor by Goncalo Pereira |
Regional Birmingham |
10th |
Vespiquen Zoroark by Laurens Van Brecht |
Regional Birmingham |
13th |
Zoroark Umbreon Decidueye by Goncalo Ferreira |
Regional Birmingham |
22nd |
Decidueye Ninetales by Jack Old |
Regional Birmingham |
31st |
Drampa Garbodor by Sam Chen |
Regional Seattle, WA |
1st |
Vespiquen Zoroark by Jeffrey Cheng |
Regional Seattle, WA |
2nd |
Drampa Garbodor by Brad Curcio |
Regional Seattle, WA |
3rd |
Drampa Garbodor by Tyler Ninomura |
Regional Seattle, WA |
4th |
Drampa Garbodor by Kenny Wisdom |
Regional Seattle, WA |
6th |
Espeon Garbodor by Warren Younger |
Regional Seattle, WA |
7th |
Espeon Garbodor by Aaron Rozbicki |
Regional Seattle, WA |
8th |
Drampa Garbodor by Andy Gray |
Regional Seattle, WA |
17th |
Espeon Garbodor by Kian Amini |
Regional Seattle, WA |
18th |
Espeon Garbodor by Daniel Lynch |
Regional Seattle, WA |
19th |
Garbodor Tauros by David Tomhave-Alexie |
Regional Seattle, WA |
22nd |
Garbodor Trevenant by Caleb Gedemer |
Regional Seattle, WA |
28th |
Mega Rayquaza by Ray Fernandez |
Regional Seattle, WA |
30th |
Alolan Ninetales by Steven Toman |
Regional Seattle, WA |
31st |
Espeon Garbodor by Adrian Velasco |
Regional Jakarta |
2nd |
Mega Rayquaza by Martin Janous |
Austrian Open |
1st |
Drampa Garbodor by Stéphane Ivanoff |
Austrian Open |
2nd |
Drampa Garbodor by Jindrich Nepevny |
Austrian Open |
4th |
Raichu Lycanroc by Philipp Leciejewski |
Austrian Open |
5th |
Espeon Garbodor by Xavier Delfosse |
Austrian Open |
6th |
Decidueye Ninetales by Alexander Weber |
Austrian Open |
7th |
Drampa Garbodor by Patrick Landis |
Austrian Open |
8th |
Seismitoad Giratina by Igor Costa |
Regional Toronto |
4th |
Seismitoad Crobat by Noel Totomoch |
Regional Toronto |
5th |
Seismitoad Giratina by Michael Del Rosario |
Regional Toronto |
8th |
Vespiquen Flareon by Caleb Gedemer |
Regional Toronto |
11th |
Night March by Michael Pramawat |
Regional Toronto |
20th |
Wobbuffet Jolteon Glaceon by Grant Manley |
Regional Roanoke, VA |
2nd |
Decidueye Vileplume by Aaron Tarbell |
Regional Roanoke, VA |
4th |
Decidueye Vileplume by Igor Costa |
Regional Roanoke, VA |
5th |
Mega Mewtwo by Austen Vance |
Regional Roanoke, VA |
6th |
Mega Mewtwo Garbodor by Seena Ghaziaskar |
Regional Roanoke, VA |
7th |
Decidueye Vileplume by Alex Hill |
Regional Roanoke, VA |
11th |
Mega Mewtwo Garbodor by Caleb Gedemer |
Regional Roanoke, VA |
46th |
Mega Mewtwo Garbodor by Jake Maxwell |
Regional Roanoke, VA |
53rd |
Decidueye Vileplume by Nico Alabas |
Danish Open |
4th |
Vespiquen Zebstrika by Mehdi Hafi |
Special Event Lyon |
1st |
Decidueye Vileplume by Juan Pablo Salas |
LAIC 2017, São Paulo |
1st |
Decidueye Vileplume by Thiago Giovannetti Marques Ricardo |
LAIC 2017, São Paulo |
2nd |
Mega Rayquaza by Ian Anderson Fukuda |
LAIC 2017, São Paulo |
3rd |
Decidueye Vileplume by Connor Finton |
LAIC 2017, São Paulo |
4th |
Decidueye Vileplume by Diego Cassiraga |
LAIC 2017, São Paulo |
7th |
Mega Rayquaza by Felipe Jorge Ponce |
LAIC 2017, São Paulo |
9th |
Mega Rayquaza by Martin Janous |
LAIC 2017, São Paulo |
14th |
Yveltal Garbodor by Marcos Kuribara |
LAIC 2017, São Paulo (SR) |
1st |
Decidueye Vileplume by Lewis Stevens |
LAIC 2017, São Paulo (SR) |
2nd |
Mega Mewtwo by Eduardo Romanelli |
LAIC 2017, São Paulo (SR) |
3rd |
Xerneas by Guilherme Sinkunas Banevicius |
LAIC 2017, São Paulo (SR) |
5th |
Yveltal Zoroark by Michael Long |
LAIC 2017, São Paulo (SR) |
6th |
Mega Mewtwo by Kaya Lichtleitner |
LAIC 2017, São Paulo (JR) |
