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Rapid Strike Urshifu

Totals: 63,750$ | 704 Points
Regional Top 8: 3, including 1 win
International Top 8: 7, including 2 wins

Most successful players

# Name Country Points
1 NO 62
2 Sebastian Lashmet US 38
3 US 37
4 Gustavo Wada BR 34
4 Justin Bokhari US 34
6 Caleb Rogerson US 30
7 ES 28
8 US 22
9 Robin Schulz DE 21
10 NL 19
11 Zachary Cooper US 12
12 Kim Pobega IT 11
13 Mateusz Łaszkiewicz PL 10
14 DE 9
14 US 9
16 Karl Blake GB 8
16 David Sturm DE 8
18 Victor Aung US 7
19 Juan Andree Mejía CL 6
19 Christopher Ismail MY 6
21 Matt Terry US 5
21 Dennis Peroff CA 5
21 Jared Zander US 5
21 US 5
21 Jose Luis Sanchez US 5
21 Mike Gibbs US 5
21 Michael Laundrie US 5
28 Francisco Osorio CL 4
28 Giovanni Peragallo CL 4
28 Alexandre Sole BE 4
31 Cristian Sarnataro IT 3
32 Stefano Carta IT 2
32 Roberto Sanchez ES 2
32 Lucas Calzà IT 2
32 Simone Canziani IT 2
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