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Ultra Moon #54

Decklists that include this card

Deck Tournament Place
snorlax Snorlax Stall by Niklaus Christen Regional Stockholm 7th
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Stephen Law Regional Stockholm 20th
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Robin MacMoffat Regional Stockholm 71st
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Diego Castillo Regional Fortaleza 21st
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Ian Anderson Fukuda Regional Fortaleza 23rd
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Samer Krayem EUIC 2025, London 193rd
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Toby Clark EUIC 2025, London 241st
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Adam Lawson EUIC 2025, London 310th
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Minhwan Oh Korean League Season 3 25th
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Jose Merced Regional Mérida 14th
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Luciano R. Regional Mérida (JR) 5th
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Iyla Sutherland Regional San Antonio, TX 12th
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Scott DeGraw Regional San Antonio, TX 34th
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Gilbert Vazquez Regional San Antonio, TX 38th
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Wyatt Palguta Regional San Antonio, TX 49th
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Carlos Artze Regional San Antonio, TX 56th
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Christopher Abreu Regional San Antonio, TX 62nd
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Roan Hannagan Regional San Antonio, TX 97th
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Demarco Jordan Regional San Antonio, TX 133rd
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Oliver Brice Regional Birmingham 46th
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Nathan Jay Regional Birmingham 262nd
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Peter Hughes Regional Birmingham 339th
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Rafael Yuiti Regional Rio de Janeiro 2nd
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Raissa Arruda Regional Rio de Janeiro 6th
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Renato Christian Regional Rio de Janeiro 23rd
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Flavio Henriques Soares Regional Rio de Janeiro 140th
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Bo S. Regional Birmingham (SR) 1st
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by YouTae Woo Korean League Season 2 23rd
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Woojin Cho Korean League Season 2 31st
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Tony Quach Regional Toronto 60th
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Abraham Madruga Regional Toronto 89th
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Carlos Artze Regional Toronto 121st
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Jonathan Pasqua Regional Toronto 136th
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Jay Cristiano Regional Toronto 141st
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Reiji Nishiguchi Regional Perth 3rd
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Daichi Shimada Regional Perth 13th
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Sabrina Cugnier Regional Stuttgart 174th
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Franck Mêlé Regional Stuttgart 184th
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by William Huteau Regional Stuttgart 219th
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Christian Lehaci Regional Stuttgart 305th
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Roan Hannagan Regional Sacramento, CA 181st
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Juan Cardenas Regional Sacramento, CA 203rd
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Leonardo Walbrinch LAIC 2024–25, São Paulo 11th
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Aaron Walker LAIC 2024–25, São Paulo 50th
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Hiroshi Takeda LAIC 2024–25, São Paulo 152nd
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Joaquín Orrego LAIC 2024–25, São Paulo 157th
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Shankithan Thevakumar LAIC 2024–25, São Paulo 158th
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Pedro N. LAIC 2024–25, São Paulo (JR) 23rd
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Mathias Jakobsen Regional Gdańsk 6th
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Steve Lawson Regional Gdańsk 7th
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Sam Taylor Regional Gdańsk 43rd
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Toby Clark Regional Gdańsk 46th
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Oliver Newson Regional Gdańsk 72nd
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Gracjan Lampka Regional Gdańsk 98th
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Oliver Brice Regional Gdańsk 100th
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Alp Ehliz Regional Gdańsk 101st
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Dominic Lo Singapore Premier Ball League 3rd