1st |
Decidueye Vileplume by Benny Billinger |
LAIC 2017, São Paulo (JR) |
3rd |
Mega Rayquaza by Regan Retzloff |
LAIC 2017, São Paulo (JR) |
4th |
Mega Rayquaza by Lorenzo Fulco |
LAIC 2017, São Paulo (JR) |
6th |
Decidueye Vileplume by Aaron Tarbell |
Regional Salt Lake City, UT |
3rd |
Decidueye Vileplume by Joseph Perez |
Regional Salt Lake City, UT |
7th |
Mega Mewtwo Garbodor by Chris Clemens |
Regional Salt Lake City, UT |
8th |
Gyarados by Tyler Ninomura |
Regional Salt Lake City, UT |
10th |
Umbreon Decidueye-GX by Rain Keuma |
Regional Salt Lake City, UT |
22nd |
Vespiquen by Aaron Friedman |
Regional Salt Lake City, UT |
28th |
Mega Rayquaza by Peter Kica |
Special Event Aguadilla, PR |
3rd |
Yveltal Maxie's by Israel Sosa |
Regional Portland, OR |
1st |
Yveltal Maxie's by Alex Bobenrieth |
Regional Portland, OR |
2nd |
Yveltal Maxie's by Andrew Jackson |
Regional Portland, OR |
3rd |
Night March by Tyler Ninomura |
Regional Portland, OR |
5th |
Decidueye Vileplume by Goncalo Ferreira |
Regional Malmö |
1st |
Espeon Decidueye by Mikael Jacobs |
Regional Malmö |
2nd |
Mega Mewtwo by Jindrich Nepevny |
Regional Malmö |
4th |
Decidueye Vileplume by Mees Brenninkmeijer |
Regional Malmö |
5th |
Yveltal by Erik Gunnarsson |
Regional Malmö |
9th |
Gyarados by Martin Guilbert |
Regional Malmö |
10th |
Yveltal Garbodor by Marc Lutz |
Regional Malmö |
15th |
Decidueye Vileplume by Tord Reklev |
Regional Malmö |
17th |
Umbreon Vileplume by Stephan Nørregård |
Regional Malmö |
21st |
Mega Rayquaza by Emil Tronier |
Regional Malmö |
24th |
Giratina Tauros Garbodor by Nicklas Danielsen |
Regional Malmö |
26th |
Decidueye Vileplume by Jesper Eriksen |
Regional Malmö |
29th |
Decidueye Vileplume by Pablo Meza |
OCIC 2017, Melbourne |
2nd |
Decidueye Vileplume by Kian Amini |
OCIC 2017, Melbourne |
3rd |
Decidueye Vileplume by Javier Gamboa |
OCIC 2017, Melbourne |
5th |
Decidueye by Takuya Yoneda |
OCIC 2017, Melbourne |
7th |
Decidueye Vileplume by Alex Hill |
OCIC 2017, Melbourne |
8th |
Decidueye Vileplume by Mees Brenninkmeijer |
OCIC 2017, Melbourne |
9th |
Yveltal Zoroark by Tobias Thesing |
OCIC 2017, Melbourne |
23rd |
Gyarados by Vighnesh Murthy |
OCIC 2017, Melbourne |
27th |
Decidueye Vileplume by Tyler Ninomura |
OCIC 2017, Melbourne |
43rd |
Decidueye Vileplume by Jon Eng |
OCIC 2017, Melbourne (SR) |
2nd |
Mega Mewtwo by Connor Pedersen |
OCIC 2017, Melbourne (SR) |
4th |
Yveltal Garbodor by Tim Bartels |
OCIC 2017, Melbourne (SR) |
5th |
Mega Mewtwo Garbodor by Magnus Pedersen |
OCIC 2017, Melbourne (SR) |
6th |
Decidueye Vileplume by Joe Ruettiger |
OCIC 2017, Melbourne (SR) |
7th |
Yveltal Garbodor by Vincent Marcus Munk |
OCIC 2017, Melbourne (SR) |
8th |
Decidueye Vileplume by Max Bartels |
OCIC 2017, Melbourne (JR) |
4th |
Mega Alakazam Espeon by Tristan Sobkowiak |
OCIC 2017, Melbourne (JR) |
5th |
Mega Rayquaza by James Kowalski |
OCIC 2017, Melbourne (JR) |
6th |
Vespiquen Zebstrika by Zi Ler Chiew |
OCIC 2017, Melbourne (JR) |
7th |
Mega Rayquaza by Alex Wilson |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
1st |
Decidueye Vileplume by John Kettler |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
2nd |
Night March by John Sienkiewicz |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
4th |
Accelgor Wobbuffet by Anthony Nimmons |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
5th |
Seismitoad Decidueye by Alex Schemanske |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
6th |
