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Regional Gdańsk PL
2nd November 2024 • 1372 Players • Brilliant Stars - Stellar CrownRK9 Player Roster
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Most successful decks

# Deck Count Share Points
1 terapagos Terapagos 14 12.17% 109
1 raging-bolt Raging Bolt 14 12.17% 76
3 regidrago Regidrago 12 10.43% 130
3 lugiaarcheops Lugia Archeops 12 10.43% 68
5 iron-thorns Iron Thorns 8 6.96% 70
6 gardevoir Gardevoir 7 6.09% 65
7 snorlax Snorlax Stall 6 5.22% 58
7 comfeysableye Lost Zone Box 6 5.22% 49
7 palkia-origin Palkia 6 5.22% 43
10 charizard Charizard 5 4.35% 36
10 dragapult Dragapult 5 4.35% 29
12 banette Banette 4 3.48% 49
13 gouging-fire Gouging Fire 3 2.61% 30
13 gholdengo Gholdengo 3 2.61% 25
13 miraidon Miraidon 3 2.61% 17
16 ogerpon-cornerstone Cornerstone Ogerpon 2 1.74% 15
16 pidgeot Pidgeot Control 2 1.74% 14
16 chien-paobaxcalibur Chien-Pao Baxcalibur 2 1.74% 12
19 okidogi Okidogi 1 0.87% 5

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