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Ng Kai Ren Ron Singapore Premier Ball League 7th
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Alex Yee Thiam Koon Singapore Premier Ball League 22nd
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Yeongchan Shin Korean League Season 1 20th
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Kenneth Navarro Philippines Premier Ball League 15th
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Stephen Kent Regional Lille 34th
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Julien Charnet Regional Lille 37th
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Toby Clark Regional Lille 59th
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Florian Petit Regional Lille 93rd
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Oliver Newson Regional Lille 105th
ogerpon-cornerstonemimikyu Ogerpon Mimikyu by Hailong Nguyen Regional Lille 114th
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Naphat Dangsripon Thailand Premier Ball League 12th
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Thannarpat Thailand Premier Ball League 31st
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Maria Amira P. Regional Lille (JR) 6th
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Maxwell Johnson Regional Louisville, KY 62nd
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Jordan Childers Regional Louisville, KY 76th
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Scott DeGraw Regional Louisville, KY 77th
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Tony Blackthorn Regional Louisville, KY 97th
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Iyla Sutherland Regional Louisville, KY 126th
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by James Bratton Regional Louisville, KY 143rd
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Sam Elliott Regional Louisville, KY 155th
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Griffin Norvell Regional Louisville, KY 163rd
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Will Jenkins Regional Louisville, KY 172nd
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Christopher Butler Regional Louisville, KY 173rd
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Josh Himstedt Regional Louisville, KY 186th
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Michael N. Regional Louisville, KY (SR) 4th
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Nolan C. Regional Louisville, KY (SR) 24th
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Carlos García Ávila Sosa Special Event Lima 9th
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Stephen Law Regional Dortmund 6th
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Alex Bortolini Regional Dortmund 42nd
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Chatez Jones Regional Dortmund 47th
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Toby Clark Regional Dortmund 50th
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Frank Donald Dewald Regional Dortmund 86th
iron-thornsiron-crown Future Thorns by Tim Schauder Regional Dortmund 116th
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Lukas Dellenbach Regional Dortmund 126th
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Matias Matricardi Regional Joinville 5th
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Augusto Cesar Beringuer Regional Joinville 15th
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Caio Pires Regional Joinville 23rd
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Guilherme Bonow Oliveira Regional Joinville 27th
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Marcelo Almeida Regional Joinville 29th
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Léo B. Regional Dortmund (JR) 6th
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Layla B. Regional Joinville (JR) 5th
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Akatoki Sakamoto Champions League Tokyo 14th
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Hibiki Masumoto Champions League Tokyo 16th
pidgeot Pidgeot Control by Shinnosuke Komiya Regional Baltimore, MD 57th
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Aaron Walker Regional Baltimore, MD 97th
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Zachary Trybus Regional Baltimore, MD 103rd
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Fernando Cifuentes World Championships 2024 1st
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Shinya Karashima World Championships 2024 18th
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Facundo Facio World Championships 2024 29th
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Tymoteusz Dziedzic World Championships 2024 30th
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Tom Hellkamp World Championships 2024 33rd
banettegardevoir Banette Gardevoir by Aleksander Rutowicz World Championships 2024 67th
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Casey Bennink World Championships 2024 73rd
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Rene Villagrana World Championships 2024 82nd
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Michael Natto World Championships 2024 84th
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Patryk Brzezinski World Championships 2024 109th
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Aaron Walker World Championships 2024 126th