Yveltal Maxie's by Israel Sosa |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
8th |
Night March by Peter Kica |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
11th |
Xerneas by Andy Gray |
Regional Collinsville, IL |
34th |
Decidueye Vileplume by Goncalo Ferreira |
Regional Sheffield |
1st |
Gyarados by Mehdi Hafi |
Regional Sheffield |
2nd |
Vileplume Toolbox by Fabien Pujol |
Regional Sheffield |
4th |
Mega Rayquaza by Steffen Eriksen |
Regional Sheffield |
7th |
Mega Rayquaza by Jack Gregory-Campbell |
Regional Sheffield |
8th |
Yveltal Garbodor by Philip Schulz |
Regional Sheffield |
17th |
Yveltal Garbodor by Jack Culkin |
Regional Sheffield |
25th |
Mega Mewtwo Garbodor by Jake Arnold |
Regional Sheffield |
27th |
Mega Mewtwo Garbodor by Diogo Santos |
Regional Sheffield |
29th |
Umbreon by Marc Lutz |
Regional Sheffield |
31st |
Vespiquen Zoroark by Jeffrey Cheng |
Regional Anaheim, CA |
4th |
Yveltal Garbodor by Igor Costa |
Regional Anaheim, CA |
5th |
Mega Mewtwo Garbodor by Ryan Sabelhaus |
Regional Anaheim, CA |
6th |
Vespiquen Zoroark by Rahul Reddy |
Regional Anaheim, CA |
7th |
Mega Mewtwo Garbodor by Travis Nunlist |
Regional Anaheim, CA |
8th |
Decidueye Vileplume by John Kettler |
Regional Anaheim, CA |
15th |
Vespiquen Zoroark Zebstrika by Alex Hill |
Regional Anaheim, CA |
47th |
Vespiquen Zebstrika by Dylan Bryan |
Regional Athens, GA |
2nd |
Vespiquen Zebstrika by Carl Sitavi |
Regional Athens, GA |
3rd |
Mega Rayquaza by Ahmed Ali |
Regional Athens, GA |
5th |
Mega Rayquaza by Luis Zambrana |
Regional Athens, GA |
6th |
Vespiquen Zebstrika by William Boatman |
Regional Athens, GA |
7th |
Mega Rayquaza by Chip Richey |
Regional Athens, GA |
8th |
Mega Rayquaza by Patrik Bartosovic |
Regional Leipzig |
1st |
Vespiquen Zebstrika by Steffen Eriksen |
Regional Leipzig |
3rd |
Vespiquen Raichu by Piotr Orleański |
Regional Leipzig |
18th |
Yveltal Garbodor by Robin Schulz |
Dutch Open |
1st |
Wailord by Sander Wojcik |
Dutch Open |
2nd |
Xerneas by Cedric Gouin |
Dutch Open |
3rd |
Gyarados by Vito Flinker |
Dutch Open |
4th |
Yveltal Garbodor by Mees Brenninkmeijer |
Dutch Open |
7th |
Mega Mewtwo Garbodor by Igor Costa |
Regional Dallas, TX |
2nd |
Vileplume Toolbox by Alex Hill |
Regional Dallas, TX |
28th |
Yveltal Maxie's by Mark Garcia |
Regional San Jose, CA |
1st |
Yveltal Maxie's by Kian Amini |
Regional San Jose, CA |
3rd |
Yveltal Maxie's by Graham Westby |
Regional San Jose, CA |
6th |
Yveltal Maxie's by Israel Sosa |
Regional San Jose, CA |
7th |
Yveltal Garbodor by Michael Pramawat |
EUIC 2016–17, London |
1st |
Yveltal Garbodor by Jacob Lesage |
EUIC 2016–17, London |
2nd |
Yveltal Garbodor by Philip Schulz |
EUIC 2016–17, London |
3rd |
Yveltal Garbodor by Tord Reklev |
EUIC 2016–17, London |
4th |
Yveltal Garbodor by Yee Wei Chun |
EUIC 2016–17, London |
5th |
Vespiquen Zebstrika by Alex Hill |
EUIC 2016–17, London |
9th |
Yveltal Garbodor by Israel Sosa |
EUIC 2016–17, London |
17th |
Jolteon Lugia Garbodor by Tyler Ninomura |
EUIC 2016–17, London |
18th |
Yveltal Garbodor by Jordan Palmer |
EUIC 2016–17, London |
19th |
Xerneas by Jesper Eriksen |
EUIC 2016–17, London |
28th |
Gyarados by Scot Symonds |
EUIC 2016–17, London |
30th |
Yveltal Garbodor by Jimmy Pendarvis |
EUIC 2016–17, London |
41st |
Yveltal Garbodor by Gabriel Pino Semedo |
EUIC 2016–17, London |
43rd |
Yveltal Garbodor by Jack Culkin |
EUIC 2016–17, London |
46th |
Xerneas by Kim Pobega |
EUIC 2016–17, London |
57th |
Vespiquen Zebstrika by Joe Yeates |
EUIC 2016–17, London |