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Lucas K. World Championships 2024 (SR) 43rd
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Logan B. World Championships 2024 (JR) 2nd
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Levon F. World Championships 2024 (JR) 6th
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by William B. World Championships 2024 (JR) 21st
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Joshua D. World Championships 2024 (JR) 22nd
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Lucas Ruizhe J. World Championships 2024 (JR) 27th
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Ross Cawthon NAIC 2024, New Orleans 73rd
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Sky DelaCruz NAIC 2024, New Orleans 162nd
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Callie Moore NAIC 2024, New Orleans 166th
snorlax Snorlax Stall by Edgar Garcia Regional Los Angeles, CA 27th
snorlax Snorlax Stall by Marvin Varas Regional Santiago 83rd
snorlax Snorlax Stall by Christian Jaramillo Special Event Bogotá 1st
snorlax Snorlax Stall by Artur Lorbiecki Regional Stockholm 39th
snorlax Snorlax Stall by Joseph Kreiser Regional Indianapolis, IN 97th
pidgeot Pidgeot Control by Lion Chen Regional Indianapolis, IN 214th
snorlax Snorlax Stall by Patricia Gonzalez Walsh Regional São Paulo 27th
snorlax Snorlax Stall by Alexandre Bozzo Regional São Paulo 42nd
pidgeot Pidgeot Control by Walter Coquemala Filho Regional São Paulo 98th
iron-thornswobbuffet Iron Thorns Wobbuffet by Tsubasa Wada Champions League Aichi Expanded 11th
iron-thorns Iron Thorns by Taiji Maruyama Champions League Aichi 10th
snorlax Snorlax Stall by Richard Mejia Regional Orlando, FL 178th
snorlax Snorlax Stall by Jan Hausmann EUIC 2024, London 58th
snorlax Snorlax Stall by Luca Jahns EUIC 2024, London 117th
ursalunapidgeot Ursaluna Pidgeot by Vincent Marcus Munk EUIC 2024, London 137th
mewgenesect Mew Genesect by Christian LaBella Regional San Antonio, TX 20th
mewgenesect Mew Genesect by Hunter Wood Regional San Antonio, TX 104th
mewgenesect Mew Genesect by Brandon Oviatt Regional San Antonio, TX 107th
mewgenesect Mew Genesect by Cooper Kull Regional San Antonio, TX 124th
snorlax Snorlax Stall by Niklaus Christen Regional Stuttgart 14th
mewgenesect Mew Genesect by Gabor Van Meenen Regional Stuttgart 20th
mewgenesect Mew Genesect by Christian Kohler Regional Stuttgart 80th
snorlax Snorlax Stall by Andrew Sakauye Regional Sacramento, CA 144th
mimikyuyveltal Control Box by Sander Wojcik Special Event Barcelona 31st
regieleki-avulpix-alola Counter Box by Sander Wojcik World Championships 2023 54th
arceusgoodra-hisui Arceus Goodra by Nathan Stratford World Championships 2023 151st
arceus Arceus by Tommi Lahtela Regional Malmö 13th
mimikyuyveltal Control Box by Sander Wojcik EUIC 2023, London 31st
yveltaleldegoss Yveltal Control by Malcolm Whelan Regional Fort Wayne, IN 99th
mewtwoyveltal Mewtwo Control by Vaughn O'Brien Regional Fort Wayne, IN 113th
mewtwoyveltal Mewtwo Control by Glenn Bauwens Special Event Utrecht 21st
vikavolt Vikavolt by Cameron Shenoy Regional Vancouver, BC 9th
weezing-galar Galarian Weezing by Rowan Stavenow Regional Knoxville, TN 83rd
weezing-galar Galarian Weezing by Carlos Maldonado Regional Knoxville, TN 126th
weezing-galarcrobat Weezing Crobat by Vincent Jouare Regional Bochum 54th
weezing-galar Galarian Weezing by Manuele Tartaglia Regional Bochum 64th
weezing-galarcrobat Weezing Crobat by Anthony Spione Regional Orlando, FL 43rd
yveltaleldegoss Yveltal Control by Christian Ortiz Regional Orlando, FL 64th
yveltaleldegoss Yveltal Control by Patrick Vargas Regional Orlando, FL 144th
yveltaleldegoss Yveltal Control by Sander Wojcik Regional Liverpool 8th
mewtwoyveltal Mewtwo Control by Kyle VanOrsdel Regional Arlington, TX 62nd
weezing-galar Galarian Weezing by Cameron Devers Regional Arlington, TX 120th
mewtwoyveltal Mewtwo Control by Piper Lepine Regional Toronto, ON 1st
yveltaleldegoss Yveltal Control by Giancarlo Bortolon Regional Toronto, ON 11th
weezing-galar Galarian Weezing by Rowan Stavenow Regional Toronto, ON 22nd
mewtwoyveltal Mewtwo Control by Daniel Lynch Regional Toronto, ON 26th
yveltaleldegoss Yveltal Control by Edward Khodaei Regional Toronto, ON 75th
yveltaleldegoss Yveltal Control by Riyad Mechel Regional Toronto, ON 95th
yveltaleldegoss Yveltal Control by Stuart Sakaluk Regional Toronto, ON 104th
mewtwoyveltal Mewtwo Control by Niels Jürgensen Regional Stuttgart 28th
weezing-galarcrobat Weezing Crobat by Arthur Vincent Regional Stuttgart 55th
yveltaleldegoss Yveltal Control by Marek Stolarik Regional Stuttgart 59th
yveltaleldegoss Yveltal Control by Viktor Fehér Regional Stuttgart 69th
dittocinccino Ditto Control by Manuele Tartaglia Regional Stuttgart 76th
yveltaleldegoss Yveltal Control by Lewis Stevens Regional Brisbane 4th
yveltaleldegoss Yveltal Control by Aaron Stringfellow Regional Brisbane 8th
yveltaleldegoss Yveltal Control by Sander Wojcik LAIC 2022–23, São Paulo 5th
yveltaleldegoss Yveltal Control by Vinícius Fernandez LAIC 2022–23, São Paulo (SR) 2nd
mewtwoyveltal Mewtwo Control by Ithiel Arki Regional Warsaw 10th
mewtwoyveltal Mewtwo Control by Marek Stolarik Regional Warsaw 52nd
mewtwoyveltal Mewtwo Control by Søren Neumann Hansen Regional Warsaw 66th
mewtwoyveltal Mewtwo Control by Alessandro Bax Regional Warsaw 73rd
mewtwoyveltal Mewtwo Control by Søren Neumann Hansen Regional Lille 35th
mewtwoyveltal Mewtwo Control by Alessandro Bax Regional Lille 45th
mewtwoyveltal Mewtwo Control by James Cox Regional Lille 51st
miltankmorpeko Miltank Morpeko by Jack Moore Regional Baltimore, MD 8th
mewtwoyveltal Mewtwo Control by Azul Garcia Griego Regional Baltimore, MD 14th
stonjourner Stonjourner by William Crawford Regional Baltimore, MD 18th
mewtwoyveltal Mewtwo Control by Caleb Gedemer Regional Baltimore, MD 27th
mewtwoyveltal Mewtwo Control by Grant Manley Regional Baltimore, MD 43rd
Mewtwo Control by Mikey Sanagustin Regional Baltimore, MD 55th
pikachu Arceus Flying Pikachu by Jonathan Tywater Regional Baltimore, MD 64th
Arceus Flying Pikachu by Fabio Spanò Special Event Bilbao 18th
Mewtwo Control by Francisco Toranzo Santiago Special Event Bilbao 20th
Mewtwo Control by Patricia Gonzalez Walsh Regional Porto Alegre 4th
Arceus Flying Pikachu by Pedro Turra Regional Porto Alegre 24th
Mewtwo Control by Facundo Facio Regional Porto Alegre 28th
Mewtwo Control by Arne Van Braeckel World Championships 2022 70th
Mewtwo Control by Sander Wojcik NAIC 2022, Columbus 3rd
Stonjourner by Zachary Cooper Regional Milwaukee, WI 46th
malamar Arceus Malamar by Anthony Danczak Regional Milwaukee, WI 75th
whimsicott Whimsicott by Nelson Garces Regional Santiago 18th
whimsicott Whimsicott by Pascal Aros Oyarzún Regional Santiago 22nd
Arceus by Italo Constanzo Regional Santiago 24th
lucario Arceus Lucario by Patricio Pozo Regional Santiago 36th
Arceus by Ricardo Manuel Gajardo Laubrin Regional Santiago 39th
malamar Arceus Malamar by Tamao Cameron Special Event Milan 2nd
whimsicott Whimsicott by Manuel Antonio Romero Venegas Special Event Milan 7th
Arceus by Mattia Baselli Special Event Milan 15th
gyarados Arceus Gyarados by Matteo Bucci Special Event Milan 26th
gyarados Arceus Gyarados by Andrea Stranieri Special Event Milan 30th
whimsicott Whimsicott Arceus by Son Nguyen Regional Bremen 46th
Arceus by Parker Lish Regional Vancouver, BC 1st
Arceus by Aushton Kelusky Regional Vancouver, BC 34th
whimsicott Whimsicott by Étienne Dupuis Regional Vancouver, BC 37th
Arceus by Parker Lish Regional Secaucus, NJ 9th
whimsicott Whimsicott by Wilfredo Del Valle Rios Regional Secaucus, NJ 41st
whimsicott Whimsicott by AJ DeLalla Regional Secaucus, NJ 48th
whimsicott Whimsicott by Tim Bartels Regional Lille 16th
whimsicott Whimsicott by Raphaël Morisset Regional Lille 27th
calyrex-shadow-riderwhimsicott Shadow Rider Calyrex Whimsicott by Edwyn Mesman Regional Lille 34th
whimsicott Whimsicott by Donald MacGillivray Regional Lille 38th
whimsicott Whimsicott by Riley Hulbert Regional Indianapolis, IN 12th
malamar Arceus Malamar by Samuel Anserello Regional Indianapolis, IN 42nd
whimsicott Whimsicott by Dennis Peroff Regional Indianapolis, IN 58th
malamar Arceus Malamar by Braiden Elfert Regional Indianapolis, IN 59th
malamar Arceus Malamar by Sim Mortimer Regional Indianapolis, IN 61st
whimsicott Whimsicott by Brendan Dixon Regional Indianapolis, IN 71st
whimsicott Whimsicott by John Sienkiewicz Regional Indianapolis, IN 87th
whimsicott Whimsicott by Joe Turrentine Regional Indianapolis, IN 96th
whimsicott Whimsicott by Austin Ellis Regional Indianapolis, IN 108th
whimsicott Whimsicott by Brian Morris Regional Indianapolis, IN 116th
whimsicott Whimsicott by Zack Taylor Regional Indianapolis, IN 117th
whimsicott Whimsicott by Alessandro Cremascoli Special Event Bilbao 1st
whimsicott Whimsicott by Donald MacGillivray Special Event Bilbao 11th
calyrex-shadow-riderwhimsicott Shadow Rider Calyrex Whimsicott by Gabriel Eduardo Reiter Regional Joinville 11th
whimsicott Whimsicott by Frank Percic EUIC 2022, Frankfurt 2nd
Arceus by Jelle van Kampen EUIC 2022, Frankfurt 23rd
calyrex-shadow-riderwhimsicott Shadow Rider Calyrex Whimsicott by Connor Finton EUIC 2022, Frankfurt 27th
whimsicott Whimsicott by Daniel Lynch EUIC 2022, Frankfurt 35th
whimsicott Whimsicott Arceus by Alexander Calder EUIC 2022, Frankfurt (SR) 4th
whimsicott Whimsicott by Kamil B. EUIC 2022, Frankfurt (JR) 4th
whimsicott Whimsicott Arceus by Thiago Giovannetti Marques Ricardo Regional São Paulo 8th
inteleon Arceus Inteleon by Gabriel Baptista Regional São Paulo 12th
zoroark Zoroark Box by Sander Wojcik Regional Liverpool 5th
excadrill Excadrill Control by Hampus Eriksson Players Cup IV Global Finals 9th
zekrom Pikachu & Zekrom by David Frans Daritan Players Cup III Global Finals 2nd
zekrom Pikachu & Zekrom by Jeremy Lim Players Cup III Global Finals 3rd
eternatus-eternamax Eternatus by Matías Martini Serrano Players Cup III Global Finals 7th
zekrom Pikachu & Zekrom by Joaquin Reyes Players Cup III Global Finals 13th
eternatus-eternamax Eternatus by Andres Gabaldon Players Cup III Global Finals 13th
eternatus-eternamax Eternatus by Kaito Fuji Champions League Aichi 6th
honchkrow Honchkrow by Tomoki Mizuno Champions League Aichi - Expanded 3rd
zacian-crowned Zacian ADP by Wu Zengjun Taiwan Regional League Kaohsiung 1st
eternatus-eternamax Eternatus by Li Minghan Taiwan Regional League Kaohsiung 2nd
zekrom Pikachu & Zekrom by Zach Lesage Players Cup II Global Finals 1st
zekrom Pikachu & Zekrom by Brent Tonisson Players Cup II Global Finals 2nd
zacian-crowned Zacian ADP by Renzo Zambrano Players Cup II Global Finals 4th
eternatus-eternamax Eternatus by Ryota Mizuno Champions League Yokohama 38th