63rd |
Yveltal Garbodor by Heddi Brahmi |
EUIC 2016–17, London |
64th |
Yveltal Garbodor by Tanner Hurley |
EUIC 2016–17, London (SR) |
1st |
Yveltal Garbodor by Michael Long |
EUIC 2016–17, London (SR) |
3rd |
Yveltal Garbodor by Kyle Guest |
EUIC 2016–17, London (SR) |
4th |
Yveltal Garbodor by Adam Balela |
EUIC 2016–17, London (SR) |
5th |
Yveltal Garbodor by Christian Moreno |
EUIC 2016–17, London (SR) |
6th |
Yveltal Garbodor by Jon Eng |
EUIC 2016–17, London (SR) |
8th |
Yveltal Garbodor by Kaya Lichtleitner |
EUIC 2016–17, London (JR) |
1st |
Yveltal Garbodor by Regan Retzloff |
EUIC 2016–17, London (JR) |
2nd |
Xerneas by Maxence Feuillard |
EUIC 2016–17, London (JR) |
3rd |
Xerneas by Sönke Ringel |
EUIC 2016–17, London (JR) |
4th |
Xerneas by João Gabriel Penteado |
EUIC 2016–17, London (JR) |
5th |
Yveltal Garbodor by Roan Godfrey-Robbins |
EUIC 2016–17, London (JR) |
6th |
Yveltal Zoroark by William Wallace |
EUIC 2016–17, London (JR) |
8th |
Yveltal Garbodor by Jimmy Pendarvis |
Regional Fort Wayne, IN |
1st |
Yveltal Garbodor by Andrew Mahone |
Regional Fort Wayne, IN |
2nd |
Xerneas by Caleb Gedemer |
Regional Fort Wayne, IN |
4th |
Vespiquen Zoroark by Darin O'Meara |
Regional Fort Wayne, IN |
11th |
Xerneas by Jared Grimes |
Regional Fort Wayne, IN |
32nd |
Xerneas by Finn Looft |
Regional Dortmund |
1st |
Yveltal Garbodor by Philip Schulz |
Regional Dortmund |
2nd |
Yveltal Garbodor by Matthias Luppa |
Regional Dortmund |
3rd |
Yveltal Garbodor by Steven Mao |
Regional Dortmund |
7th |
Regice Glaceon Garbodor by Alexander Wagner |
Regional Dortmund |
8th |
Yveltal Garbodor by Robin Schulz |
Regional Dortmund |
11th |
Giratina Garbodor by Joe Bernard |
Regional Dortmund |
12th |
Giratina Garbodor by Günther Kirchhofer |
Regional Dortmund |
28th |
Accelgor Wobbuffet by Mike Fouchet |
Regional Philadelphia, PA |
2nd |
Raikou Eelektrik by Sam Chen |
Regional Philadelphia, PA |
3rd |
Seismitoad Crobat by Noel Totomoch |
Regional Philadelphia, PA |
4th |
Yveltal Maxie's by Tom Filbey |
Regional Philadelphia, PA |
5th |
Yveltal Maxie's by Benjamin Sauk |
Regional Philadelphia, PA |
8th |
Xerneas by Andy Gray |
Regional Philadelphia, PA |
54th |
Mega Rayquaza by Cedric Gouin |
Regional Liverpool |
1st |
Giratina Garbodor by Robin Schulz |
Regional Liverpool |
4th |
Gyarados by Andrew Emerson |
Regional Liverpool |
5th |
Xerneas by Mehdi Hafi |
Regional Liverpool |
8th |
Yveltal Garbodor by Azul Garcia Griego |
Regional Orlando, FL |
1st |
Vileplume Toolbox by Alex Schemanske |
Regional Orlando, FL |
2nd |
Mega Mewtwo Garbodor by Igor Costa |
Regional Orlando, FL |
6th |
Mega Mewtwo Garbodor by John Orgel |
Regional Orlando, FL |
8th |
Vileplume Toolbox by Alex Hill |
Regional Orlando, FL |
9th |
Yveltal by Steffen Eriksen |
The SPIEL Special |
1st |
Yveltal Garbodor by Philip Schulz |
The SPIEL Special |
2nd |
Giratina Garbodor by Robin Schulz |
The SPIEL Special |
3rd |
Mega Mewtwo by Philipp Leciejewski |
The SPIEL Special |
4th |
Seismitoad Crobat by Eric Gansman |
Regional Phoenix, AZ |
4th |
Raikou Eelektrik by Michael Slutsky |
Regional Phoenix, AZ |
6th |
Xerneas by Tyler Ninomura |
Regional Phoenix, AZ |
20th |
Night March by Brett Stratton |
Regional Phoenix, AZ |
22nd |
Mega Audino by Shintaro Ito |
World Championships 2016 |
1st |
Vileplume Toolbox by Samuel Hough |
World Championships 2016 |
3rd |
Vespiquen by Ross Cawthon |
World Championships 2016 |
4th |
Night March by Brad Curcio |
World Championships 2016 |
6th |
Night March Vespiquen by Luca Schuster |