zacian-crowned Zacian ADP by Yuma Yamashita Champions League Yokohama 40th
coalossal-gmax Coalossal by Ayato Osawa Champions League Yokohama 109th
coalossal-gmax Coalossal by Takumi Ono Champions League Yokohama 110th
zacian-crowned Zacian ADP by Heitor Gomes Players Cup Finals 5th
oranguru Cinccino Control by Sander Wojcik Pokémon Online Global Championships 2nd
excadrill Excadrill by Lukas Dellenbach Pokémon Online Global Championships 15th
zacian-crownedmelmetal Zacian Lucario & Melmetal by Axel Alvarez Limitless Invitational 2020 5th
dragapult Dragapult by Gabor Van Meenen Limitless Invitational 2020 9th
oranguru Cinccino Control by Chip Richey Limitless Invitational 2020 13th
dragapult Dragapult by AviLashan UmaShankar Limitless Invitational 2020 13th
dragapult Dragapult by Michael Catron Limitless Online Series - Qualifier #4 4th
dragapult Dragapult by Rune Heiremans Limitless Online Series - Qualifier #4 11th
dragapult Dragapult by Justin Lambert Limitless Online Series - Qualifier #4 12th
dragapult Dragapult by Adam Reinhardt Limitless Online Series - Qualifier #4 19th
dragapult Dragapult by Gabor Van Meenen Limitless Online Series - Qualifier #4 20th
oranguru Cinccino Control by Yuto Ko Limitless Online Series - Qualifier #4 30th
dragapult Dragapult by Axel Alvarez Limitless Online Series - Qualifier #4 35th
oranguru Cinccino Mill by Stefan Weber Limitless Online Series - Qualifier #4 55th
oranguru Cinccino Mill by Kayan Oladi Limitless Online Series - Qualifier #4 62nd
dragapult Dragapult by Shun Matsumura Limitless Online Series - Qualifier #4 65th
excadrill Excadrill by Nicola Zappulla Limitless Online Series - Qualifier #4 71st
zacian-crownedjirachi Combo Zacian by Thomas F Limitless Online Series - Qualifier #4 74th
zacian-crowned Zacian ADP by Goncalo Pereira Limitless Online Series - Qualifier #4 80th
dragapult Dragapult by Seth Stillman Limitless Online Series - Qualifier #4 82nd
dragapult Dragapult by Shaun Feenan Limitless Online Series - Qualifier #4 84th
oranguru Cinccino Control by Gerardo A Limitless Online Series - Qualifier #4 86th
zacian-crownedmelmetal Zacian Lucario & Melmetal by Takumi Igarashi Limitless Online Series - Qualifier #4 91st
zacian-crowned Zacian ADP by Yamato Kan Limitless Online Series - Qualifier #4 97th
dragapult Dragapult by Kenny Britton Limitless Online Series - Qualifier #4 104th
zacian-crownedmelmetal Zacian Lucario & Melmetal by Jacob Eye Limitless Online Series - Qualifier #4 128th
zacian-crownedmelmetal Zacian Lucario & Melmetal by Aaron McGlynn Limitless Online Series - Qualifier #4 141st
dragapult Dragapult by James Neria Limitless Online Series - Qualifier #4 147th
dragapult Dragapult by Joe Ruettiger Limitless Online Series - Qualifier #4 165th
oranguru Cinccino Control by Anya Kolberg Johansson Limitless Online Series - Qualifier #3 4th
dragapult Dragapult by Michael Catron Limitless Online Series - Qualifier #3 19th
zacian-crownedmelmetal Zacian Lucario & Melmetal by Aaron McGlynn Limitless Online Series - Qualifier #3 22nd
dragapult Dragapult by Shaun Feenan Limitless Online Series - Qualifier #3 27th
dragapult Dragapult by Adam Reinhardt Limitless Online Series - Qualifier #3 30th
dragapult Dragapult by Kosuke Suzuki Limitless Online Series - Qualifier #3 44th
boltund Boltund by Koki Asao Limitless Online Series - Qualifier #3 47th
dragapult Dragapult by Ryoshi Sakai Limitless Online Series - Qualifier #3 52nd
dragapult Dragapult by Haruyuki Sakai Limitless Online Series - Qualifier #3 56th
zacian-crowned Zacian ADP by Ryan Antonucci Limitless Online Series - Qualifier #3 58th
dragapult Dragapult by Riichiro Ito Limitless Online Series - Qualifier #3 63rd
excadrill Excadrill by Nicola Zappulla Limitless Online Series - Qualifier #3 64th
boltund Boltund by Wannes Struyf Limitless Online Series - Qualifier #3 72nd
zacian-crowned Zacian ADP by Seongmo Byun Limitless Online Series - Qualifier #3 79th
oranguru Cinccino Control by Leandro Fernandes Limitless Online Series - Qualifier #3 84th
oranguru Cinccino Mill by Kayan Oladi Limitless Online Series - Qualifier #3 85th
dragapult Dragapult by Zach Roy Limitless Online Series - Qualifier #3 86th
zacian-crownedmelmetal Zacian Lucario & Melmetal by Aiden Toler Limitless Online Series - Qualifier #3 87th
spiritomb Spiritomb ADP by Hiro Yaoka Limitless Online Series - Qualifier #3 105th
zacian-crowned Zacian ADP by Blake Pennington Limitless Online Series - Qualifier #3 109th
oranguru Cinccino Control by Pedro Pertusi Limitless Online Series - Qualifier #3 115th
oranguru Cinccino Control by Koji Morimoto Limitless Online Series - Qualifier #3 132nd
dialgapalkia Green's ADP by Ruku Saito Limitless Online Series - Qualifier #3 147th
oranguru Cinccino Mill by Taketo Seki Limitless Online Series - Qualifier #2 3rd
zacian-crownedmelmetal Zacian Lucario & Melmetal by James Kowalski Limitless Online Series - Qualifier #2 32nd
oranguru Cinccino Mill by Dominik Malicki Limitless Online Series - Qualifier #2 68th
magcargooranguru Magcargo Mill by Herve Guillemet Limitless Online Series - Qualifier #2 76th
oranguru Cinccino Mill by Kayan Oladi Limitless Online Series - Qualifier #2 79th
oranguru Cinccino Mill by Kosuke Uogishi Limitless Online Series - Qualifier #2 90th
oranguru Cinccino Mill by Noel B Limitless Online Series - Qualifier #2 91st
oranguru Cinccino Mill by Ryan K Limitless Online Series - Qualifier #2 108th
oranguru Cinccino Mill by Cyrus Davis Limitless Online Series - Qualifier #2 111th
oranguru Cinccino Mill by Dominik Malicki Limitless Online Series - Qualifier #1 2nd
oranguru Cinccino Mill by Wyatt S Limitless Online Series - Qualifier #1 8th
oranguru Cinccino Mill by Deven Sawkar Limitless Online Series - Qualifier #1 9th
zacian-crownedmelmetal Zacian Lucario & Melmetal by Ole Stognief Limitless Online Series - Qualifier #1 16th
oranguru Cinccino Mill by Braiden Elfert Limitless Online Series - Qualifier #1 18th
oranguru Cinccino Mill by Ethan Yi Limitless Online Series - Qualifier #1 20th
oranguru Cinccino Mill by Thomas F Limitless Online Series - Qualifier #1 21st
oranguru Cinccino Control by Leandro Fernandes Limitless Online Series - Qualifier #1 24th
oranguru Cinccino Mill by Andrew Berger Limitless Online Series - Qualifier #1 29th
oranguru Cinccino Mill by Jacob Lesage Limitless Online Series - Qualifier #1 38th
orangurupidgeotto Pidgeotto Control by Anya Kolberg Johansson Limitless Online Series - Qualifier #1 49th
oranguru Cinccino Mill by Beppe Grönmark Limitless Online Series - Qualifier #1 51st
zacian-crowned Zacian ADP by Paul S Limitless Online Series - Qualifier #1 53rd
Trevenant & Dusknoir by Keisuke Miwa Limitless Online Series - Qualifier #1 56th
Cinccino Mill by Pablo R Limitless Online Series - Qualifier #1 57th
Cinccino Mill by Matthew Clarke Limitless Online Series - Qualifier #1 60th
Cinccino Mill by Raymond Long Limitless Online Series - Qualifier #1 68th
Cinccino Mill by Collins Eckard Limitless Online Series - Qualifier #1 69th
Cinccino Control by Pedro Pertusi Limitless Online Series - Qualifier #1 82nd
Cinccino Mill by Joel Ortiz Limitless Online Series - Qualifier #1 83rd
Cinccino Mill by Kayan Oladi Limitless Online Series - Qualifier #1 87th
Cinccino Mill by James Washer Limitless Online Series - Qualifier #1 88th
Cinccino Mill by Sebastian Mena Limitless Online Series - Qualifier #1 94th
Zacian ADP by Matías Martini Serrano Limitless Online Series - Qualifier #1 101st
Cinccino Mill by Chad Ross Limitless Online Series - Qualifier #1 108th
Cinccino Mill by Brian Kim Limitless Online Series - Qualifier #1 114th
Psychic Mewtwo & Mew by Dmitrii Ermakov Limitless Online Series - Qualifier #1 117th
Zacian ADP by Brad Brown Limitless Online Series - Qualifier #1 124th
Pidgeotto Control by Manuel Gonzalez Limitless Online Series - Qualifier #1 141st
Cinccino Mill by Fernando Cifuentes Limitless Online Series - Qualifier #1 144th
Cinccino Mill by Stephen Roche Limitless Online Series - Qualifier #1 148th
Cinccino Mill by Erik Arts Limitless Online Series - Qualifier #1 153rd
Cinccino Mill by Noah Allerton Limitless Online Series - Qualifier #1 157th
Zacian ADP by Vladimir Larionov Limitless Online Series - Qualifier #1 162nd
Cinccino Mill by Jeremy James Limitless Online Series - Qualifier #1 168th
Zacian Control by Sander Wojcik Regional Malmö 4th
Zacian ADP by Benjamin Martinsen Regional Malmö 12th
Cinccino Mill by Mathieu Vidal Regional Malmö 23rd
Zacian ADP by Marco Spataro Regional Malmö 26th
Cinccino Control by Jake Ewart Regional Collinsville, IL 41st
Sableye Garbodor by Carrington Huffman Regional Collinsville, IL 44th
Doll Stall by Alexander Pineda Regional Collinsville, IL 51st
Sableye Garbodor by Ryan Pena Regional Collinsville, IL 69th
Cinccino Mill by James Williams OCIC 2020, Melbourne 4th
Zacian Lucario & Melmetal by Ricki Madsen OCIC 2020, Melbourne 38th
Cinccino Mill by Aaron Stringfellow OCIC 2020, Melbourne 48th
Cinccino Mill by Travis Beckwith OCIC 2020, Melbourne (SR) 3rd
Zacian ADP by Justin Tse OCIC 2020, Melbourne (SR) 6th
Cinccino Mill by Carson W. OCIC 2020, Melbourne (JR) 4th
Pidgeotto Control by João Pedro Medeiros Zambrano Special Event Guaíba 2nd
Pidgeotto Control by Laura Caporali Braga Special Event Guaíba 4th
Pidgeotto Control by Victor Freitas Special Event Guaíba 5th
Pidgeotto Control by Tanner Hurley Special Event Costa Rica 2nd
Oranguru Control by Gustavo Suarez Special Event Lima 8th
Pidgeotto Control by Patricia Gonzalez Walsh Special Event Buenos Aires 7th
Pidgeotto Control by João Pedro Medeiros Zambrano Regional Sao Paulo 3rd
Oranguru Control by Gustavo Wada Regional Sao Paulo 6th
Pidgeotto Control by Samuel Moro Jacques Regional Sao Paulo 8th
Zoroark Control by Dexter Allan Reilly Regional Dallas, TX 56th
Doll Stall by Caban Schwartzentruber Regional Dallas, TX 68th
Pidgeotto Control by Jesper Eriksen Regional Bochum 7th
Pidgeotto Control by Dario Scarnò Regional Bochum 13th
Pidgeotto Control by Alessandro Bax Regional Bochum 36th
Pidgeotto Control by Christian Wilhelm Regional Bochum 38th
Pidgeotto Control by Arne Van Braeckel Regional Bochum 44th
Florges Dolls by Tommi Lahtela Regional Bochum 47th
Pidgeotto Control by Kevin Kral Regional Bochum 52nd
Oranguru Control by Sander Wojcik Regional Bochum 57th
Zacian Lucario & Melmetal by Ryoji Saotome Champions League Aichi 2nd
Zacian ADP by Koshi Kudo Champions League Aichi 5th
Pidgeotto Control by Seo Taek Byun Korean League Season 1 9th
Pidgeotto Control by Andrew Scott Regional San Diego, CA 9th
Pidgeotto Control by Ian Robb Regional San Diego, CA 14th
Pidgeotto Control by Carter Barsh Regional San Diego, CA 17th
Pidgeotto Control by Igor Costa Regional San Diego, CA 31st
Florges Dolls by Joel Stroeve Regional San Diego, CA 36th