World Championships 2016 |
7th |
Night March by Freya Pearce |
World Championships 2016 |
9th |
Vespiquen Vileplume by Brandon Flowers |
World Championships 2016 |
12th |
Night March by Kian Amini |
World Championships 2016 |
17th |
Vespiquen by Mike Fouchet |
World Championships 2016 |
83rd |
Night March by Robin Schulz |
World Championships 2016 |
88th |
Vespiquen Yanmega by Jesper Eriksen |
World Championships 2016 (SR) |
1st |
Seismitoad Crobat by Connor Pedersen |
World Championships 2016 (SR) |
2nd |
Night March Vespiquen by Calvin Connor |
World Championships 2016 (SR) |
4th |
Night March by Rafli Attar Ricco |
World Championships 2016 (SR) |
5th |
Mega Manectric Garbodor by Spencer Perez-Dormitzer |
World Championships 2016 (SR) |
6th |
Night March by Kim Hyeok |
World Championships 2016 (SR) |
8th |
Darkrai Dragons by Kai Abe |
World Championships 2016 (JR) |
5th |
Night March by Christian Moreno |
World Championships 2016 (JR) |
8th |
Yveltal Zoroark by Jordan Palmer |
Australian Nationals 2016 |
1st |
Night March by Michael Kan |
Australian Nationals 2016 |
3rd |
Night March by Blake Davies |
Australian Nationals 2016 |
4th |
Night March Vespiquen by Nick Robinson |
US Nationals 2016 |
1st |
Seismitoad Giratina by Marcos Garcia |
US Nationals 2016 |
2nd |
Night March by Chris Siakala |
US Nationals 2016 |
5th |
Vespiquen Vileplume by Fred X. Hoban |
US Nationals 2016 |
8th |
Night March by Kolton Day |
US Nationals 2016 |
9th |
Night March by Conner LaVelle |
US Nationals 2016 |
25th |
Night March by Drew Guritzky |
US Nationals 2016 |
27th |
YZG by Kevin Baxter |
US Nationals 2016 |
28th |
Night March by Jason Annichiarico |
US Nationals 2016 |
34th |
Night March Vespiquen by Andrew Wamboldt |
US Nationals 2016 |
36th |
Night March by Brad Curcio |
US Nationals 2016 |
38th |
Night March by Mike Fouchet |
US Nationals 2016 |
39th |
Aromatisse Box by Stefan Tabaco |
US Nationals 2016 |
48th |
Vileplume Toolbox by Kevin Murphy |
US Nationals 2016 |
60th |
Vileplume Toolbox by Samuel Hough |
US Nationals 2016 |
64th |
Vespiquen by Simone Canziani |
Italian Nationals 2016 |
6th |
Night March Vespiquen by Gianluca Cipriano |
Italian Nationals 2016 |
8th |
Seismitoad Giratina by Robin Schulz |
German Nationals 2016 |
3rd |
Night March by Benedikt Hugo |
German Nationals 2016 |
4th |
Night March by Tobias Smutkowski |
German Nationals 2016 |
5th |
Night March by Stephane Ruffe |
French Nationals 2016 |
1st |
Night March by Alexis Peiffer |
French Nationals 2016 |
3rd |
Seismitoad Giratina by Fabien Pujol |
French Nationals 2016 |
5th |
Night March by Joel Nguyen |
French Nationals 2016 |
6th |
Mega Mewtwo by Julien Dalle |
French Nationals 2016 |
7th |
Night March by Mehdi Hafi |
European Challenge Cup 2016 |
1st |
Seismitoad by Philip Schulz |
European Challenge Cup 2016 |
2nd |
Mega Mewtwo by Scot Symonds |
European Challenge Cup 2016 |
3rd |
Seismitoad Giratina by David Roodhof |
European Challenge Cup 2016 |
4th |
Manectric Crobat by Martin Guilbert |
European Challenge Cup 2016 |
5th |
Seismitoad Giratina by Niklas Lehnert-Rappel |
European Challenge Cup 2016 |
7th |
Seismitoad Giratina by Fatih Akdemir |
European Challenge Cup 2016 |
9th |
YZG by Stéphane Ivanoff |
European Challenge Cup 2016 |
21st |
Entei by Benjamin Pham |
European Challenge Cup 2016 |
31st |
Seismitoad Giratina by Robin Schulz |
Supernova Blast 4 |
2nd |
Seismitoad Manectric Crobat by Louis Bich |
Supernova Blast 4 |
3rd |
Seismitoad Giratina by Simone Zucchelli |
Supernova Blast 4 |
4th |
Seismitoad Giratina by Robin Schulz |
Arena Cup Würzburg |
1st |
Yveltal Maxie's by Fatih Akdemir |
Arena Cup Würzburg |
2nd |
Vespiquen Flareon by David Sturm |
Arena Cup Würzburg |
3rd |
Vespiquen Accelgor by Tobias Thesing |
Arena Cup Würzburg |
4th |
Yveltal by Nico Alabas |
Arena Cup Würzburg |
5th |
Yveltal Garbodor by Niklas Lehnert-Rappel |
Arena Cup Würzburg |
6th |
Night March by Lucas Bremm |
Arena Cup Würzburg |
7th |
Yveltal Garbodor by Tobias Smutkowski |
Arena Cup Würzburg |
8th |
Seismitoad Crobat by Mees Brenninkmeijer |
World Championships 2015 |
2nd |
Seismitoad Crobat by Igor Costa |
World Championships 2015 |
3rd |
Night March by Merlin Quittek |
World Championships 2015 |
4th |
Trevenant Gengar by Sean Foisy |
World Championships 2015 |
5th |
Night March by Martin Janous |
World Championships 2015 |
6th |
Donphan by Simon Narode |
World Championships 2015 |
7th |
Aromatisse Box by Tito Santoso |
World Championships 2015 |
8th |
Night March by Andrew Mahone |
World Championships 2015 |
9th |
Night March by Dylan Dreyer |
World Championships 2015 |
14th |
Raichu Crobat by Michikazu Tsuda |
World Championships 2015 |
15th |
Night March by Henry Ross-Clunis |
World Championships 2015 |
18th |
Trevenant Gengar by Adrian Velasco |
World Championships 2015 |
19th |
Night March by Jimmy Pendarvis |
World Championships 2015 |
20th |
Raichu Crobat by Ciaran Farah |
World Championships 2015 |
23rd |
Donphan by Daniel Lynch |
World Championships 2015 |
24th |
Seismitoad Manectric Crobat by Kian Amini |
World Championships 2015 |
25th |
Seismitoad Garbodor by Jason Klaczynski |
World Championships 2015 |
26th |
Trevenant Gengar by Alex Hill |
World Championships 2015 |
27th |
Raichu Crobat by Tobias Thesing |
World Championships 2015 |
28th |
Bronzong Box by Brit Pybas |
World Championships 2015 |
29th |
Bronzong Box by Dustin Zimmerman |
World Championships 2015 |
31st |
Raichu Crobat by Mike Fouchet |
World Championships 2015 |
95th |
Hippowdon by Justin Aaron |
World Championships 2015 |
112th |
Seismitoad Manectric Crobat by Patrick Martinez |
World Championships 2015 (SR) |
1st |
Donphan by Jeffrey Cheng |
World Championships 2015 (SR) |
2nd |
Donphan by Colter Decker |
World Championships 2015 (SR) |
4th |
Bronzong Klinklang Box by Calvin Connor |
World Championships 2015 (SR) |
5th |
Seismitoad Manectric Crobat by Jesper Eriksen |
World Championships 2015 (SR) |
6th |
Seismitoad Manectric Crobat by Jon Eng |
World Championships 2015 (SR) |
7th |
Seismitoad Manectric Crobat by Jackson Davies |
World Championships 2015 (JR) |
3rd |
Donphan by Asaki Hasegawa |
World Championships 2015 (JR) |
6th |
Seismitoad Garbodor by Jason Klaczynski |
US Nationals 2015 |
1st |
Bronzong Box by Ben Moskow |
US Nationals 2015 |
4th |
Bronzong Klinklang Box by Dylan Bryan |
US Nationals 2015 |
5th |
Hippowdon by Eduardo Gonzalez |
US Nationals 2015 |
6th |
Seismitoad Manectric Crobat by Kristy Britton |
US Nationals 2015 |
7th |
Mega Rayquaza Bronzong by Geoffrey Sauk |
US Nationals 2015 |
8th |
Primal Kyogre by Omar Reyhan |
US Nationals 2015 |
10th |
Bronzong Box by Dustin Zimmerman |
US Nationals 2015 |
11th |
Seismitoad Garbodor by Jake Jensen |
US Nationals 2015 |
13th |
Primal Kyogre by Michael Lesky |
US Nationals 2015 |
14th |
Seismitoad Crobat by Kolton Day |
US Nationals 2015 |
16th |
Mega Manectric by Sam Chen |
US Nationals 2015 |
19th |
Seismitoad Crobat by Chris Derocher |
US Nationals 2015 |
23rd |
Big Basics Raichu Garbodor by Steven Bates |