Pidgeotto Control by Jesper Eriksen Regional Daytona Beach, FL 12th
Pidgeotto Control by Jalen Jones Regional Daytona Beach, FL 42nd
Pidgeotto Control by Alessandro Cremascoli LAIC 2019–20, São Paulo 10th
Pidgeotto Control by Patricia Gonzalez Walsh LAIC 2019–20, São Paulo 27th
Pidgeotto Control by Antonio Jardim LAIC 2019–20, São Paulo 62nd
Pidgeotto Control by Darin O'Meara LAIC 2019–20, São Paulo 79th
Pidgeotto Control by Mateus Carvalho Rocha LAIC 2019–20, São Paulo (SR) 3rd
Pidgeotto Control by Marley Sylvester S. LAIC 2019–20, São Paulo (JR) 2nd
Pidgeotto Control by Arne Van Braeckel Special Event Paris 6th
Pidgeotto Control by Alessandro Graziano Special Event Paris 17th
Pidgeotto Control by Grant Manley Regional Knoxville, TN 7th
Pidgeotto Control by Isaiah Bradner Regional Knoxville, TN 8th
Pidgeotto Control by Connor Foster Regional Knoxville, TN 10th
Pidgeotto Control by Brian Miller Regional Knoxville, TN 13th
Pidgeotto Control by Ryan Simons Regional Knoxville, TN 17th
Pidgeotto Control by Isaac Milaski Regional Knoxville, TN 26th
Pidgeotto Control by Kazuki Kanehira Regional Knoxville, TN 37th
Pidgeotto Control by Alex Cole Regional Knoxville, TN 40th
Pidgeotto Control by Nathan Brower Regional Knoxville, TN 47th
Pidgeotto Control by Grant Manley Regional Atlantic City, NJ 2nd
Pidgeotto Control by Connor Foster Regional Atlantic City, NJ 33rd
Naganadel Control by Rudy Wade Regional Atlantic City, NJ 47th
Pidgeotto Control by Sander Wojcik Regional Cologne 2nd
Pidgeotto Control by Mees Brenninkmeijer Regional Cologne 9th
Pidgeotto Control by Alexandre Sole Regional Cologne 48th
Pidgeotto Control by Fabien Pujol Regional Sheffield 3rd
Shedinja Control by Alessandro Cremascoli Regional Sheffield 36th
Pidgeotto Control by Mehdi Hafi Regional Sheffield 41st
Pidgeotto Control by Isaiah Williams World Championships 2019 8th
Pidgeotto Control by Daniel Altavilla World Championships 2019 23rd
Pidgeotto Control by Azul Garcia Griego World Championships 2019 35th
Pidgeotto Control by Jimmy Pendarvis World Championships 2019 63rd
Pidgeotto Control by Michael Pramawat World Championships 2019 82nd
Pidgeotto Control by Caleb Gedemer World Championships 2019 105th
Shedinja Control by Zachary Cooper World Championships 2019 116th
Quagsire Naganadel by Mitchell R. World Championships 2019 (JR) 7th
Shedinja Control by Tristen Pence NAIC 2019, Columbus 80th
Shedinja Control by Marton Skjæveland Regional Jonkoping 9th
Shedinja Control by Marco Cifuentes Meta Regional Santiago 4th
Zoroark Control by Andrew Scott Regional Santa Clara, CA 39th
Zoroark Control by Dylan Gunn Regional Santa Clara, CA 44th
Regigigas Hoopa by Sander Wojcik Regional Bristol 3rd
Sableye Garbodor by Ciaran Farah Regional Hartford, CT 18th
Sableye Garbodor by Matthew Campbell Regional Hartford, CT 34th
Shedinja Control by Pedro Eugenio Torres EUIC 2019, Berlin 60th
Shedinja Control by Jens Arne Mækinen EUIC 2019, Berlin 83rd
Zoroark Control by Alexandre Sole EUIC 2019, Berlin (SR) 5th
Sableye Garbodor by Ryan Pena Regional Daytona Beach, FL 6th
Zoroark Control by Rodrigo Pereda Special Event Peru #2 8th
Zoroark Control by Finn McKeefry Special Event Guatemala 6th
Zoroark Control by Caleb Gedemer Regional Denver, CO 1st
Regigigas Hoopa by Liam Alon Regional Denver, CO 8th
Zoroark Control by Daniel Altavilla Regional Denver, CO 19th
Zoroark Control by Jimmy Pendarvis Regional Denver, CO 24th
Regigigas Hoopa by Zachary Cooper Regional Denver, CO 36th
Regigigas Hoopa by Gregory Smith Regional Denver, CO 51st
Sylveon by Malachi Sparks Regional Collinsville, IL 25th
Sylveon by Caleb Cosby Regional Collinsville, IL 27th
Sylveon by Anthony Strange Regional Collinsville, IL 36th
Hoopa Shuckle by John Mostowy Regional Collinsville, IL 46th
Celebi & Venusaur by Ryne Morgan Regional Collinsville, IL 69th
Vileplume Stall by Michael Catron Regional Collinsville, IL 97th
Lucario & Melmetal Tag Team by かわさきたかふみ Champions League Chiba 2nd
Hoopa Shuckle by Grover Tranca Special Event Peru 7th
Wailord by William Woodard Regional Dallas, TX 58th
Regigigas Hoopa by Sander Wojcik Regional Harrogate 15th
Glaceon Shuckle by Tommi Lahtela Regional Harrogate 43rd
Shuckle Sceptile by Gustavo Wada Special Event Chile #2 7th
Steelix Hoopa by Aaron Morgan Regional Roanoke, VA 19th
Hoopa Shuckle by Carl Sitavi Regional Roanoke, VA 22nd
Regigigas Hoopa by Butch Smith Regional Roanoke, VA 34th
Steelix Hoopa by Justin Bokhari Regional Roanoke, VA 38th
Steelix Hoopa by Edward Khodaei Regional Roanoke, VA 52nd
Regigigas Hoopa by Michael Catron Regional Roanoke, VA 54th
Regigigas Hoopa by Christopher Watkins Regional Roanoke, VA 57th
Shuckle Sceptile by Rob Stephens Regional Roanoke, VA 60th
Regigigas Hoopa by TJ Knowles Regional Roanoke, VA 65th
Zoroark Control by Daniel Altavilla LAIC 2018–19, São Paulo 1st
Zoroark Control by Caleb Gedemer LAIC 2018–19, São Paulo 6th
Zoroark Control by Joe Ruettiger LAIC 2018–19, São Paulo 19th
Zoroark Control by Michael Pramawat LAIC 2018–19, São Paulo 27th
Steelix Hoopa by Nelson Jose Motta Rodrigues LAIC 2018–19, São Paulo 30th
Zoroark Control by Jimmy Pendarvis LAIC 2018–19, São Paulo 33rd
Regigigas Genesect by Felipe Kato LAIC 2018–19, São Paulo 58th
Zoroark Control by Alexandre Sole LAIC 2018–19, São Paulo (SR) 5th
Sableye Garbodor by Brian Miller Regional Portland, OR 24th
Sylveon by Cory Dickman Regional Portland, OR 31st
Sylveon by Landen Kaetler Regional Portland, OR 35th
Sableye Garbodor by Padraic McSwain Regional Portland, OR 43rd
Sylveon by Daniel Rattray Regional Portland, OR 45th
Sylveon by Esteban Sandoval Special Event Chile #1 8th
Sylveon by Jay Young Regional Memphis, TN 31st
Sylveon by Brian Miller Regional Memphis, TN 38th
Sylveon by Hampus Eriksson Regional Offenbach 1st
Steelix Hoopa by Sander Wojcik Regional Offenbach 7th
Zoroark Magcargo by Masaki Takeuchi Champions League Tokyo 32nd
Sylveon by Carl Sitavi Regional Philadelphia, PA 70th
Zoroark Gallade by Masataka Hirano World Championships 2018 11th
Zoroark Gallade by Takuya Yoneda World Championships 2018 22nd
Sylveon by Kyle Lesniewicz NAIC 2018, Columbus 14th
Sylveon by Neil Miller Regional Sheffield 12th
Noivern Zoroark by Haruki Satoyama Japan Championships 2018 2nd
Sableye Garbodor by Kaleb Sommers Regional Salt Lake City, UT 1st
Sylveon by Frank Percic Regional Salt Lake City, UT 9th
Sableye Garbodor by Cristian Sarnataro Regional Sindelfingen 4th
Sylveon by Seb Symonds Regional Sindelfingen 27th
Sylveon by Simon Narode Regional Portland, OR 6th
Sylveon by Sam Chen Regional Portland, OR 11th
Sylveon by Pablo Meza Regional Portland, OR 16th
Sylveon by Spencer Vanderpoel Regional Portland, OR 17th
Sylveon by Kyle Lesniewicz Regional Charlotte, NC 7th
Sylveon by Zack Patterson Regional Charlotte, NC 31st
Wishiwashi Hoopa by Rafael Bascope Special Event La Paz 4th
Sylveon by Zander Bennett Regional Collinsville, IL 59th
Wishiwashi Hoopa by Cohen Grimshaw OCIC 2018, Sydney (SR) 8th
Regigigas Hoopa by Rodrigo Ferreira Regional Sao Paulo 8th
Wobbuffet Hoopa by Steffen Eriksen Regional Leipzig 9th
Sylveon by Jack Old Regional Leipzig 13th
Wobbuffet Hoopa by Sander Wojcik Regional Leipzig 20th
Wobbuffet Hoopa by Vicente Canales Special Event Asuncion 6th
Wishiwashi Hoopa by Yehoshua Tate Regional Memphis, TN 11th
Sylveon by Zander Bennett Regional Memphis, TN 38th
Wailord by Andrew Kennett Regional San Jose, CA 8th
Sableye Garbodor by Manuele Tartaglia Special Event Bilbao 6th
Sylveon by Kyle Lesniewicz Regional Fort Wayne, IN 12th
Sableye Garbodor by Igor Costa Regional Fort Wayne, IN 16th
Sableye Garbodor by Jimmy Pendarvis Regional Fort Wayne, IN 32nd
Seismitoad Giratina by Igor Costa Regional Toronto 4th
Seismitoad Giratina by Michael Del Rosario Regional Toronto 8th
Quad Lapras by James Arnold Regional Roanoke, VA 1st
Sableye Garbodor by Alex Koch Regional Portland, OR 8th
Quad Lapras by Karl Peters Regional Malmö 3rd
Giratina Tauros Garbodor by Nicklas Danielsen Regional Malmö 26th
Houndoom Mill by David Roodhof Regional Sheffield 10th
Houndoom Mill by Joe Yeates Regional Sheffield 14th
Umbreon by Marc Lutz Regional Sheffield 31st
Wailord by Sander Wojcik Dutch Open 2nd
Sableye Garbodor by Alex Koch Regional San Jose, CA 5th
Houndoom Mill by Martin Janous EUIC 2016–17, London 10th
Yveltal Garbodor by Michael Long EUIC 2016–17, London (SR) 3rd
Regice Glaceon Garbodor by Alexander Wagner Regional Dortmund 8th
Giratina Garbodor by Joe Bernard Regional Dortmund 12th
Giratina Garbodor by Günther Kirchhofer Regional Dortmund 28th
Trevenant by Jonathan Crespo Regional Philadelphia, PA 1st
Giratina Garbodor by Robin Schulz Regional Liverpool 4th
Giratina Garbodor by Robin Schulz The SPIEL Special 3rd
Sableye Garbodor by TJ Traquair Regional Phoenix, AZ 8th
Trevenant by Raphael Souto World Championships 2016 (SR) 3rd
Trevenant by Riku Ushirosako World Championships 2016 (JR) 2nd
Seismitoad Giratina by Marcos Garcia US Nationals 2016 2nd
Trevenant by Michael Bergerac US Nationals 2016 6th
Trevenant by Jamie DePamphilis US Nationals 2016 7th
Trevenant by Andrew Krekeler US Nationals 2016 18th
Seismitoad Giratina by Robin Schulz German Nationals 2016 3rd
Seismitoad Giratina by Fabien Pujol French Nationals 2016 5th
Seismitoad by Philip Schulz European Challenge Cup 2016 2nd
Seismitoad Giratina by David Roodhof European Challenge Cup 2016 4th
Manectric Crobat by Tamao Cameron European Challenge Cup 2016 6th
Seismitoad Giratina by Niklas Lehnert-Rappel European Challenge Cup 2016 7th
Seismitoad Giratina by Fatih Akdemir European Challenge Cup 2016 9th
Seismitoad Giratina by Robin Schulz Supernova Blast 4 2nd
Seismitoad Manectric Crobat by Louis Bich Supernova Blast 4 3rd
Seismitoad Giratina by Simone Zucchelli Supernova Blast 4 4th
Seismitoad Giratina by Robin Schulz Arena Cup Würzburg 1st
Trevenant Gengar by Adrian Velasco World Championships 2015 19th
Seismitoad Garbodor by Jason Klaczynski World Championships 2015 26th
Seismitoad Garbodor by Jason Klaczynski US Nationals 2015 1st
Seismitoad Garbodor by Jake Jensen US Nationals 2015 13th
Yveltal Garbodor by Matt Marusik US Nationals 2015 48th
Seismitoad Garbodor by Ryan Grant US Nationals 2015 51st
Seismitoad Manectric Garbodor by Iyla Sutherland US Nationals 2015 61st
Seismitoad Shaymin by Marcus Raj Australian Nationals 2015 2nd
Seismitoad Shaymin by Jordan Palmer Australian Nationals 2015 3rd
Seismitoad Slurpuff by Stéphane Ivanoff French Nationals 2015 2nd
Seismitoad Slurpuff by Karl Peters German Nationals 2015 4th
Seismitoad Slurpuff by Robin Schulz German Nationals 2015 8th
Yveltal Darkrai by Israel Sosa World Championships 2014 26th
Sableye Garbodor by Dustin Zimmerman World Championships 2013 4th
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