US Nationals 2015 |
24th |
Flareon by Jason Annichiarico |
US Nationals 2015 |
26th |
Seismitoad Crobat by Daniel Lynch |
US Nationals 2015 |
28th |
Mega Rayquaza Bronzong by Alex Hill |
US Nationals 2015 |
30th |
Seismitoad Crobat by Vance Kelley |
US Nationals 2015 |
37th |
Night March by Jeremy Gibson |
US Nationals 2015 |
39th |
Mega Rayquaza Bronzong by Daniel Altavilla |
US Nationals 2015 |
47th |
Yveltal Garbodor by Matt Marusik |
US Nationals 2015 |
48th |
Seismitoad Garbodor by Ryan Grant |
US Nationals 2015 |
51st |
Mega Manectric by Zack Martin |
US Nationals 2015 |
53rd |
Seismitoad Garbodor by Brit Pybas |
US Nationals 2015 |
54th |
Night March by Charles Larenas-Leach |
US Nationals 2015 |
56th |
Seismitoad Manectric Garbodor by Iyla Sutherland |
US Nationals 2015 |
61st |
Mega Rayquaza Bronzong by Jacob Van Wagner |
US Nationals 2015 |
62nd |
Seismitoad Shaymin by Marcus Raj |
Australian Nationals 2015 |
2nd |
Seismitoad Shaymin by Jordan Palmer |
Australian Nationals 2015 |
3rd |
Seismitoad Slurpuff by Stéphane Ivanoff |
French Nationals 2015 |
2nd |
Flareon by David Sturm |
German Nationals 2015 |
1st |
Bronzong Box by Niklas Lehnert-Rappel |
German Nationals 2015 |
2nd |
Seismitoad Slurpuff by Karl Peters |
German Nationals 2015 |
4th |
Night March by Friedrich Illbruck |
German Nationals 2015 |
5th |
Seismitoad Crobat by Markus Jakob |
German Nationals 2015 |
6th |
Seismitoad Slurpuff by Robin Schulz |
German Nationals 2015 |
8th |
Yveltal Garbodor by Bert Wolters |
European Challenge Cup 2015 |
6th |
Yveltal by Tord Reklev |
European Challenge Cup 2015 |
20th |
Mega Manectric by Goncalo Ferreira |
European Challenge Cup 2015 |
22nd |
Yveltal by Öjvind Svinhufvud |
European Challenge Cup 2015 |
24th |
Aromatisse Fairies by Alex Dao |
European Challenge Cup 2015 |
26th |
Aromatisse Kangaskhan by Michikazu Tsuda |
World Championships 2014 |
3rd |
Yveltal Garbodor by Chase Moloney |
World Championships 2014 |
6th |
Plasma Lugia by Vincent Azzolin |
World Championships 2014 |
7th |
Yveltal Garbodor by Haedon Jeong |
World Championships 2014 |
12th |
Yveltal Garbodor by Ryan Moorhouse |
World Championships 2014 |
13th |
Landorus Raichu by Ross Cawthon |
World Championships 2014 |
16th |
Yveltal Garbodor by Takuya Yoneda |
World Championships 2014 |
19th |
Yveltal Garbodor by Fabio Lona de Danielli |
World Championships 2014 |
20th |
Yveltal Garbodor by Christopher Schemanske |
World Championships 2014 |
22nd |
Yveltal Garbodor by Kaiwen Cabbabe |
World Championships 2014 |
24th |
Plasma Lugia by Sam Chen |
World Championships 2014 |
25th |
Yveltal Garbodor by Clifton Goh |
World Championships 2014 |
30th |
Big Basics Raichu Garbodor by Brandon Salazar |
US Nationals 2014 |
1st |
Pyroar by Michael Pramawat |
US Nationals 2014 |
2nd |
Yveltal Garbodor by Isaiah Williams |
US Nationals 2014 |
3rd |
Pyroar by Tristan Macek |
US Nationals 2014 |
7th |
Flygon Dusknoir by Henry Prior |
US Nationals 2014 |
8th |
Pyroar by Jon Bristow |
US Nationals 2014 |
10th |
Plasma Lugia by Ryan Sabelhaus |
US Nationals 2014 |
12th |
Pyroar by Brad Curcio |
US Nationals 2014 |
13th |
Flygon Dusknoir by Russell LaParre |
US Nationals 2014 |
14th |
Yveltal Garbodor by Jennifer Wilson |
Australian Nationals 2014 |
1st |
Yveltal Raichu by Jordan Palmer |
Australian Nationals 2014 |
2nd |
Yveltal Garbodor by Naomi Murn |
Australian Nationals 2014 |
5th |
Yveltal Darkrai by Thomas Winkleman |
Australian Nationals 2014 |
7th |
Accelgor Trevenant by Paul Coletta |
Australian Nationals 2014 |
8th |
Yveltal Garbodor by Stéphane Ivanoff |
French Nationals 2014 |
1st |
Plasma Lugia by David Kirschbaum |
German Nationals 2014 |
5th |
Yveltal Garbodor by Steven Mao |
German Nationals 2014 |
8th |
Stoutland by Tomasz Chmura |
European Challenge Cup 2014 |
19th |
Darkrai Mewtwo by Marek Rehacek |
European Challenge Cup 2014 |
20th |
Landorus Mewtwo Garbodor by Mehdi Hafi |
European Challenge Cup 2014 |
27th |
Plasma Palkia by Esa Juntunen |
European Challenge Cup 2014 |
29th |
Plasma Kyurem by Simon Narode |
World Championships 2013 |
2nd |
Plasma Kyurem by Johnny Rabus |
World Championships 2013 |
6th |
Flareon by Dylan Bryan |
World Championships 2013 |
10th |
Plasma Kyurem by Günther Kirchhofer |
World Championships 2013 |
13th |
Accelgor Gothitelle by Edmund Kuras |
US Nationals 2013 |
1st |
Accelgor Gothitelle by Samuel Liggett |
US Nationals 2013 |
3rd |
Plasma Lugia by Jose Marrero |
US Nationals 2013 |
14th |
Accelgor Gothitelle by Aaron Curry |
US Nationals 2013 |
16th |
Landorus Mewtwo Garbodor by Merlin Quittek |
German Nationals 2013 |
5th |
Plasma Kyurem by Tobias Thesing |
German Nationals 2013 |
8th |
Landorus Mewtwo Tornadus by Mehdi Hafi |
French Nationals 2013 |
1st |
Landorus Mewtwo Tornadus by Stéphane Ivanoff |
French Nationals 2013 |
4th |
Darkrai Mewtwo by David Hochmann |
European Challenge Cup 2013 |
2nd |
Ho-Oh by Jake Walvin |
European Challenge Cup 2013 |
10th |
Darkrai Mewtwo Terrakion by Igor Costa |
World Championships 2012 |
1st |
Darkrai Mewtwo by Harrison Leven |
World Championships 2012 |
2nd |
Darkrai Mewtwo by Jay Hornung |
World Championships 2012 |
3rd |
Darkrai Mewtwo by Michael Diaz |
World Championships 2012 |
4th |
Celebi Mewtwo Terrakion by Stefan Tabaco |
World Championships 2012 |
6th |
Celebi Mewtwo Terrakion by Steven Mao |
World Championships 2012 |
12th |
Chandelure Accelgor Lock by Clifton Goh |
World Championships 2012 |
14th |
Celebi Mewtwo Terrakion by Steven Mao |
German Nationals 2012 |
1st |
Celebi Mewtwo Tornadus by David Booij |
European Challenge Cup 2012 |
1st |
Zekrom Eelektrik by Jouni Lehtinen |
European Challenge Cup 2012 |
3rd |
Zekrom Eelektrik by Tom Hall |
European Challenge Cup 2012 |
6th |
Celebi Mewtwo by Esa Juntunen |
European Challenge Cup 2012 |
12th |
Magnezone Eelektrik by George Boon |
European Challenge Cup 2012 |
14th |
Zekrom Eelektrik by Isto Juntunen |
European Challenge Cup 2012 |
20th |
Vileplume Reuniclus Combo by Ross Cawthon |
World Championships 2011 |
2nd |
Machamp by Maurice van den Bosch |
European Challenge Cup 2011 |
3rd |
Luxchomp by Mees Brenninkmeijer |
European Challenge Cup 2011 |
10th |
Luxchomp by Nico Alabas |
European Challenge Cup 2011 |
11th |
Luxchomp by Yuta Komatsuda |
World Championships 2010 |
1st |
Gardevoir by Michael Pramawat |
World Championships 2010 |
2nd |
Luxchomp by Miguel Garcia |
World Championships 2010 |
4th |
Gardevoir by Curtis Lyon |
World Championships 2010 |
6th |
Sablelock by Con Le |
World Championships 2010 |
9th |
Dialgachomp by Yee Wei Chun |
World Championships 2010 |
11th |
Regigigas by Tomi Sjoblom |
World Championships 2010 |
12th |
Luxchomp by Tsuguyoshi Yamato |
World Championships 2010 |
13th |
Steelix by Erik Nance |
World Championships 2010 |
17th |
Sablelock by Aziz Al-Yami |
World Championships 2010 |
18th |
Luxchomp by David Booij |
World Championships 2010 |
22nd |
Flygon Torterra by David Sturm |
World Championships 2010 |
26th |
Garchomp by Drew Guritzky |
World Championships 2010 |
28th |